Miley's super-talented, intelligent and charismatic.
Since escaping the Disney corporate machine, she's now paid
vast amounts of money to do whatever the hell she feels like doing. I did get a chuckle from the related feminism thread, where inbetween the constant stream of circuitous straw-man arguments and opinion dressed up as fact, it's been implied that wearing what she wants and doing what she wants without fear of judgement is somehow un-feminist. Nnnnope.
It's not like she's wandering around doing things for the sake of doing them. She has a shrewd public relations team and she knows
exactly what she's doing. She is playing her particular game very well indeed.
Hey you. You there. Yes, you. You, who despite not being her target market, are inexplicably sat at your computer talking about her. Hi. People talk like she's the first entertainer to do something shocking for attention.
It's all rendered kinda moot anyway, since whether some people like her or not isn't going to stop her making more money than she knows what to do with. She's not Paris Hilton. She's not Kim Kardashian. She's not famous for the sake of being famous. There's substance behind her, and if wearing hot pants / S&M gear / nothing / riding industrial machinery [delete as applicable] is how she wants to express herself, so be it.
tl;dr Yeah she does some weird things, but she's talented so it's fine.