Will the Logitech wheel work on PS4?

  • Thread starter SKOT_FREE
You don't need to do these upgrades unless you want to improve performance. With a console you have no option to improve performance you just have to wait until the next one comes along... and if you have expensive peripherals you have to hope they will work with the new console..

For a long time race sims were pretty immune to this whole upgrade pressure. Stuff like rFactor 1, Netkar, LFS and Race07 worked fine on the same hardware during a period of 3-4 years.

But I think we're past that now: AC/pCARS demand far more PC capability, iRacing is about to release their DX11 build. And once you factor in areas like Oculus Rift (which MUST be run at a smooth 75Hz, no frame drops, so your PC must be able to cope!) I suspect that upgrade requirements for PC sim racing will move faster in the coming 5 years than they did in the last 5 years.

I might be proven wrong, we'll see :)
I don't know many impulsive teens that can afford the kind of sim racing gear we're talking about here.
Well those Thrustmaster wheels will eventually drop in price so maybe in a year or 2 they will be affordable, hence impulsive teens (or grown men :D) running to the store and buying one = Payday for Sony MS and sponsors.
Seems to me they're only hurting the hardcore community once again. I was really looking forward to Project Cars too but I'm not going to by another rig just for one game.
No biggie, save for a PC (my condolences if you already own a PS4) ;)

For a long time race sims were pretty immune to this whole upgrade pressure. Stuff like rFactor 1, Netkar, LFS and Race07 worked fine on the same hardware during a period of 3-4 years.

But I think we're past that now: AC/pCARS demand far more PC capability, iRacing is about to release their DX11 build. And once you factor in areas like Oculus Rift (which MUST be run at a smooth 75Hz, no frame drops, so your PC must be able to cope!) I suspect that upgrade requirements for PC sim racing will move faster in the coming 5 years than they did in the last 5 years.

I might be proven wrong, we'll see :)
Build a pc that can handle PCARS and you can enjoy games like Raceroom, Game Stockcar, GRID AS and new codies game for the next 4 years. If that doesn't satisfy your racing fix you'll need to see a doctor fast. I don't have to have ultra graphics for all the new stuff, so i'm sure that way a capable PC 'version 2015' will last quite a long time.
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Well those Thrustmaster wheels will eventually drop in price so maybe in a year or 2 they will be affordable, hence impulsive teens (or grown men :D) running to the store and buying one = Payday for Sony MS and sponsors.

No biggie, save for a PC (my condolences if you already own a PS4) ;)

I hope those wheels drop in price, the t500 is still almost $600.

Even so, with my rig it would be a hassle to take off my fanatec and put on a thrustmaster whenever I wanted to play on the ps4. :grumpy:

No condolences needed really, I like the ps4 a lot so far, just was hoping to use my fanatec with it. :(

Oh well.
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Build a pc that can handle PCARS and you can enjoy games like Raceroom, Game Stockcar, GRID AS and new codies game for the next 4 years. If that doesn't satisfy your racing fix you'll need to see a doctor fast. I don't have to have ultra graphics for all the new stuff, so i'm sure that way a capable PC 'version 2015' will last quite a long time.
I don't really want to argue about this, but we're on a console forum with guys who like their sims to contain (a) lots of licensed content, including hundreds of real life cars (b) replacing parts and tuning of those cars from road to race spec (c) career mode and building a car garage.

None of the older sims you listed really offer that. The kinds of games which do offer that kind of thing tend to also focus on graphics. And besides, new gen consoles means that the next era of console ports will require PC hardware to match.

Personally I just expect to maintain and upgrade so that I have a good gaming PC, and also own any relevant consoles. Why choose when you can just try everything? :)
Why choose when you can just try everything? :)
Er, money! Or rather the lack of it...

...And this is the problem I have which is directly related to the original thread topic.

My PS3 currently has problems with overheating. There is a possibility that I can repair it and that will be fine. However if I can't, there is now the dilemma of what to do then because I use a Logitech G27. I have a limited budget, so do I buy a new PS3 or a PS4?

IF my G27 was assured to work on the PS4, I think I may have possibly been swayed towards that - being next Gen and all. I'd have bought a game to play and waited out until a racing title came along. But the lack of clarity regarding Logitech wheels is off putting and a (guaranteed to work) new wheel would be out of budget. I know I could play with the controller, but it's just not the same.

So it's looking like another PS3 really. So whoever is to "blame", it'll be Sony who will lose out with me. Especially if I buy a nearly new PS3 - they wont even then get the purchase price! And once bought, I'll probably stick with the PS3 for a good while - since I have a backlog of unfinished games. Maybe even skipping the PS4 altogether.

Although this is my "problem", I'm sure this scenario could actually apply to a few others out there. PS3 breaks, would like a PS4 but own a Logitech wheel and have a limited budget. What do you do?
Although this is my "problem", I'm sure this scenario could actually apply to a few others out there. PS3 breaks, would like a PS4 but own a Logitech wheel and have a limited budget. What do you do?
I apologize, of course everyone has to decide how much money is worth spending on something as frivolous as gaming. And I appreciate your point (it's likely many others, not a few!). In your case I'd buy a nearly new PS3, you can probably shop around on sites like EBay and find one which is being sold with a pile of games too, awesome value for money.

But the point still stands: the content we get on consoles with Forza and GT is not available on PC. So unless you pay for both PC and consoles you will be missing out on some aspect of our shared hobby. Whether that's a shame and which is highest priority is all a matter of personal preference...
However, the fact that currently the price of entry to the next gen consoles is high is clear. I'm sure many people will rightly choose to wait 3-4 years and play Forza 7 or GT8: such games will keep, and by that time there'll be cheaper wheels on offer, right on time to replace worn out PC wheels.
@skazz - I can't disagree with any of that. 👍

I've been down the PC route in the past, but it did become a bit of a money pit what with all the upgrading required. Well I say required, it was usually because a new "must have" component had just come out. Although in truth you didn't really need it. ;)
There came a point where I jumped onto the convenient console bandwagon and haven't really regretted it. But I must admit I miss the wider choice of driving/racing games available on that format. On the Playstation people tend to get fixated on Gran Turismo - because they have nothing else similar to turn to.

Saying that, if my G27 was going to work on the PS4, I probably would have stumped up just that bit more because it would have been nice to go next gen. But...

And yes I've been watching a few Ebay PS3's selling - you're right, there can be some bargains. Although there's the thought of 2nd hand console, similar problems. I might get the screwdriver out and see if I can breathe some new life into my current one. If I can make it last, maybe there will be a Logitech information update later. We'll see. :)
i think the best we hope for at the moment is no full ps4 functionality, but will have it written into games like driveclub and gt so it will work in selected driving games.like when they added the g27 wheel in a gt5 update