Who would like to have Starter/Ignition in GT5

  • Thread starter Guffaluff
This is getting ridiculous now, what are you guys going to suggest next, checking your oil and water before getting in the car?

How is it ridiculous?
Why wouldn't it be totally reasonable to want a feature like that, who wouldn't want to hear what a AC 427 sounds like Firing Up

Hell we do have 6 months to spare.

It's another feature that can be easily implemented and add depth to the game, i love hearing all cars start up, and if you haven't heard a JGT500 car start up, i suggest you tube it.
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omg i wish i can hear.. i am ****ing deaf.. i wanna die. :(

Hey now! Am I gonna have to come give you a hug?!?!

With all the little and big features that are being asked for right now. I begin to wonder.... what will happen if they were all included and the game was released. I wouldn't be surprised that everyone would throw down the controller after a week and say "This isn't the game series I fell in love with."

Come on! They can obviously make and sell great games without damage, without weather and day/night. Yet you all still ask for it. Sure at some point the series needs to evolve, but then more people want it to become more and more a real sim (face it, just because Simulation is in the name doesn't mean it's Simulator, or NEEDS to be a Simulator). GT is Simple. GT should STAY Simple. It's coming out in March 2010 because everyone wanted more than GT has ever had.

If you want realism. Save up, buy a car and go join SCCA/NASA/etc. Now you'll have the ultimate dynamic weather, unmatched graphics, real full-car wear and tear plus damage un-paralled by every game ever. You'll also have to pay for gas, and repairs plus all the pit crew etc. etc.

It's a GAME Game's are supposed to be fun. SIM's are not fun, I don't want GT5 or any future GT game to even touch being a SIM.
I certainly wouldn't mind the feature -- I feel like the ability to stall a car is a very real and important aspect to driving. It won't happen often once you get the hang of it.

GT5P already has a decent simulation when you use a clutch since it will 'stall' on you if you let the clutch out too fast without any gas. I don't see why having to press an 'Engine start' button would be a huge pain.
Same here....:D
this is getting ridiculous now, what are you guys going to suggest next, checking your oil and water before getting in the car? Making sure your mot is up to date on your cars before going on any of the road tracks, maybe you have to find the keys you misplaced in the garage before the race, maybe there should be speed cameras to avoid and a congestion charge has to be paid in advance before going on the london track.

It's all going to lead to trouble when the game comes out and people will be moaning as they cant enjoy the game any more as there's too much in there to worry about or they cant get round the track without ruining the handling with the damage and aggressive ai.

I would rather see the ability to actually make RACE livery's for the cars. I mean they've got animated racing pit crews, and a field of 16 cars that all look stock.

Racing Livery editor is so badly needed to make this look like a racing game.
I was just playing GTR Evolution the other day, and I love how you can stall the engine if you're not careful enough, and have to start it up again. I started thinking that it might be a cool feature for GT5 to have, of course only when playing with with clutch :).

It shouldn't be a hard thing to add if they recorded the ignition sounds of the cars. Would really add to the realism of the game and I´d just love to hear those big V10/V12 engines start up :drool:

Sorry if this subject has come up before, I tried searching but found nothing, so feel free to lock this thread if it is an old subject :).

It would be a nice little feature. There's two buttons on the G25 Shifter (the red buttons) that are pretty much rendered useless, at least for now (GT5P). Still though, i don't think its necessary to create another thread for this.

If I could get this sound on GT5, I don't mind starting and shutting down my car every now and then just to hear the sound :drool:


Pretty awesome sounding car!👍 To bad GT5 will not have sound like that! I really would like PD to prove me wrong though!
I think it would be a fun feature, but i think you would have to be given the option of wheather or not you wanted to use it. Ive misshifted/droped the clutch plenty of times durring a race, though you drop into neutral, it is easy to find a gear and continue racing without loosing much speed. If your car stalled every time you dumped the clutch it would be a huge pain.
Most of the comments on the first page, and probably second, are just absolutely rediculous guys!
I would like it in GT5. It cant be to hard to implement, I'm sure in Toca RD 3 you could stall when using the clutch. I really like the feature in the GTR games and feel it adds to that overall sense of immersion in the game.
I love how people complain about the rewind feature of being unrealistic, but when it comes to realistic features, they just dismiss them as stupid. 👍
Lots of negative comments... probably gamepad players.
Personally I'd vote yes, but let's get real, we didn't even get working reverse lights...

GT5 has physics simulation, we dont want it to be FULL FULL simulation. Next you will be asking it to have voice recognition and the requirement to properly talk to pitcrew to request tyres etc

GT5 has physics simulation, we I dont want it to be FULL FULL simulation. Next you will be asking it to have voice recognition and the requirement to properly talk to pitcrew to request tyres etc

We? Don't you mean I?

Oh, well... In case you are right, then I have lost my hopes for Gran Turismo 5: The not so Real Driving Simulator. 👎
We? Don't you mean I?

Oh, well... In case you are right, then I have lost my hopes for Gran Turismo 5: The not so Real Driving Simulator. 👎

I feel the same way, so yes We

If you like all the other real features go play a real simracer. GT has always been a balance of simplicity and realism. Sure the feature under discussion is real, but it make the driving more complex, thus taking away from the enjoyment of it. You have to worry about a hundred things and not just the car. I think every real racer would give their left leg to get to race 80 laps and never once have to worry about their car. And I certainly dont like having to worry about stuff in my game, 'cause eventually it stresses me out and I'm no longer relaxing.

If you want stalls keep playing GTR Evo, features like that really have no place in the Gran Turismo series imo.
It shouldn't have to be mandatory, could be an on/off option in the menu. I´m no programmer, but I can't imagine that it's a hard thing to code.

Anyways, I never meant for this thread to be so hot, this was just a thought. I do realize that this feature won't be in the game, but one can wonder without being ridiculed, right? I mean this IS the GT5 forum 💡

I don't mind the negative comments, as long as you give reasons why you wouldn't want this feature, but most of the answers on the first page are a disgrace for this forum.
If you want the game to be able to simulate the use of clutches, for those who play with a G25, for example, then it is imperative for there to be a function within the game which allows for a car's engine to be turned on, once the engine has stalled for example. An ignition deffinately isn't mere eye-candy... it's presence is imperative in a car, and if PD want to make the best driving simulation, which is what I and, by the sounds of it, many other also anticipate then this functionality is needed. OK it shall only play a minute role in adding to the realism, but it adds to it all the same... and I should think that it is fairly simple to implement... much easier than writing the code for starting up a racing car for example... the function merely needs to be simple... a nothing more, nothing less situation.
The feature I'd like to have is being able to choose a girl to be your co-driver, and the further you are in the game, the more girls you unlock. I can even see the mini-game "scare the hell out of her", based on this video below:

I like the idea.

Even without a clutch, on the controller, you could make this work.

Just add the ability to select Neutral as a gear... and use the accelerator button as a starter... you won't be able to start... obviously... if the car is still in gear... or it'll jerk and won't start.

Hmmmm... we could do a starter motor race that way... :lol:

In real life, if you spin out... if you don't press in the clutch... the engine dies. Simple. If you don't want the engine to die... don't spin out. :lol:
It sounds really cool but it is completely and utterly unnecessary. The same goes for reverse lights and turn signals; just pointless.
I'd definitely like to see an ignition implemented in GT5. I know it's not necessary but it would add another REAL driving element to the game.
The feature I'd like to have is being able to choose a girl to be your co-driver, and the further you are in the game, the more girls you unlock. I can even see the mini-game "scare the hell out of her", based on this video below:

HAHAHAHAH...that's a good one!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would love GT to have such a feature, especially for clutch users. Not a big detail, but in GT Legends you can even jump start the car by popping the clutch as it's rolling down a hill, just like in real life. Very cool detail.
The feature I'd like to have is being able to choose a girl to be your co-driver, and the further you are in the game, the more girls you unlock.

Are you Crazy bro have you ever driven with a mad frightened woman by your side:lol: She will yell the focus right out of you. :lol:

Ladies, im not talking in general, only the scurrrrdy cats.

I don't get this one though, her man is a Race Driver, she has no faith in him.:lol: She seems to be really scared of the rumble strips.

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