Why do you love Gran Turismo?

  • Thread starter hot_wheelz
With a good wheel it really feels like you're experiencing *something* close to reality. It's a way to stare at and hear cars I'll never get close to owning in real life, and to do things with them no sane owner would ever do.
I love the graphics and the realism of this game. With the DFGT, it feels even much closer to reality. The feeling of understeer is so real. I tried accelerating hard with my own FWD car at a corner and the feeling is almost the same. Too bad I do not have a 4wd or RWD car to test out with.. :lol: and lastly, it is exclusive to PS3.

I love gt because it makes... well, alot of fun^^

when i bought shift, i played it few days, till i beat the nfs world league. Somehow, i wasnt satisfied with that game, something was missing...

then i started gt5p, took the F430 out at suzuka and made a couple of laps. Then i knew what was missing: This feeling of driving a car, going to your limits, fighting the time, etc

It was so rewarding when I had beaten my personl lap record.

I dont know, I only get that kind of impressions when im karting
All you have said is what make GT series the best, graphics, simulation, love for detail... but I want think that the best is the feeling, you FEEL like racing. And other thing that I haven't read here: the control, you can play it with a steer and it's wonderful, but when playing with the dualsahock there is no other game that gives me a the sensation of control and that the car is doing what I want, not what it wants...
And that's why I love GT.

Damn bro, that was deep.:guilty: :(

Ibeen playing GT2 recently, but on PC emu's, cause im running Ubuntu so its not really ideal for PC games. Just gotta say wow, GT came a long way, GT2 was only 10 years ago.

but when playing with the dualsahock there is no other game that gives me a the sensation of control and that the car is doing what I want, not what it wants...

Yeah, especially with the DS3, the R2 L2 levers are great for Gas and Brakes, they give a good range of control and allow for consistency.
Gran Turismo is the only video game that makes me actually feel that I'm driving a car.
I've played dozens of other car/racing games but they just don't compare to GT. It's a unique experience I don't find in any other racing game. The freedom you get in the GT mode also adds to that.
I like GT (and other racing sims) because I LOVE CARS (and trucks). Period. There is about 500 cars that I will never drive in my life that shows up in these games...so driving those virtually will be my passion for those.
It's already been said but I love the series for the CARS! I knew I was going to be hooked after playing the first GT on PSone!
Because in reality I will probably never drive a Ferrari F2007 or Enzo or Subaru WRC car or Nissan GTR. And in reality I would absolutely love to. Since I cannot, GT provides an experience that comes close to reality.
I started out playing driving games when they came out with "Night Driver" the arcade game I was hooked. I can't say how many quarters I have plunked into those arcade machines but moved on to Nintendo's pixelated "Grand Prix". Then I moved on to PC games since the graphics were much more advanced and the option of using a wheel. I started out with Midtown Madness, Colin Mcrea, Toca Race Driver 2, CART Precision Racing, and my last PC Game was Grand Prix the only problem was I always had to update drivers and a lot of times couldn't get the games to work and conflicts with wheel configurations. Then my nephew introduced me to GT with his PS1 the graphics wasn't up to PC standards.

Then came PS2 with GT4 and I was hooked since I got the 900 degree wheel never looked back to PC gaming. I gave all my PC driving games away. Now I intentionally bought the PS3 just to play GT5p. I have tried other driving games like F1ce, Need for Speed, Ferrari Challenge, Dirt 1&2 even tried Xbox Forza but I keep coming back to Grand Trurismo.

I guess it is more than a love for cars, but more like a love affair with this game called Grand Turismo that keeps you coming back for more. It may get old but the passion for the ultimate driving experience never dies. You just wake up one day and you get this urge to drive. So I go back and setup my "RIGG" in front of my TV and meet up with my online friends and race. From this experience I have discovered GTplanet and have found even more passionate people that share the same passion for the game. Through this forum I have found a LAN event that meets twice a year that plays GT4 and have made some new friends.

Some would say or make fun of, that I should get out more or get a life. But I do have a life, a job, a wonderful wife and two kids. I just expect GT to be a part of my life now and in the future. This is why I think I love Grand Turismo.

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Why do I love Gran Turismo? Great question and I've never been asked that thanks. So why do I, I love cars and no game has mirrored cars to their exact existence as well as KY, PD, and the good folks at Sony did and continue to do. It's a game like no other racing game and each and every GT in the series has detailed every car to be more along the lines of a scale simulation of a car and not so much a video game. The wide variety of cars one can have in the garage is breathtaking. Gran Turismo, next to the Madden series (which I've been playing since the 90's) is the only game title I am fully devoted and will continue to be so as new versions become available. GT is for car people and car people are for GT, it's a perfect harmony. No matter what car it may be just pressing on the accelerator and going up and down in the gearbox is just pure Nirvana on Gran Turismo's! I've yet to play the PSP version but like all other GT's I'm going to and will have it, if only my cellular supported the mobile version.

*Also the in-depth tuning of Gran Turismo is unrivlaed, though the Forza's and other noteworthy titles come close, they don't compare to Gran Turismo.
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I love GranTurismo because of the memories. I remember watching my dad play GT2 back when I was still in Elementary school. I always wanted to play, but I was terrible at it, infact I never got good at the game until bout a year after GT4 came out. Whenever I'm drivin around in my Ranger and a song comes on the radio that was in GT2, I have a flashback to me going the wrong way on High Speed Ring and running into the other cars, that was all I could do then. Now I could run rings round my dad on GT, but whenever I watch him play by himself, It takes me back to when I was nine and watching my dad play GT2 on the PS1. I also love GranTurismo because you can tune up a Honda Odyssey to take on a supercar!
Welcome to GTP. I love Gran Turismo for the attention to detail and the love for cars that PD gives the series. You can see their enthusiasim for cars, its like an artform to them, and that results in the most realistic car and track models. Its not all about high speed crashes and painting your cars with graphics, its about the realism and details of the cars right down to the stitching on the leather. Gran Turismo cars and race tracks are pretty much blueprints to the real deal. Its nice seeing the love and art that PD shows for automobiles.
A dig at Forza eh? For the record, Forza 3 interiors show stitching on the leather, and its real-life tracks are also blueprints to the real deal. Turn 10 show just as much love and dedication to the genre, so much so that they also appreciate the racing element too, AND are able to get the game out to fans on time.

No, I'm not a Forza fanboy. I'm a diplomatic realist who sees things for what they are.
A dig at Forza eh? For the record, Forza 3 interiors show stitching on the leather, and its real-life tracks are also blueprints to the real deal. Turn 10 show just as much love and dedication to the genre, so much so that they also appreciate the racing element too, AND are able to get the game out to fans on time.

No, I'm not a Forza fanboy. I'm a diplomatic realist who sees things for what they are.

LOL @ you bringing Forza into the conversation somehow, and making assumptions and twisting what I said into something else. You highlighted me saying "Gran Turismo is not all about high speed crashes and painting your cars with graphics, its about the realism and details of the cars right down to the stitching on the leather". I guess from your perspective that was a dig at Forza, so you're saying Forza is the only racing game to have high speed crashes and custom paintjobs? Why does everything have to revolve around Forza for some of you people. If anything it was directed more towards the NFS and Midnight Club series, and it wasn't even a dig at them, as they have their own style of racing game. My point that I was getting at is that Polyphony Digital shows their love for cars through Gran Turismo by revolving around the accuracy and realism of the cars like its an artform, and not so much on the flashy crashes and paintjobs. Again, nothing to do with Forza.

And me taking a dig at Forza makes no sense considering I'm buying it for my roommates 360. My point was, PD treats cars like artwork and have a passion and enthusiasim for automobiles that sets them apart from others. Way to somehow bring Forza into the conversation though.

So enlighten me with another ignorant response.
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A dig at Forza eh? For the record, Forza 3 interiors show stitching on the leather, and its real-life tracks are also blueprints to the real deal. Turn 10 show just as much love and dedication to the genre, so much so that they also appreciate the racing element too, AND are able to get the game out to fans on time.

No, I'm not a Forza fanboy. I'm a diplomatic realist who sees things for what they are.

Have you seen your past posts? Not a Forza fanboy? Anyone with 1st grade reading level can show how you always defend Forza and take jabs at Gran Turismo. Diplomatic realist? :lol:

Look at Forza 2 and Forza 3. They are basically identical. Dedication? Love? Physics are still flawed and same as Forza 2. Racing elements? If you think coloring your car, putting spoilers on it, and making a loud generic sound racing elements.....? The game is out to the fans because it doesn't take a lot of time to create a "Painting Cars for Dummies" on the same engine as last year. Just slap a few bolts to it and add WD-40 and you are good to go.
Forza 3 is basically Forza 2 with essence of GT added. It's probably going to be very good. However, GT5 is probably going to be so good, it's not going to be "which one's better," it''s going to be "How much better is GT than Forza?" that's fine with me, I play Forza all the time.
A dig at Forza eh? For the record, Forza 3 interiors show stitching on the leather, and its real-life tracks are also blueprints to the real deal. Turn 10 show just as much love and dedication to the genre, so much so that they also appreciate the racing element too, AND are able to get the game out to fans on time.

No, I'm not a Forza fanboy. I'm a diplomatic realist who sees things for what they are.

Sometimes I wonder why you even post on this forum... :dunce:
it gives me kind of exciting, cool, damn-good feeling when I finally manage a gold license test for example... and it is just an awesome game!
especially playing it online with friends and parallel talking to them via headset!
40% the cars
40% the racing
15% the people. yeah, thats you guys.
5% the waiting. thats right. as much as I hate it. and i hated it with GT4 and GT3, theres a certain appeal to the drip drab of info. Also the detective work to find that new info.

I was always a racing and car fan, so I always liked racing games too. Then I had a chance of playing GT2 and had a lot of fun with it. I didn't have a ps1 back then, so I would play in my friend's house. That, along with PES games and Driver were our favourites. Then we found out about the simulation mode (I know it sounds retarded, but neither of us spoke any English, so it wasn't that intuitive). In other words, I loved it because it was the best racing game available.

Nowadays the reason why I like is because I know I'll never be able to race in a real track with a super sports car, so GT is the closest thing I'll ever have, and that's why I so happy they haven't gone the arcadey route
I just love the amount of cars the series has. Not to mention I love availability of used cars that you can buy and race. Being able to take cars that you can't afford and cars that you own in real life to race tracks all around the world. Also love how amazingly accurate their real world track recreations are. I still love taking cars out to the Nurburgring on GT4 just to drive around. The graphics and car modeling are second to none. Forza is a great series but it still lacks other aspects of racing like Rally, Snow Cross, wet tracks and night racing. If GT5 implements dynamic weather and day/night cycles, it would definitely set a new standard for racing games.
The Gran Turismo series has always been the most real to me. By that I don't mean the graphics, physics, or such, but the attention to detail these guys are willing to go through with their car modeling. I mean, for 60% to be the priority for car modeling is huge, very huge. Granted, there are other simulators out there that may very well "seem" to care as much, but knowing Kaz and his passion for cars and racing, it's like an unbelievable chemistry.

Somehow, I feel the connection between Kaz and his games. It shows by how his games would include every aspect of automobile racing like motorbikes, rally, F1, road, GT and now drifting. He even honors the old classic cars by including the likes of the useless carriages in GT4, and concepts that had not been or soon to be in production. Also, how they would include hundreds of cars must mean something. GT2 had over 500! and I don't think any other developers out there would go through that for a racing game as early as the ps1 days.

The thing is, the first Gran Turismo opened up a whole new world. No other games before would even attempt to recreate realistic driving physics, let alone in a system as limited as the PS1. This includes their trademark for including a huge amount of cars. They've set the bar and I know Kaz is not just going to drop it and let others take that away. It'll be like Sony giving up to the Insignia company.

I guess in conclusion it's just because I really feel the connection between the passion and how Kaz/PD incorporates that into the game. It's something I don't feel in other games, and this is a real, honest response from me.