Who's a good democrat ?

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Ultraextreme sanity
I was struck by the paucity of Democratic candidates when I looked at Arwins thread on the candidate watch. Who is out there that would make a good and ELECTABLE candidate for the democrats ? What needs to happen for the Democrats to win ?
I like Zal Miller...he's a good Democrat. :D

No - he's a ********.

Viper Zero
What needs to happen for the Democrats to win?

Donkeys learn to fly.

See, this is why people don't like Republicans. You aren't even some top-level Tucker Carlson-like Republican, you're a 19-year-old who thinks he knows everything! And rather than furthering the cause, you're just angering people who don't support you! I was proud to support John Thune not because of but in spite of people like you who, fortunately, never will have to understand the compromise involved in public office.
The one Democrat I would like to see in office in 2008 is Barack Obama. He is the new Illinois Senator. He won by a 68% to 32% margin, but then again, the guy he was running against was a facsist. He would definately get the African-American vote, but not the south. Colin Powell would be a good candidate for president, too. I would vote for either of them in 2008, since I will be 21 then! Before the democrats send them up to the plate, though, they'd better think long and hard about the fact that they are afro-american... personally, I don't care, but most of america (sepecially the south) does care.
Democrats might win if they start telling the truth about their own stance on things, especially domestically. Internationally, particularly in Iraq, there would've been little difference between Bush and Kerry.

Democrats should just be honest and say they want centralized government control over health care and education. They should just say they want to raise taxes because the government can spend on the welfare of society better than individuals can choose to. They should just admit that their philosophy is that more government is better government. They should come right out and say that the rich shuld pay more taxes because they can afford it. They should just admit that on their watch the minority will always have veto power over the majority when it comes to social issues. Admit that they are liberal, the opposite of conservative. Those are the fundemental differences. But for some reason they won't say it. I suspect it's because America isn't buying it, so they re-phrase it as "Republicans hate gays and blacks. Republicans love death and are going to force you to die in a war by drafting you. Republicans hate poor people and want them to die in the streets. Republicans hate old people and want them to eat dog food while they can't afford their medication...." Etc.

All the Democrats can do is attempt to scare people away from the Republican party. It hasn't always been this way. They don't have to change, except maybe to not nominate the most liberal in their ranks for president. They just have to stop lying.
If they did what you suggest Mile they would lose.

I heard some statistics recently that scared me to no end. The guy that put together the statistics was giving a talk in my area and I heard some of the results. I met the guy and he's very well educated about statistics and how they can be cooked and he explained his methodology to me and it seems fair.

Anyway the scary part is that he said that less than 5% of voters are libertarian on the issues (regardless of how they identify themselves). He said, get this, the the mainstream American voter is... I can hardly bring myself to say it...

Liberal on fiscal issues and conservative on social issues.

If that's true it partially explains why Bush won and it speaks poorly about our future.
So all the Dems have to do is be a little more judgemental (to others besides Republicans) and they've got it in the bag.
There certainly is a difference between Dems and Reps at the moment though.

I like what I hear coming from Bush right now.

Reform tax code 👍
Start doing something about the social security mess 👍
Start doing something about frivolous medical lawsuits 👍

Kerry's platform on those three things was the exact opposite.
Liberal on fiscal issues...
"The public majority will always vote themselves bread and circuses." -Robert Heinlein
...and conservative on social issues.
It's always easier to forbid someone to do something than it is to deal with them doing it.
If that's true it partially explains why Bush won and it speaks poorly about our future.
Agreed - which is why I've voted Libertarian since 1984.