Would this be cool? PSEye and GT5 :)

  • Thread starter Kryz11


We are all one mind.
Hey everyone, what do you think of this?

Since PC games have the Track IR the PS3 has the PSEye to track your head movement. It would be awesome if PD makes this happen in GT5, to move your head and have a look around your cockpit. I know this has been mentioned somewhere but I cant find it, and I'm showing off the video. So have a look and post your ideas :)

PS: I am posting the link again if anyone misses the first one on top!

PS3 Face Tracking Tech Demo!!
that would be awesome but the PSeye wouldn't be able to do it.

If they made GT for computers we could be doing this already.

I would rather have 3 of those new alienware monitors to incase my head so i could turn and look and not have to keep my eyes fixed on one point.

With enough money this could be done.
that would be awesome but the PSeye wouldn't be able to do it.

If they made GT for computers we could be doing this already.

I would rather have 3 of those new alienware monitors to incase my head so i could turn and look and not have to keep my eyes fixed on one point.

With enough money this could be done.

if you click the provided link.. there is a video and the PSEye is already tracking your head with some software. But it all depends on the developer who makes a game, and if P3Eye tracking features should be in or out of the game.
That is cool!!

I would still rather be surrounded by monitors but this would definitely be something cool to put into the game.

but for the poor, like me, I would like to see it in GT5

Sony's consoles and accessories are so advanced, its both good and bad. Good because they dont become obsolete for a long, long time, and bad because it takes almost the entire lifespan of a product before its' full potential can be reached.

we probably wont see any game take advantage of this capability for a couple of years.
I brought this up as a hope months ago and I am still hoping.
The funny thing is... this tech is extremely easy to do. It doesn't require much of anyhting, let alone Framerate or anything of the like. If PD was interested, they could easily put it in.
Exactly, simple coding would be required and this feature would be really good. Players like me can't afford 3 PS3s to be able to have a 3 screen layout. This is really great alternative. And cheaper then the TrackIR that is above 100 dollar price tag.
For now I would still stick with one screen and the eye toy. I just got the PS EYE today, so far its pretty neat!
Maybe I am missing something, but I don't see how this would really work. Say for instance you want to look to the left of your car, you turn your head to the left, the camera changes to the left view, but now your not even looking at the TV!!??

Like turbomp301, you would have to keep your eyes fixed on one point. By keeping your eyes fixed on the screen you could only turn your head a couple inches or so. Seems pointless to keep your eyes looking in one direction while turning your head thus it doesn't sound very logical to me.
Maybe I am missing something, but I don't see how this would really work. Say for instance you want to look to the left of your car, you turn your head to the left, the camera changes to the left view, but now your not even looking at the TV!!??

Like turbomp301, you would have to keep your eyes fixed on one point. By keeping your eyes fixed on the screen you could only turn your head a couple inches or so. Seems pointless to keep your eyes looking in one direction while turning your head thus it doesn't sound very logical to me.
You are correct! This why I don't like a tracking device and why I prefer a multi monitor setup.
If the PSEye is compatible with GT5, and in combination with 3 monitors, then I would be interested. Because you don't have to fix your eyes on the middle screen.

I use to have one of these: I-glasses. This in combination with a PSEye is 👍 . Except you could get dissy wearing these VR-glasses.
I like the idea of PSEye as I can look anywhere in the car, very handy online and great way to admire PD's interior work. 3 screen would not be as good for me.
The PSEye is a good, cheap alternative for a multi monitor setup.
But still, it feels unnatural. You have to move your head slightly but your eyes don't move along with your head. That's unnatural.
It would be like track IR for PC, you move your head and the image moves in a similar way (tricking you brain), doesn't take long before you don't even realise at all your eyes are fixed (or the majority of people).

I play Flight sims, and with virtual cockpits and the masses of switches and buttons you want quick access to Track IR is a awesome tool. multi monitor would help but just doesn't cut it.
I play Flight sims, and with virtual cockpits and the masses of switches and buttons you want quick access to Track IR is a awesome tool. multi monitor would help but just doesn't cut it.
You're right abou that!

Both systems have their dis- and advantages. I like using 3 monitors. It's a peripheral vision, like irl. If you drive on Le Mans in GT4 with 3 screens, the sense of speed is much higher and more real than using only one screen. You can't create that with a tracking device because you don't have a peripheral view.
On a track, when there is a car driving next to you, you can actually see this car all the time if you have a good 170° of view. With a tracking device, you don't see this car all the time and if you're not moving your head, you don't even know there is a car beside you, with 3 monitors, you know!

Also, when you're wearing a tracking device and your using a racing sim, you always have to keep your head still. If you don't, the image is moving and that's not good when you're driving on a long straight. 3 monitors comes very close to the reality. A tracking device is trying to see the environment on only 1 screen. It's is like having no 170° view irl.

I know both systems and I prefer the multi monitor setup. I've had some friends whom came to test this setup and they were ALL very surprised and very positive about this setup, even my father who isn't interesting in gaming at all. He sometimes watched replays because he loved watching this setup.

You prefer a tracking device.

Have you ever used a track IR with GTR (2)? Have you aver raced with a multi screen setup? You can't judge a certain system if you haven't tried it.

Have you aver raced with a multi screen setup? You can't judge a certain system if you haven't tried it.

I have not used a multi screen setup (except for arcades ages ago), but obviously for my flight sims it isnt going to help much unless I have screens all over the place. In Gran Turismo however I imagine multiscreen would be great but I see a couple problems..

A large part of the reason I want a Track IR type system is I can freely look around inside the car, of each of the hundreds of cars that will be available in GT5 (I really like the cars and driving more than the racing). Another reason is straight out value for money, and extra 2 PS3, cords and Monitors/TV's racks up quite a bill.
You're right abou that!

Both systems have their dis- and advantages. I like using 3 monitors. It's a peripheral vision, like irl. If you drive on Le Mans in GT4 with 3 screens, the sense of speed is much higher and more real than using only one screen. You can't create that with a tracking device because you don't have a peripheral view.
On a track, when there is a car driving next to you, you can actually see this car all the time if you have a good 170° of view. With a tracking device, you don't see this car all the time and if you're not moving your head, you don't even know there is a car beside you, with 3 monitors, you know!

Also, when you're wearing a tracking device and your using a racing sim, you always have to keep your head still. If you don't, the images is moving and that's not how good when you're driving on a long straight. 3 monitors comes very close to the reality. A tracking device is trying to see the environment on only 1 screen. It's is like having no 170° view irl.

I know both sytems and I prefer the multi monitor setup. I've had some friends whom came to test this setup and they were ALL very surprised and very positive about this setup, even my father who isn't interesting in gaming at all. He sometimes watched replays because he loved watching this setup.

You prefer a tracking device.

Have you ever used a track IR with GTR (2)? Have you aver raced with a multi screen setup? You can't judge a certain system if you haven't tried it.


whaaat.. how did you get gt4 working on 3 screens? i thought it wasnt compatible with the i-link
I'm not trying to bash this idea, but i just dont see it working to well as far as racing goes.
Also, when you're wearing a tracking device and your using a racing sim, you always have to keep your head still. If you don't, the images is moving and that's not how good when you're driving on a long straight.
That is where i see the main problem, does anyone remember that g-frame thing from enthusia? It really affected my driving and ability to control the car fluently. Trying to take a corner, or "attack" as that annoying punk on initial d would say, anyways trying to take a corner and have the screen move about just feels weird and doesn't seem to work for me. You would have to hold your head really still, maybe i do anyways i dont know.

Go to youtube and watch some videos of people using TrackIR with live for speed, most of the videos i seen people where having some problems controlling the car, i didn't watch many though, and they may have just needed some practice.

Now as far as looking around in the cockpit view to see the interior like you said VIPERGTSR01, this feature would be a real plus and after watching some videos I agree with you all saying it wouldn't be hard to implement, and I don't think it could hurt anything.

That said i still don't think I would use it much during the actual racing. I say that but just wait, when this does come out for the gt series i'm prolly gonna love it and use it all the time.:D
A large part of the reason I want a Track IR type system is I can freely look around inside the car, of each of the hundreds of cars that will be available in GT5 (I really like the cars and driving more than the racing). Another reason is straight out value for money, and extra 2 PS3, cords and Monitors/TV's racks up quite a bill.
Again, you're right. It is, like I said in a previous post, a good and cheap(er) alternative.

Real (hard core) flight simmers whom have the money, have a room filled with screens instead of a tracking device.

I hope it is possible to look around (I mean up and down) insight the car in GT5 like in GTR (2). I don't know if you've seen this in another thread, if not I'll post it again . A video I made of GT4 with a multi screen setup .

whaaat.. how did you get gt4 working on 3 screens? i thought it wasnt compatible with the i-link
I hope it is possible to look around (I mean up and down) insight the car in GT5 like in GTR (2). I don't know if you've seen this in another thread, if not I'll post it again . A video I made of GT4 with a multi screen setup .


nice! now i dont have a ps3, so im a little clueless regarding this.. but do you think the same could be done for gt5 as well?

im planning to buy a 720p projector and a 100" screen once it comes out, im thinking that would be more immersive than 3 24" screens, and perhaps cheaper. but im really digging that super widescreen view :)
nice! now i dont have a ps3, so im a little clueless regarding this.. but do you think the same could be done for gt5 as well?

im planning to buy a 720p projector and a 100" screen once it comes out, im thinking that would be more immersive than 3 24" screens, and perhaps cheaper. but im really digging that super widescreen view :)

720p 100 inch? WOW you at least need 1080p for that 100 inch...

And just because the screen is 100 inches does not mean its better then Tracking head movement or 3 screens.
720p 100 inch? WOW you at least need 1080p for that 100 inch...

And just because the screen is 100 inches does not mean its better then Tracking head movement or 3 screens.

in regards to the first point, i dont think you know what youre talking about. and im trying to stay close to $1300 with that investment. does gt5 run at 1080p?

second point - ya, i agree, but i think i'd have much better use for a projector than 3 monitors and 2 extra ps3's
nice! now i dont have a ps3, so im a little clueless regarding this.. but do you think the same could be done for gt5 as well?
Yes, I think so.

im planning to buy a 720p projector and a 100" screen once it comes out, im thinking that would be more immersive than 3 24" screens, and perhaps cheaper. but im really digging that super widescreen view :)
You need three PS3's not one to have that peripherzl view! So one 24" monitor or one 100" projector is the same. With only one projector you won't get that peripheral view as you have with 3 monitors.

In your case, you could benefit from a PSEye!

EDIT: I hope it would be possible to use a PSEye withthree monitors! I only need to learn to keep my head completely still when driving a long straight. :D