Originally posted by f1king
I pesonaly think that FF cars are dangerous, I have never owned one either and I never will.
Having owned and driven numerous cars of both platforms, I find this statement to be bordering on the idiotic.
I don't understand the deep hatred, fear, and distrust some people have for the FWD platform. Can you explain it?
Sure, for absolute performance machines, RWD or AWD is better. But that doesn't mean that FWD sucks, by any stretch. FWD cars are more stable and are far easier to drive under adverse conditions. It is also true, as stated above, the FWD cars are more forgiving because the average driver's knee-jerk response - to brake or lift throttle - will restore control as the car slows. With a RWD car, which oversteers by tendency, this reaction will further destabilize the car. And once an oversteer skid is started, it
must be carefully corrected or the car will spin. This is not the case with an understeering FWD car.
No matter how good a driver you may
think you are, not everybody on the road is Bob Bondurant. If I had a dollar for every idiot who bought a high-performance RWD car and totalled it because he didn't know how to drive at the limits (or even what limits are), I could buy
myself a high-performance RWD car.
In fact, my FWD Neon ACR (1995) outhandles my RWD Supra (1984) by a big margin. It's much crisper in handling and thanks to a little suspension tweaking, I can get trail-braking or lift-throttle oversteer any time I want. In addition, the car handles twisty road driving much better than the Supra ever did, since pavement irregularities and odd cambers in the road would make the Supra's rear skitter all over.
Agreed, FWD is not the ideal choice for a race car or performance machine. But it is not inherently evil.