I completely agree with the OP as well as a few others here. I don't understand what the deal is with SMS and their "over aggressive" approach with the AI vehicles. This problem is in both Shift-1 and S2U. The AI in Shift-1 however is far more aggressive than you find in S2U.
Still.., the same problem has been carried over with the latest version. To those of you who cannot pick out "rubber-banding" AI.., well I don't know what else to say on that matter. The AI in S2U "does" rubber-band. It's the combination of rubber-banding and adaptive AI that messes things up. S2U is an excellent example IMO of what all can go wrong with the AI when you combine these two elements, and then do it poorly.
With the original Shift it was easier IMO to deal with the AI. First rule of thumb with the original Shift was simple. BACK OFF AT THE FIRST TURN. The first turn on nearly every race often turned out to be one big cluster-****. If you backed off on the first turn and let the AI beat the snot out of each other.., well it was fairly easy sailing from that point..., but still challenging.
S2U's AI is certainly over aggressive. They WILL come right off the driving line to ram your ass into a wall or off the track. I keep seeing people post that it's almost always YOUR fault.., and that's complete bulls***. I can't count the number of replays that I've watched where the AI was at fault and "intentionally" slammed into me. I have no problem going back and accepting the incidents that were my fault (as there were some).., but 99% of the problem was the AI being stupid, and just down right over aggressive.
The problem is that RULES do not apply here as they should. Many of the childish bullsh** tactics by the AI would result in REAL LIFE PENALTIES. So much of the nonsense portrayed by the AI will get drivers disqualified. There's nothing wrong with "rubbing".., as any racing fan will tell you "that's part of racing".., but there is a very fine line between rubbing and flat out rule breaking.
Another problem I've noticed is that the AI "do not" in many cases give YOU space. You so often see people post that YOU were crowding the AI, and that's why there was contact. In some cases that's true.., BUT the AI is probably the BIGGEST offender on that issue alone.
You can be coming cleanly into a turn, or even down a straight and an AI car will plow right through you on the inside of a turn making contact unavoidable. They'll come off the driving line to brake check you, ram you, ect. The AI doesn't properly yield to YOUR position at times. You're expected to not crowd the AI and race cleanly.., but the AI sure as hell doesn't stick to this format.
I also see one of the same problems with S2U that was in the original Shift. At times you don't feel like you're racing. Rather it appears that the AI car's aren't in it to win the race.., but to use dirty tactics to keep YOU from winning. Just like Shift-1.., the AI in S2U will appear to "gang up" on you. It's very childish and FAR from realism.
There's also the issue of "determining fault". It appears that the system in S2U for determining "fault during contact" is just as flawed as the original. Often it seems that it just sees contact as just that. Even if the contact was the fault of the AI.., the system seems to just read it as general contact and the blame goes to you. I've have many races where the AI clearly made contact with me.., but then the AI just responded as if I was the one who made the contact.
Probably one of the most unacceptable problems present in S2U is "magnetic cars". I am shocked that ANY developer or publisher would allow this type of glitch to go unpatched. Having to deal with sloppy steering lag and over aggressive AI is hard enough during a race.., but races constantly getting destroyed because cars become "stuck together" (even from the lightest rub) is just disgraceful. That alone is a game-breaker.
I've gone back to playing Shift-1. Sure the graphics aren't as pretty, and there is no night racing. Yeah.., the AI is aggressive.., but Shift-1 is WAY more of a finished game than S2U. They had such a good foundation started with the original Shift as well. All they had to do was tighten up the physics engine, add a few tracks, ect. Instead they try and rebuild the game from the ground up in 2 years. It IMO was a huge mistake to introduce a new (non consumer tested) physics engine into S2U. Shift 1 was so close.., but with S2U.., it seems that every step forwarded resulted in a step backwards. It's very disturbing to see that EA pulled the plug so soon on this title. SHAME SHAME SHAME.
**On a side note.., just to show that I'm not a hater on this title. I've clearly shown my support for the Shift series. I own Shift 1 on the Xbox and PS3. I own S2U on the Xbox and PS3.., and I even have the original Shift game on my iPod. Not to mention all the DLC I've purchased too. I've invested HUNDREDS of dollars into this series. I feel completely let down by both SMS and EA.**