Would people buy a head-tracking device for GT5?

  • Thread starter Wakkaman
After reading the article: "Gran Turismo’s Benefits and Limitations"
I was thinking it would be really cool to have a head tracking device for the playstation 3 and grand turismo 5.
Noah wrote that one of the main limitations is visibility. One of the visual limitations he talked about is the lack of looking naturally through corners.
On the pc there already exists head tracking devices like "trackir" or self made devices for looking through corners.

I was wondering if you guys would buy and use head tracking devices for gt5 to experience gt5 even better and more realistic?

I think it would be very usefull, the gt5 community is really big and alot fans buy for example wheels and beamers to enhance the feel of realism.
A head tracking device is not only fun, but also a crucial hardware device to make gt5 even more realistic.
Also there will be maybe less wrecking going on online becease people see each other better.

What do you guys think of a head tracking device for the playstation 3 and gt5?

(srry for my broken english)
One of the major problems with this is the fact that if you turn your head, you have a difficult time looking at the screen since everything is contained there, whereas in real life everything is surrounding you.
One of the major problems with this is the fact that if you turn your head, you have a difficult time looking at the screen since everything is contained there, whereas in real life everything is surrounding you.

On the pc the software allows you to change the degrees it will do in game. That way you don't have to move your head totally to the left to look into a sharp corner ingame, just a little bit. Offcourse you can adjust it to whatever degree you like.
I already use this device on the pc and i can assure you it takes like 10 minutes and it feels totally natural.
On the playstation it shouldn't be a problem to implent this software also.
Another interesting project is the jdome: http://www.jdome.com/

But i guess that's only for people with a beamer.
If they could make this and not being to expensive i would buy it in a heartbeat!

That's why i started this thread, becease i cannot believe this device doesn't already exist on the playstation 3. A good headtracking device is technically rather simple. You basically need a camera wich can detect ir leds and some sort of cap or something on wich you can install the leds. That's it.

Have a look at www.free-track.net (wich is the free software used). You will see people with headtracking devices wich cost less then 30 euro's (camera included).
now when i think of it, wouldn´t the ps-eye be able to do do that, i got a faint memory of sony talking about such capabilities at some point.

Might be me just dreaming tho! :)
now when i think of it, wouldn´t the ps-eye be able to do do that, i got a faint memory of sony talking about such capabilities at some point.

Might be me just dreaming tho! :)

No i think you are absolutely right. I think a ps-eye could easily do it. I dunno the device really good but for sure it can track movements right? I know the kung fu game from videoclips.
The only problem is that ps3 games should support track movements. But that's rather easy to implement.
One of the major problems with this is the fact that if you turn your head, you have a difficult time looking at the screen since everything is contained there, whereas in real life everything is surrounding you.
Exactly. If you use a head tracking device and you want to look right, your eyes will actually have to look left! Would be nothing else but strange.

I like it how it is at the moment anyway. It's not that hard really, to press the directional buttons if you want to look right or left. Especially not if you're using a wheel, which I'm not.
Guys, all you need is PSEYE and all PD has to do is to do this software..


Software is there.. PS3 gaming companies did not develop a good game yet.. especially PD!
Personally, the TrackIR is still too much money to hand out for what it does. I wouldn't mind paying maybe $40 for the kit, but being more than GT5, it's not on my list.
I don't know if this feature is really too necessary. seems like if they improved the cockpit view by making the front pillars semi-transparent to the user, my only use for it would be removed.
i Would love this to be in GT5. When i use the D pad on my G25 it sometimes messes me up. To have the option to just look left or right would be a great addition
Now that was sweet, makes me dream of when they can do eye tracking...

What is EYE tracking? Tracking your eyes?

LOL it's possible but it's useless, it will mess up your eyes. If you move eyes to edge of scree so that you can look at lets say left car window, the window will be centered, once you center your eyes on the window to see what is behind the window, it will go to wheel front wheel view.. SO yeah it's inconvenient.

Unless the TV moves with your eyes.

So yeah Moving head few degree's as well have custom degree options, it's more possible and your eyes won't go kuku

with EYE tracking system, you will end up with this.. trust me.
I agree with patrik that it's offcourse not totally natural with the opposite eye movement. But i use it and you get used to it very quickly, at least it worked for me kind of natural after a couple of minutes.

I will post some clips from users who use trackir or homemade devices:




Offcourse the most natural and nice solution is the jdome (will cost around 125 - 200 euro/dollar), but you have to own a beamer:

This has been brought up quite a few times (I brought it up over a year ago from memory,with the PS eye), many people questioned turning your head while keeping your eyes on the screen, some people may find it odd and can't get used to it (like anything) but I found that most people in the flightsimming comunity get used to it very fast and don't notice it at all. Your brain gets the info it wants (looking left) and you stop realising your eyes are staying straight and it feels natural.

PD could easily incorperate this with PS eye, GT5P Cockpits already have a free panning left to right function in built. I would buy a PS eye of this in a moment.
it will be useless, especially when you try to look back, you won't see much but a wall, not the TV screen
That depends on the pan speed you choose, plus it's not really designed to look around behind you, you use look back button for that or check your mirrors.
I don´t get the ppl calling it useless, i wouldn´t think this would be somthing that we need but more as a nice extra for those who would like it, the tech is there so why not use it!?

As we have it now it´s either full right/left nothing inbetween so you can´t just take a glance to the side and still see infront of the car...
it will be useless, especially when you try to look back, you won't see much but a wall, not the TV screen

Well you did not see TrackIR then.. It scales down the head movement.. so if you look lets say few degrees, on screen head movement can be 180 and so on... as well there is dead space that if you tilt head a bit, nothing will happen on screen. So it's all good. Do some research, then you will not say its useless.

By the way.. DOME looks like a good way ! but.. PD would have to release a FISH EYE patch in order to work. Or if DOME start doing their own Projectors so that it all ready converts everything in fish eye.
A head tracking device? perhaps, but if I had the money a 3 screen setup would be much better. I can understand why people would want a head-tracking device, although not for me thanks. I guess it all comes down to the price in the end.
You could have the widescreen tv in the front, then fill out the sides with cheap monitors, a setup kinda like the pic I posted. Hope PD includes this into GT5.