Windows Message pop-ups - get rid of em!

  • Thread starter MazKid
Doesn't sound like a Microsoft effort. - You really think Microsoft would go that far - Porn! - Think of the mummies and daddies blocking childrens eyes!
No, these are through Windows. They are on grey backrounds. If you have a connection to the net, they can pop up any time if you are connected.
It's not from Windows, it's from web sites and stuff, but it's through windows.
So there for somebody has made a little program you accepted to download it because of your poor security measures.

I suggest you look in your C:\Windows. C:\ Directories for anything suspicious.
So they would block pop ups like this?

sorry for the small pic but if you go to and click on toons you get some pop ups, and what i'm asking is will it block those?


  • popup.jpg
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actually you might have Dwonloaded it with out knowing....I know there are programs that download and install themselves wihtout your permission....try downloading a free program called ad aware...really nifty even if you resolved your problem download it anyway trust me there is crap on your computer you never even knew existed..

try it...
hmmm... that's interesting i usually keep a close eye on what's happening on my computer but i have two computers in my house and they are networked and i use a winroute engine i believe it has some kinda firewall dealie so mabye that's stopping some crap?
are they those ones where they just pop up no matter what you are doing if your on the net? the ones where you can only say ok or somthing?
Originally posted by spock
are they those ones where they just pop up no matter what you are doing if your on the net? the ones where you can only say ok or somthing?

it actually installs itself on your comp wihtout your permission so even if your not online it will still pop up.......

ad aware also gets rid of spyware in kazaa and othe file sharing programs....the first time i ran it I found 80 ad's on my comp
i think spybot is alot more better then caught alot more things then adaware did.....

btw, those popups are from windows built in messaging service. If you have an ip of someone running xp, you can use netsend to send messages to them.....similar to winpopup on other os's. I have xp, used to have those before, but they sorta just stopped.... its not run by microsoft, or anythign like that. Its most likely from websites, or spyware that sends those ads through the messaging service using ur ip..... but disabling that service would work to stop them.
Originally posted by Psxgamer27
i think spybot is alot more better then caught alot more things then adaware did.....

btw, those popups are from windows built in messaging service. If you have an ip of someone running xp, you can use netsend to send messages to them.....similar to winpopup on other os's. I have xp, used to have those before, but they sorta just stopped.... its not run by microsoft, or anythign like that. Its most likely from websites, or spyware that sends those ads through the messaging service using ur ip..... but disabling that service would work to stop them.
Yeah. Apparently the Messenger service was supposed to be used for people on a network as a way of sending messages to another user on the network. So for example, the boss could send instructions quickly to one of his employees. But then hackers found a way to use this Messenger service to advertise and all the rest of it.
Originally posted by MazKid
[B...but I have faught back against Microsoft!

*More *****ing and moaning* [/B]

Hrmm, he's still using Microsoft products, bought Windows, bought Microsoft programs, how exactly is this fighting? You didn't switch to Linux, Unix, or Mac, so how is this fighting?
i tried adaware first....but it missed my main problem entirely, thats when i got spybot, and it fixed it all up. It checks for alot of things adaware doesnt....i havent had to use adaware since i got spybot :)
Originally posted by Psxgamer27
i tried adaware first....but it missed my main problem entirely, thats when i got spybot, and it fixed it all up. It checks for alot of things adaware doesnt....i havent had to use adaware since i got spybot :)
I use Adaware Professional and I have no problems. Just make sure you use the Web Update option frequently to update your Reference File.
Wow, Spybot picked up a few things that ad-aware missed.
Originally posted by MazKid
Pop-up blockers are useless against these types of pop-ups. They go through windows, not just on the net. They are hard coded in basically.

acutally go to and get their pop-up stopper. it stops ALL pop-ups
Originally posted by THE GAME
acutally go to and get their pop-up stopper. it stops ALL pop-ups
I think you're missing the point here. These kind of popups aren't the kind that pop up when you're visiting websites. They are a part of Windows. The only way this Panicware thing could stop them would be to edit the services.msc file for you.

If you follow the instructions in the first post, you can stop them yourself - without installing this Panicware thing.