Why was SrRd RacinG banned?

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^ I know, but even all that spam on the chatroom. It still boggles me to comprehend. :boggled:
Sooooo, he was on drugs then, he? LOL
No seriously, I feel pretty stupid now, yes, I am ashamed of the fact that I protected him.
Oh wells, lesson learned, next time shut up. :P

Edit: Oh Jordan, will he be able to visit the site for at least some days just to see this thread? Just interested...

Edit2: Hm, I believe I understand now why he was confused being banned. He sort of played the "GTFO"-game (as stupid as it sounds), which, for me, is really absurd and stupid. I really believe he found that funny, not actually inteding to hurt people but at the same time not actually realizing that he ACTUALLY DID and at the same time abusing the AUP heavily. Then he was banned without an infraction as I understand it, and that is, what he can not understand/live with.

IF these were the only few days, where he acted like this, THEN MAYBE a HUGE infraction would be enough, but well, I trust the moderators here and guess that there is even more to this story.
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And that's why I can't be bothered with chat rooms. Good ban! I don't think that could be more justified. He was already on my ignore list anyway as his posts were often irritating and unpleasant.
...And now you cuss in a chatroom and get banned? Aren't these punishments a little harsh?

It sucks, but mods should remember that their power was given and it can be taken away again if they choose to abuse it...

after scanning the chat manuscript, I probably would have banned him, too.

So you'll rescind your initial comments that the punishment was harsh and that the staff have been abusing their powers here? ;)

Leave this thread with no illusion that site bans are enacted by staff after some discussion, especially if there are underlying circumstances. We act as a team and while decisions can be and are made autonomously, the staff here has been hand picked by the site owner as we've previously shown that we can act or perform in the same manner that he would himself if he had the time and ability to monitor every part of the site 24hrs a day.

If he'd come in here moaning about how 1 bypass of the profanity filter had earned him a site ban, then yes you could justifiably say he'd got a legitimate gripe.
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Punishment fits the crime, is that all that happens during the GTP Chatbox sessions?
While I certainly understand why he was banned, I still cannot agree with the ban being permanent. I'd let him return after letting him cool down for a few months, then ban him permanently if he hasn't learned his lesson.
I really don't mind that he was banned, just so long as he had fore warning like people are entitled to.

Ok not entitled, but generally that's how things should be handled.
While I certainly understand why he was banned, I still cannot agree with the ban being permanent. I'd let him return after letting him cool down for a few months, then ban him permanently if he hasn't learned his lesson.

You've got to be kidding! Look at the time/date stamp at the side. It wasn't a moment of hot-headness/silliness or a drunk evening even (not that that is an excuse). It went on for days.
You've got to be kidding! Look at the time/date stamp at the side. It wasn't a moment of hot-headness/silliness or a drunk evening even (not that that is an excuse). It went on for days.

Please look up my edited post on page 2, what do you think?:scared:
Yeah, that was very disturbing. Doesn't even seem like the same person. Any chance he was the victim of a hacker?

Pretty sure Famine (mod) said they "checked" it, and it was definately him, also he himself made some comments, which strenthen this assumption.
While I certainly understand why he was banned, I still cannot agree with the ban being permanent. I'd let him return after letting him cool down for a few months, then ban him permanently if he hasn't learned his lesson.

Given the rather clear fact that he has never acknowledged the scale of abuse he dealt out and in doing so lied to the entire membership, particularly those who defended him. I would have to disagree.

Keep in mind that he claimed....

First off, I was banned because I used dirty language in chatroom. I never threatened anybody or posted offensive material, but I can confess to cursing, in a playful manner, along with other users (no names will be said), while in the chat. But if you ever visited the chat, you'd probably recognize the VS. car games I liked to play. Or the other GT5 related voting games I liked to make. Yea, they were fun. I tried to keep the chat alive. That was my goal. Many would agree.

....and lets be honest the above was quite clearly not true.

Not contents with being racial abusive, homophobic, using abusive language and threats he also impersonated another member. Given that member was Jordan I find the chances of a return to be around zero.

It was quite clear (and keep in mind I say this with full view of the entire conversations both sides of the fence) that he was under the impression that the chat logs could not be reviewed and he believed this gave him free reign. A belief he relied on even to the point of making this thread, one that Jordan has quite clearly ripped away from him.

I must say that I find it quite surprising that any member would entertain giving him a second chance when this is what he thinks of the members and staff here....

2010-09-10 00:36:01 [Message] SrRd RacinG -> Racing Lobby: i own kids in the forums
2010-09-10 00:36:04 [Message] SrRd RacinG -> Racing Lobby: i FUKKIN RUN GTP FORUMS
2010-09-10 00:36:06 [Message] SrRd RacinG -> Racing Lobby: n the chat

...seems he quite clearly thought he was in charge. Unfortunately for him (and in my opinion fortunate for us) that was never the case.

Yeah, that was very disturbing. Doesn't even seem like the same person. Any chance he was the victim of a hacker?
No, I've removed the IP information from the chat logs, but the source addresses of those messages matched those of his forum account.

Anyways, this chapter is behind us now. Closing up.
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