Good effort, 5/10.Seems to me that the old Forza vs Gran Turismo debate is becoming less of a thing. Forza and Forza Horizon is aimed at kids: Lego, Hot Wheels, silly avatar stuff etc
Gran Turismo is for a much more mature audience with things like Vision GT.
I can understand the appeal for young kids as far as Forza is concerned.
Seems to me that the old Forza vs Gran Turismo debate is becoming less of a thing. Forza and Forza Horizon is aimed at kids: Lego, Hot Wheels, silly avatar stuff etc
Gran Turismo is for a much more mature audience with things like Vision GT.
I can understand the appeal for young kids as far as Forza is concerned.
TDU was an arcade racer as well.
DriveClub was an arcade racer as well.
Heck, even NFS isn't this goofy!
Sure FM7 is old now but Microsoft is clearly unleashing all they got on FH4 and leaving the "serious" game aside.
I saw quite a few content creators leaving or simply slowing down their production because they felt Playground screwed them over, whether they stated it openly or not.
I really don't understand why people are so defensi
I wouldn't say I'm defending it as much as understanding why they would do something like a LEGO expansion. PG, T10 and Microsoft are still for-profit companies, something like LEGO is a hell of a lot more appealing for an E3 presentation than another "slightly different than the main map" expansion.
Seems to me that the old Forza vs Gran Turismo debate is becoming less of a thing. Forza and Forza Horizon is aimed at kids: Lego, Hot Wheels, silly avatar stuff etc
Gran Turismo is for a much more mature audience with things like Vision GT.
I can understand the appeal for young kids as far as Forza is concerned.
? I was talking about the lego *****.Whatever. At least I tried to lift everyone's spirits here. 👍
Ahh, right. I'm sorry dude. It was just bad timing because it came literally right after my post.? I was talking about the lego *****.
99% LEGO is real, but could it be HALO and not FH4?? Plss!!
(There was a project for this that got cancelled so maybe it got picked up again?)
Globally-known IP? Almost like a new game?
I'm gonna go ahead and make a prediction: LEGO
Picture it: The whole FH4 main map replicated in Lego, Lego versions of many (Most? All?) of the vehicles in the game, Lego minifig avatars...building your own cars out of Lego pieces...
It's exactly the kind of blockbuster/bombshell announcement you can picture them making at E3, especially with no FM8 coming this year.
Yes, because a fake car powered by lasers like the Chaparral VGT is 'more mature' then LEGO cars. And correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't GT Sport also have avatar stuff in the form of a suit livery editor? So really, what difference is that compared to race suits in Forza 7 and avatar clothing in Horizon 4?
You lot really need to get better troll jobs because good lord this is weak.