World Event - 650pp Fuji - Ferrari F40 / R Tires Only :00 & :30

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I connected last night very late (about 2:00 AM) and, since there was no one to race with in Suzuka, I entered this event.

If you take it as a destruction derby or a "cops and robbers" chase (as I had several in TRD3), you can have lots of fun.

But don't enter it expecting to have a race. If you do, you'll be outta there before 30 secs.

I did 2 "races" (placed 2nd and 4th) and left.

It's a good stress reliever :D
Yeah, because every driver outside of North America is a punter. :rolleyes:

Dan, you honestly should try to stop taking things so personally. Where in my post did I say "every driver outside of North America is a punter"? Nowhere. That is an insult that you have seen but which simply wasn't there. I clearly and concisely stated my experience. That I drove about a dozen of the International races and that they were the biggest puntfests I've ever seen is simply a fact.

I went into these races expecting a higher-quality racing experience (which, if anything, you should consider complimentary), and instead found either a disaster or something humorous, depending on how you look at it. As for myself, I hope it cleans up over time like most of the other races have.
Well, the reason for it being a punt fest is in my mind quite clear, and is mentioned already many times.

2.Standard physics get what you order. Way to go, PD!!! proud?
Aren't all beginner races this bad in both regions? Instead of just having the morons from NTSC and PAL, we get both of them together on the same track. One or two GTP racers vs. 10 punters is never, ever going to be good.

And really, come on now. We moan and complain that Prologue is region-locked, but when PD finally gives us an international event, we just complain that it's a puntfest. PD isn't giving us crappy races on purpose; it's just a testbed event. Sure, the racing is bad, but it's a step forward. At least I can race PAL GTPers now.

Feeling cranky. Maybe it's time for a midday nap.
found GTP_Panjandrum - raced him twice(one the first one, he got second)

i'm in the white rx7 dude!
found GTP_Panjandrum - raced him twice(one the first one, he got second)

i'm in the white rx7 dude!

Cool. Do you run a GTP tag? If so, I didn't notice you, sorry. I ran quite a few of the international races today, but that was the first one in which I got a trophy. I think I took 4th or 5th in the next race.

Instead of taking the light nimble car, I took a heavy car - the Jaguar. Then I just tried to drive a proper line and be reasonably clean. When people were trying to punt me, I just held on and kept going. There was still a lot of bashing around and getting throw about, even into other drivers (for which I stupidly feel guilty even though someone else actually caused it. Stupid overactive guilt complex!!!). But, I was able to stay on the track and usually maintain a decent line.

Since it was mentioned above, I paid very close attention to the region tags of the truly abusive punters. I'm talking the players who, for example, repeatedly and forcefully ram you in the side anytime they get next to you (a favorite tactic out there tonight). I'm not talking about anything which could be accidental, just the grossly obvious purposeful attacks. And tonight at least I did notice a distinct, and quite surprising, pattern. I'm not going to be specific about it at this point since it is likely that I randomly encountered a bunch of punters who just happened to be from the same region, or possibly a group of friends out to "have fun" by annoying people on purpose (something I probably would have also enjoyed when I was 12 years old). Still, it was such a startlingly obvious pattern that I couldn't help but notice it once I actually started paying attention. Out of curiosity, has anyone else noticed a pattern?
It's the track; you actually are faster if you hit walls then if you brake for the turns on that track.

It is extremely rare for me to lose to a wall-crawler. It does happen on occasion, but not often. Most of the wall-crawlers can't drive, so I make up time on every bend except the one at the end of the straight. And even when I do lose to one, it is usually because I screwed up, not because the wall-crawler actually had any skill.
Just had a few runs in this race again, just to see where it's going. Well ... :ill:

I can not even begin to understand why anyone with this driving style would buy Prologue in the first place. There's a million other good games out there to play destruction derby, why do they do it in Prologue?

I so wish I could watch Kaz and his team having a look at this.
@ panjandrum: Unfortunately, I'm one of the lucky few who downloaded the game and cannot make a GTP_ Tag.

I'm on the fence about the world races. You can't obviously take them seriously (test bed for Sony and all), but when you know what the general idea is (wall-crawling/deliberate ramming/etc.) you've GOT to go into those kind of races with a different mindset.

I had the opportunity to race some drivers faster than myself this past Saturday and was humbled. It's easy to get upset, make excuses, yada yada yada. I took it on the chin and raced them a few more times just testing myself, deliberately not getting in the way, just trying to put myself on their page (even though I don't race pp750 Suzuka 90% of the time).

When going to the world event I think to myself Road Rash on 4 wheels-ville. Instead of getting dejected I turn it into something like a game. KNOWING I'll be bumped/rammed/raped/etc. I try to drive a fast line taking into consideration what punters usually do - and turn them into my strength and exploit their predictability. Mind you, you still have to do your thing; just a bit deeper on the tactical driving side i suppose. *shrugs*

I hope to see more of us more often. Cheers.
Just tried the world event today, brings me back to the bad old days of when I first played GT5P online in the beginner classes - there I was minding my own business on a straight and then WHACK someone coming past me clobbered me and I spun.

Don't think I'll be doing this one again...
Can't catch a break with the damn punters and their fugly GT-R's...
Good stuff Timpaq, its too bad my ISP sucks donkey balls and now i cant match to anyone. I will keep trying though.
fast dude that racecleanstupid!! 👍 ..he added me as a friend ..👍 ..always a pleasure with such driver... :)
fast dude that racecleanstupid!! 👍 ..he added me as a friend ..👍 ..always a pleasure with such driver... :)

His name is cool too...

/me points to Chadwicksracing PSN!
