Will you wait in line for GT5?

How many of you will be waiting in line for that midnight release for Gran Turismo 5 when it finally comes? Approximate how much you will play before going to sleep.

Me, my wife works part time at our local blockbuster and she's assisted me in picking up several games the night they came out bypassing the enitre line. What can I say, I love my wife. .. Although since she just got her job at the local hospital she's been talking about leaving blockbuster at the end of the summer, so I might need to convince her otherwise.

I will then probably end up play for about 3-4 hours regardless of what I have to do the next day. I used to party until 5 in the morning and wake up and go to work at 10 in the morning. My body has gotten use to sleep deprivation and i usually make up for it on the days I don't have to wake up early and sleep until noon.
I'll be starting work in a department store very soon, so hopefully that'll aide in me getting the game nice and early. My mum surprised me with the GT4/PS2 bundle as some stores down here were selling GT4 a day early down here, hopefully my work does the same for GT5! :sly:

On a side-note, I don't expect there to be a line up for Gran Turismo down here in Australia (I've never actually heard of any big line ups for a game down here). I think most Australian GT fans will be getting their full 8 hours sleep and the next day they'll stroll into the relatively empty store when they've got some spare time.
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Well you guys are lucky not having lines. Here in maryland, if it's a big title, you can expect people lining up, but a lot of people also don't know that blockbuster video does midnight releases so I've never seen more than 30 people waiting there.
I'm sure there will be a midnight release for GT here in the UK. As much as i'd love to stay up all night and queue in the freezing cold, I think I'll pre-order it with next day delivery on Amazon. Wake up in the morning, and have it at my doorstep would be lovely.
Probably order it from shopto.net then act like a kid in a sweet shop while hours pass by like minutes.
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I've had mine on pre-order since play.com opened their books last year. :) can't wait. I was going to import for the few months between releases but I've decided to just get the UK release.
Considering it's gonna be all over the place, I'm just gonna wait until mid-day when it's released, and just get a lot of sleep the night before. I don't really see the point in getting a game at midnight, unless you really have no time otherwise.
I will no doubt be getting it on the first day of release. I might pope down to the local gamestore and try and bribe them for an early copy.

It worked for driver 3. :)
I've had mine on pre-order since play.com opened their books last year. :) can't wait.

Same here - and I've had Play deliver a day early before...

I was going to import for the few months between releases but I've decided to just get the UK release.

Supposed to be a worldwide release this time :D
well, for me it will be a 11:45 leisurley stroll to tesco and picking up at midnight! then play till i have to go to school in the morning
For me, I think it'll be a pre-order often games are delivered a day before release and I can never be bothered to go to a store when I can order it online.
Ill pre-order mine at my local xtravision (even though they messed about with prologue with my pre-order) I would pre-ordr at gamestop but I dont realy trust thatstore.
Assuming the game is released on a friday (like most games) I'll probably book the saturday off work. That or I'll get it and play before work, play for about 45 minutes on my lunch break and play after, straight into the sunday afterwards.
I can understand the enthusiasm...but...IT'S ONLY A GAME...a great one at that, but still.

seriously thought, I'm currently doing two studies at universities and that takes up a lot of time, focus and dedication. To me, that is one of my greatest goals. I don't think I will stand in line; I never have and I never will because at the end of the day it is but a trivial thing. By studying with dedication (I'm almost done with English language and culture and am at the half-way point for my university law degree) I will one day own some of the cars I admire :)

point being: don't sacrifice your studies because one day you just might regret it...

other than that: BRING IT!
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Assuming the game is released on a friday (like most games) I'll probably book the saturday off work. That or I'll get it and play before work, play for about 45 minutes on my lunch break and play after, straight into the sunday afterwards.

is the friday release just the uk or all over europe? here in the states music, games, and consumer movies (like dvd's, vhs, etc.) generally all release on tuesdays. there's sometimes exceptions, but 99.9% it's on a tuesday.

back to gt...

i'm a professional musician and producer...so i'll probably head up to the BestBuy i do appearances at and get it when they close the night before the release day. then, i'll drive 'til i drop...get up, drive 'til i drop...rinse, repeat.

i love making my own schedule ;)
I've already pre-ordered a copy. I guess webshops normaly send out a few days before release to compansate for shipping-time, if the allready have it.

It would be great to have someone working in a game-shop to tell us how this release date thing is working. They do have to calculate accurate shipping time worldwide...?
My plan is to have it in my hands as soon as it arrives,then to spend as much time as possible discovering everything I can about it. I WILL NOT be at work that day. :sly:
Probably pre-order two copies from different retailers, one for me and one for my son.
Surely one copy is bound to arrive on time?
Think i wouldnt do the midnite pick up, but think i really need to sort out taking the day off!!

So any info on release date would be welcome!! Not that i need to book now for a day off, but it would help!!
Think i wouldnt do the midnite pick up, but think i really need to sort out taking the day off!!

So any info on release date would be welcome!! Not that i need to book now for a day off, but it would help!!

Book the whole of December through to March of mate.... just incase.:sly:
I've got my retail connections on this one.Not going to wait in lines or stay up all night.The game will be delivered to my house personally.

Thats what we have friends for. :)
I would preorder it or go to a midnight release but the unfortunate thing is that I don't have a PS3 nor the money to get one since I'm out of work. Hopefully things will change and I can get a PS3 by release time. Only time will tell. :)
I would preorder it or go to a midnight release but the unfortunate thing is that I don't have a PS3 nor the money to get one since I'm out of work. Hopefully things will change and I can get a PS3 by release time. Only time will tell. :)

I am in kind of the sam eboat, I have a job but it doesn't pay enough to afford gaming.
Knowing how crazy a big franchise makes people, I'm gonna pre-order it. That way, both my legs as well as the rest of my body are safely intact and unharmed when I do get the game(unless someone busts through my room and beats the crap out of me) as I still need to get around the house and can't afford a wheelchair.

Supposed to be a worldwide release this time :D

Holy crap, Gamestop and every game store in the world is gonna be packed to the brim.

Thats what we have friends for. :)

You monster :lol:
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