It's interesting that when someone is in a relationship with a partner significantly younger than them, it's assumed that it's primarily about physical appearance for them.
And when someone is in a relationship with a partner significantly older than them, it's assumed that it's primarily about something other than physical appearance for them.
We accept that people can be in relationships where physical appearance isn't a primary concern in general principle, but when it's someone dating down people seem to find it almost inconceivable that it might be the case. Which I suspect is rather more about projecting their own feelings than any objective observations.
I know you didn't quote this being responsive to me, but in case this is directed at me, I'll remind you about this post:
Yea it's totally possible that he's not a pedophile. I just think the odds are he is - specifically I mean attracted to child-like appearance.
I can accept that some people have relationships that are not about physical appearance. I also don't assume that just because someone is older, maybe even significantly older, or unattractive to most, doesn't mean that the relationship is NOT about physical appearance in any capacity.
But a child is more than just physical appearance, no? I don't think you can take physical appearance as the only relevant defining characteristic of a child.
Of course not. Actually physical appearance has nothing to do with whether someone is a child.
Dating a woman that looks like a child doesn't make you a pedophile, it just makes you look like one.
It's not entirely dispositive, but I think it's a strong indicator. Just like dating a man, if you're a man, might not be dispositive for defining you as gay, but it is a strong indicator. Whether someone is actually a child is not the point when defining pedophilia. In fact, I would go so far as to define pedophilia as being attracted to child-like characteristics, rather than children per se. I would wager that if someone is a child but doesn't have child-like characteristics, a person who is attracted to them is actually not a pedophile, despite being attracted to a child.
Let's pretend for a moment that I'm attracted to a man who looks extremely feminine. Does that make me gay? I'd argue that it's the characteristics of attraction that define gay, rather than the actual gender itself. If I'm attracted to feminine characteristics, being male, that makes me heterosexual. If someone is attracted to a drawing of a child, because of child-like characteristics, that makes them a pedophile, regardless of the fact that what they're attracted to is actually marks on a piece of paper and not an actual child.
The problem with pedophilia isn't that children look like they do. It's that they're inexperienced and vulnerable to manipulation and coercion in ways that adults are not, and that people who would take advantage of this can do staggering amounts of damage.
Of course. And that's why pedophilia isn't a problem in this case.
If you think that there's value in defining pedophiles as people attracted to a specific physical look, then I'd ask what value you think that brings. I think there's value in having a term to define people who are romantically or sexually attracted to actual children in general, because that's where the harm lies.
Children come in a wide range of appearances. An 8 year old child generally has a very different appearance than a 12 year old or a 16 year old despite all of them being children.
If anything, legally we could use some more refined definition, because an adult who coerces a 17 year old poses a different kind of social risk than an adult who is coerces an 8 year old. I don't know the details of sentencing in US law for these kinds of cases, but I would hope that we treat them significantly differently. I know that edge cases, where say the adult was 18 would be treated differently. But I would hope that we would assess the risk differently for an adult of any age.
I don't think that your definition of pedophilia brings a great deal of value because it lumps too much together that is meaningfully distinct. We could probably find a 16 year old (likely on instagram this second) that is sexually attractive to a huge percentage of people worldwide. I'm confident we could not do the same for an 8 year old. Defining pedophilia based on the legal definition of adult/child would eliminate essentially all meaningful distinction in this category. Going from a specific kind of attraction, often associated with some kind of past trauma, and very rarely associated someone who can consent, all the way to a kind of attraction that applies to a huge swath of the population, not particularly correlated with trauma, and usually correlated with someone who can consent.
I think someone like F1nnst5r can probably be used as an analogy here - the dude passes extremely well as an attractive woman, visually at least. He's not trans, he just crossdresses because he likes it and it makes him a lot of money to do it basically full-time. If he had a girlfriend, does that mean she's gay? That doesn't seem sensible.
If she's attracted to feminine characteristics, it would, at least in that respect. I think that's the only sensible way to define it. When it comes down to it, as
@Famine likes to say, nobody can tell what you have in your pants. You can be attracted to a photo of a person, but you don't know their gender (unless it's a very explicit photo). You're attracted to the characteristics of the person in the photo, and often that attraction lines up with characteristics associated with gender. If you're attracted to feminine characteristics and you're female, that would make you gay.
And there's zero wrong with that.