Why all the hate against rap??Music 

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Originally posted by MazKid
Puffy, we never said that they have no style, we said that they have little or no talent...get it right next time.

my bad i meant talent, and well thay do have more style than rockers
Rockers don't need style, their talent more than makes up for it...

Rappers need all the style they can get cause they have a lack of talent....
so you are telling me that rockers wear pink pants and mascara just because, it's not a style thing huh
Infallible-don't bring religoin into this, it doesn't belong here. I myself am a religious minority...well compared to the world...and I frankly couldn't care less what religion people are, my family doesn't keep kosher, doesn't go to temple more than twice a year, all we do is celebrate the main holidays like Honuka and Yom Kippor and Rosh Hashuna....

"at least they're Christian" WTF does that mean? Are you saying that Christians are better than the world? With the current actions of key people in church these days, I don't think saying "at least they're Christian" is that good of a thing...look at the crime rates, Christians do more crimes than other religious groups, don't even try denying that you can't. I'm Jewish so you know, and I don't belive in any one or anything, I don't need someone to blame for my problems like most people....
Pink pants and Mascara? who are you talking about? the bands I listen to don't wear that stuff...

All the bass in your car....so you're one of those guys who thinks that they are super cool to be in a car with it rattling and sounding like crap, ohh that is cool...

Rock has a good amount of bass....rap needs bass to be music.
k dude i'm done, all this **** is giving me a headache, and sorry about the pink pants and mascara **** i hate rock so i don't know much about it , the pink pant thing came up because i was thinking of that one scary dude Marilyn Manson(freaky guy)
they are totally different to people that actually listen to it...that would be like me saying that R&B is the same as rap...
Well guys puffy is a jock, to look better he has to listen to the hip stuff....
I can find good things in all kinds of music. Don't matter if it's rap or rock or anything in between. Why can't you guys do that?

I like rap. So what? Does it make me a bad person?

I hope not.
Originally posted by Viper Zero

I like rap. So what? Does it make me a bad person?

Boo! You suck! You're a horrible person for liking something that's not rock....:mad:

Actually, there's not a damn thing wrong with you for liking rap.;)
It's kind of ridiculous that some of you have such a strong level of hatred for a genre of music...:nervous:
it goes back to the 70s, i guess...

Punks were kicking rapper's asses, it's still that way now (kind of...)
there's this hate going on between those 2 type of music... it's lfe, much like there's still some people who laugh at gay people...
Originally posted by PunkRock
it goes back to the 70s, i guess...

Punks were kicking rapper's asses, it's still that way now (kind of...)
there's this hate going on between those 2 type of music... it's lfe, much like there's still some people who laugh at gay people...
It's like D12 having a major grudge against Limp Bizkit, just listen to track 19 on D12's Devils Night album, all they do is diss Limp Bizkit
I never said that something is wrong with people who like rap...I was simply stating facts and correcting Puffy
People who listen to rap to fit in are affraid to be them selves, people who listen to what they want and dont care if they are outsiders or what ever do what they like (well me for example)
True F2002...most peolle at my school listen to punk or rap, in my Design/crafts class today we were listening to the radio, it was on a rap station then one person changed it to rock and people started screaming lol...then it was on a commercial break and one loud girl said "We don't wanna hear talk!!!" and me and other people said "Then why were we listening to rap?" and that shut them up...
Originally posted by MazKid
True F2002...most peolle at my school listen to punk or rap, in my Design/crafts class today we were listening to the radio, it was on a rap station then one person changed it to rock and people started screaming lol...then it was on a commercial break and one loud girl said "We don't wanna hear talk!!!" and me and other people said "Then why were we listening to rap?" and that shut them up...

Hehe, good game!
Originally posted by MazKid
Well guys puffy is a jock, to look better he has to listen to the hip stuff....

**** you man, i just listen to what moves me and what i grew up around.
maz kid, way to just blow something out of proportiong there bud. way ta go. i almost feel like retaliating to your idiotic comment about my little religion bit. hey guess what, if you would have read the posts right infront of my little post, maybe you would have realized the sad little amount of humor in it, or not, you are a jew.

what are you trying to insinuate by your little

I don't need someone to blame for my problems like most people....


the reason christians have a higher crime rate then other religions is because the majority of the world is christian. wow, what a conclusion. you're just batting a 1000 today huh
becuase puffy is a jock he has to listen to rap........right

quite frankly i'm amazed at how protective you people are over your stinkin music. good god it's just tunes!!!

and all of you anti rap fellows still havn't given a good reason for not liking it. You said that rappers had no talent, well that's the rappers not the music. i'm still waiting for a good answer
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