WHY do you want to kill your BOB?

I'm not mad even though with a car 700 more hp at lvl10 has to be babysitted even though it's mostly a huge straightaway, would you kill your bob if their name was the T.Stig?
WOW~ THat's a good one~!!!
Wish I had a driver with same name...
Stig..... mmmmmm....


(his siut must be white? ^^)
B-spec is totally flawed IMHO.
How can my brand new lvl 0 Bob be cuting laps 1.5 sec faster than my lvl 30 Bob. Not just a one off but for an entire 22 lap race. New Bob had both physical and mental strength lvls at 0% by lap 5, yet cut his fastest time on lap 18 or 19.
Lvl 0 Bob...Fastest lap- 39.7 total time 16.02
Lvl 30 Bob..Fastest lap 41.2 total time 16.32
For the record, after Lvl 0 Bob posted a 39.9 on his second lap, I thought something was up so I wrote everything down as it happen and kept him right on the center bar.
Same deal for lvl 30 Bob.

Well done PD. Not