Worst you've dealt with online...

  • Thread starter Tommy_861
I almost always set it to LMPs when I inherit a room. It makes the good racers stand out.
I'm not as good with LMPs as I am with most other machines. I can hold my own in them but It isn't easy to manage the amount of torque at low gears with a DS3. I love a car that isn't really easy to drive, all four of my LFAs are actively trying to kill me because that's how much they love me, by keeping me alert. Especially Ultima. Even on Racing soft tyres they will still power a bit too much if you don't take care.
Ultima as in the LFA in your avatar?

About the LMPs: Yeah, the reason I own in them (not with a crappy tune of course) is maybe the fact that I have a DFP. Why do you think I golded the whole of Vettel Challenge?
Ultima as in the LFA in your avatar?

About the LMPs: Yeah, the reason I own in them (not with a crappy tune of course) is maybe the fact that I have a DFP. Why do you think I golded the whole of Vettel Challenge?
That's the Pink Phantom, my oldest one and the one I used last night to dominate the ring.

I keep a few LMPs around because like everyone else, I buy all the machines.
I know. I have to stop this victory-lap-at-TGTT-habit, but I just can't. :banghead:

EDIT: I noticed that I'm nearing 100 posts in this thread...
Joined another one of those rooms. Heard guy with voice modifier. Left.

That ought to teach me. (note to self: never join TGTT rooms again)
Including me now :D

On topic: Cruise room (NOT ON TGTT). I take out the 88C-V. Host gets in my way. I slam onto him. He kicks me. Lolwtf? :lol:
I read it... Yeah... 👎 What is going on with humans??? Why?? :(

I've read it too. Stupid guy :dunce:

100th post here :cheers:
Humiliated by the sheer destruction that I brought out upon those silly peasants :sly:. I'll try and get some shots of both races as I saved the replays.

Hosty host was in an MP4 12C first time around, second time I had smoked him so badly I didn't even know what he was driving.
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Ho do I have a story for you kids :D

I was just in a varied PP room, quite a rarity these days.

Venue was the Nurburgringing Nurburgring. I entered the room when it was at 525pp, I pull out an under PPed C7 (521 was the exact PP level), I struggle to get into first as the room host (The star of the show today), was in an MP4-12C, he screws up and tails me until he screws up in the mid part in the ring, I go forth until we head to the huge straight I like to call the runway. Guy in the Z in first place has a crappy gearbox that can only remotely help him in Kart Space so I catch him easily, I WAS USING A CORVETTE C7

I win the first race, second time around he kicks it up to 550pp, I pull out the ever so glorious Pink Phantom and destroy them all mercilessly with her sheer exhaust note and pinkness :P

After we dominate R2, he advises me that I'm lagging:

Classy Host: Sparky, you're lagging an awful lot, I'll have to ask you to leave if this continues.

Moi: Lag?

Host: Yes, lagging.

Me: But everyone else looks fine from my view.

Host: Of course not. You're a moron, that's why.

Me: No need for the hostility buddy.

Host: I didn't read what he talked about next as I was looking for a 575pp racecar and was tuning it. He most likely called me an idiot as it was the only thing I could read.

Host: You were throwing smoke and sparks all over the place.

Me under the impression that this effect was because of my tendency to drift over corners when I'm in an overpowering lead that cannot be broken even by the might of the master of the universe him/herself: It wasn't lag silly, I was just drifting through certain corners the whole race (I like to do this type of stuff, it feels so gratifying, the LFA is also quite tail happy even on RS tyres :D)

*When you are the one lagging, everyone is all over the place in the most ridiculous display of jaggie smoke in the history of the world of Gran Turismo, I did not see this during either race.

Hosty host: No, you even stopped and shot off really far (maybe it was this guy as no-one else complained about my lag). You don't know how lag works, don't you?

Me: Of course I do.

*I know when I lag. I'm definitely not lagging when I kick your ass twice over, first with an under PPed Vette that is supposed to be useless for online racing, and second time directly from the starting line with a V10 Supra and a 12 second lead by the end of the final chicane. Lag would have had me quitting both races out of frustration.

So Me: Let's just race.

Host: Don't tell me how to run my room.

*/)_- I wasn't telling him how to run the room, I was just trying to stop his **** :mad:

Host: Starts telling everyone to only use race cars, I don't bother asking him if I can use Ultima so I go look for a decent race car. He then starts calling people idiots /)_-

Me: It's kinda hard to find a good 575pp racecar (after ending up with my R32 TC).

*I wasn't even talking to him, it was just a comment.

Host: Enters a snob rage. Saying that he does not care if you cannot find a 575pp racecar, it isn't too hard. I had already pulled out my R32 TC.

Me: Dude, just chill :rolleyes:

Host: Sure, I'll chill

Some other dude: Sparky you can use the power limiter (Thanks pal for the advice :rolleyes:)

I was about to say: You don't say. But the Host kicks me :mad:

*I already had my R32 TC OUT ON THE COURSE and ready to trample all over the other 7 drivers AGAIN

I send him one final classic message:

Stay classy.

And I thought Canadians were generally nice people :rolleyes:

Happens to be that me, being a teenager and very foulmouthed myself is more mature than this name calling A**hat.

There are several types of lag, when you see everyone fine and someone else or more in the lobby sees you jumped, throwing sparks and stuff, that means they are sending data to you just fine - download on your side, while your upload - when they see you having issues - lag or spikes. I often have this when I race online due to my often crappy upload that spikes at random times. I see everyone just fine, in pack of cars, but someone got shunted and hit a wall by me. Some of other drivers sees me fine, while some sees me jumping like rabbit and teleport to the guy I bumped into. My car was fine, but the guy I bumped got all red. I saved the race and confirmed it, it was my fault.
There are several types of lag, when you see everyone fine and someone else or more in the lobby sees you jumped, throwing sparks and stuff, that means they are sending data to you just fine - download on your side, while your upload - when they see you having issues - lag or spikes. I often have this when I race online due to my often crappy upload that spikes at random times. I see everyone just fine, in pack of cars, but someone got shunted and hit a wall by me. Some of other drivers sees me fine, while some sees me jumping like rabbit and teleport to the guy I bumped into. My car was fine, but the guy I bumped got all red. I saved the race and confirmed it, it was my fault.
This chap was the only guy complaining about it. No one else said anything about lag the whole time I was there. It was also nighttime, when my connection is near perfect. You might be right though but I just couldn't notice anything during the second race. I was focused on keeping my LFA under control.

I didn't even make contact with the wall during the second race. And I was far ahead from the pack. still doesn't justify this guys ridiculously stupid behavior towards others.
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Sometimes I see drivers 20m in front of me fly into the wall, as if I had smashed onto them. Then they complain and I get kicked. :mad:

Also, I changed my user title to something more appropriate. ;)
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This chap was the only guy complaining about it. No one else said anything about lag the whole time I was there. It was also nighttime, when my connection is near perfect. You might be right though but I just couldn't notice anything during the second race. I was focused on keeping my LFA under control.

I didn't even make contact with the wall during the second race. And I was far ahead from the pack. still doesn't justify this guys ridiculously stupid behavior towards others.

It depends, if you were close to him and the rest of the racers were far apart, I can see why only him say you were lagging. I drove very clean when I was lagging and hit another car, I didn't even know I hit him, I see him drove smoothly in front of me, until I passed by, that's when I bumped into him without knowing. The replay was funny, as I see his car fall behind and all red, then suddenly jumped into a wall.
I now feel motivated to race on GT5 again. I'm going to retune some of my older, modified cars from my early GT5 days and see what I can do with them online.
It depends, if you were close to him and the rest of the racers were far apart, I can see why only him say you were lagging. I drove very clean when I was lagging and hit another car, I didn't even know I hit him, I see him drove smoothly in front of me, until I passed by, that's when I bumped into him without knowing. The replay was funny, as I see his car fall behind and all red, then suddenly jumped into a wall.
I was destroying him ever since everyone launched. I started first thanks to last race's victory.

Everyone except me was in a pack until after S1 (My machine launches rather quick :scared:), the closest they ever got to me was in the immediate sector after the first turn. Where a dude in an 8C crashed into a wall by overshooting the brakes. After that I managed to outrun everyone, of course I needed to have fun, so I started drifting around corners and showing off with the LFA. By the end of the last chicane I had an 11 second jump on #2. Apparently I was lagging according to the host. I'll watch the replays of both runs.
Sparky, would you mind PMing me a tune for the LFA? Mine seems to be useless.

Good luck RCG17, nothing has changed though. Same idiots as a year ago.
Reminds me of a Nurburgring night race with a bunch of Fiat 500s and the host in an X1 trolling the racers. I pulled out a Volkser Kubelwagen instead because why the hell not?

Fun racing was had indeed. Kubelwagen only goes up to 80kmh, even slower than a fiat 500 but I could atleast push them around, I also had more torque.

That was awesome. That host was awful. :lol: we need to find another group and try those races again.