WOLF PACK. 0 GIMMICKS! We mean business

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Saying your up for a team vs team comp and then your the only guy present without your "team" and then you say "🤬 them, I don't need them anymore". How's that come??
Nice leader what can I say.... I kinda feel sorry for GAS members...
LOL Maybe in your dreams xD But you gotta remember that 86 on madrid though LOL XD
PS. I'll battle you whenever I'm not busy just pick the track
You mean how slow you were trying to go lol. Use your ISF we will battle on indy road course.
Bro that Mustang is smooth as butter. I'll bring it out of retirement just for you
BRUH that Stang is about as smooth as a lightsaber hitting another lightsaber xD Bout to be looking like Obi-One No arm Kanobi. Naw but for real. Send me that friend request we can battle whenever you want, I'm on spring break so whenever is coolio

J, I suggest you take this into a PM or somewhere else.
Hitting them with that Responsible Mike Move "LVL Up!"
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Seems some members still think the AUP is optional.

You have already had a member of staff remind you of the AUP and members have already been issued with warnings.

Start to follow the AUP with immediate effect of temporary bans and thread locks will start to happen (and I don't just mean this thread, teams who's members can't follow the AUP will find they don't get to keep a team thread).

Its not an option and its not open for debate or discussion, follow the AUP or you have no place at GTP.
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