Would this be cool? PSEye and GT5 :)

  • Thread starter Kryz11
in regards to the first point, i dont think you know what youre talking about. and im trying to stay close to $1300 with that investment. does gt5 run at 1080p?

second point - ya, i agree, but i think i'd have much better use for a projector than 3 monitors and 2 extra ps3's

I do know what I am talking about, a 20 inch vs 100 inch, it wont make the field of view any BIGGER!
Yes GT5P and GT5 run at 1080p
Besides if you don't have money for 1080p then get something a lot small, because the 100 inch at 720p wont look nice at all. The resolution will be too small for that big of View... Maybe you have no idea? hmm ;)
I do know what I am talking about, a 20 inch vs 100 inch, it wont make the field of view any BIGGER!
Yes GT5P and GT5 run at 1080p
Besides if you don't have money for 1080p then get something a lot small, because the 100 inch at 720p wont look nice at all. The resolution will be too small for that big of View... Maybe you have no idea? hmm ;)

ha i know the field of view wont be bigger, thats pretty obvious

but ive done my fair share of research on hd projectors, with a quality projector an 80"-100" screen will be perfectly fine. we'll just have to see ;)
ha i know the field of view wont be bigger, thats pretty obvious

but ive done my fair share of research on hd projectors, with a quality projector an 80"-100" screen will be perfectly fine. we'll just have to see ;)

Haha, yeah, I think its the cheapest way, but I am still telling you to get 1080p, its going to be standard in few years. And will look much better when you watch Blu-ray movies and or play games that support 1080p :)
Oh and make sure you have Nice space for the 100 inch ;) I hear many people build their own custom projection screen. Maybe you should build one? :)
This is how having 3 screens and Trackir looks like. Just to give off some idea.

This is how having 3 screens and Trackir looks like. Just to give off some idea.

Perfect! But I guess it's ideal for flight sims but less ideal for race sims. With a race sims you don't need that much info from you dashboard as in a flight sim. And in a race sim it is very important that you keep your eyes on the road, LOOK were you're driving, (when you approche a corner, you have to LOOK into that corner and beyond). In a flight sim it's very important that you can look around and see all the info on your dash. (IFR ;) for those who know what that means!)

This is just like having one screen but with curved view... good idea. but 3 screens reveal more then this.
Exactly! :)
Perfect! But I guess it's ideal for flight sims but less ideal for race sims. With a race sims you don't need that much info from you dashboard as in a flight sim. And in a race sim it is very important that you keep your eyes on the road, LOOK were you're driving, (when you approche a corner, you have to LOOK into that corner and beyond). In a flight sim it's very important that you can look around and see all the info on your dash. (IFR ;) for those who know what that means!)

Exactly! :)

Monitoring instument information (especially during IFR flight) in flight sim isn't really the problem, as a fixed view is fine for that (don't even need to look out the windows), it's all the it's the speedy access to all the various panels and tuning of the CDU especially on the hectic time during approach. Ofcourse this is not such a issue with VFR pilots but the Track IR is great for checking out all the scenery. :)

I agree Track IR is much more important in flight sims than racing games but now with GT5's interiors I will enjoy checking them all out. If it turns out I don't like it during racing or driving I will just use it for checking interiors of the new cars I acquire.

I personally haven't ruled out a three monitor setup, and will probably look into it when I sort out some other expensive items I have plans for.
this sounds way too nerdy and a waste of money to me... then again i don't have money so I have no idea what i would do with some if I had any. gas is expensive enough. you guys should take your favorite car out for a spin maybe.
To show the difference (how much view you have) between one or three screens.


With the trackIR you can set how much degrees the images moves when you move your head. Is this also possible with the PSEye? Can you set a deadzone; if you move your head for, let us say 5°, the deadzone will make the screen stay centered. After the 5°, the screen starts to move. Is this possible with the PSEye?
Thank you all for the info, I love the superwide view offered by the three monitors.

I'm struggling to understand why 3 PS3's are necessary, and why the view can't be expanded this way using a single system and three monitors. I'm a novice at this stuff.

Would this work using cheaper 20 gig systems as the side monitors or are they not equipped to do this?
I'm struggling to understand why 3 PS3's are necessary, and why the view can't be expanded this way using a single system and three monitors. I'm a novice at this stuff.
Because a PS3 has only 1 HDMI output and 1 standard output. If you use LCD monitors, you can only use the HDMI output. As there is only 1 HDMI for each PS3, you need 3 PS3's to have 3 HDMI outputs (for each monitor one output). I've there was a triple head 2 GO (pc) for the PS3 with HDMI output, you would only need one PS3. Connect the triple head to the PS3 and from the triple head with 3 outputs to monitors. Sadly enough, there is no triple head for any console available at the moment, only for pc.

Would this work using cheaper 20 gig systems as the side monitors.
Yesif they have a HDMI output if you want to use LCD monitors.
With the trackIR you can set how much degrees the images moves when you move your head. Is this also possible with the PSEye? Can you set a deadzone; if you move your head for, let us say 5°, the deadzone will make the screen stay centered. After the 5°, the screen starts to move. Is this possible with the PSEye?

I really don't know. I think right now those guys who made the track head movement for the EYE send the files to developers. There is no info about any dead zone. But I think once some developer do make the head tracking into a game, they will put some dead zone with little tweaking. Even without dead zone, screen would be little shaky but still better then nothing :)

Oh an by the way.. with 3 screen setup, can you snap a picture once some car is next to you? I wanna see how it looks like. thanks!
Oh an by the way.. with 3 screen setup, can you snap a picture once some car is next to you? I wanna see how it looks like. thanks!
That's not possible in GT4. You can only race in "arcade mode" > single player. There are no AI during surround gaming (visual).
Sadly enough, there is no triple head for any console available at the moment, only for pc.

Ok, now I get it. I didn't know the triple head was not an option. Thanks for the response.
That's not possible in GT4. You can only race in "arcade mode" > single player. There are no AI during surround gaming (visual).

Wow really. That sucks. Since you have 3 ps2's and each one supports one screen, so each PS2 could support up to 7 AI drivers. 7 times 3 is 21. That would be awesome if only possible ;)

I think it would be possible. If PD let us use two PS3's to have up to 30 AI drivers. I think it would be cool to have it as a feature or an option so that for those extreme guys that love to race long endurance races would be awesome.
Wow really. That sucks. Since you have 3 ps2's and each one supports one screen, so each PS2 could support up to 7 AI drivers. 7 times 3 is 21. That would be awesome if only possible ;)
Not possible if I understand you correctly. Only the middle PS3 is the host (main) PS. The other two PS3's are secondary PS's on which you only choose the view (left or right). So even if there are 16 AI on the other PS3's (which there aren't) they won't be visible because like I said, only the middle PS3 is the host.

My wish; playing online with three monitors. You'll always have a huge advantage over the other online players.
Not possible if I understand you correctly. Only the middle PS3 is the host (main) PS. The other two PS3's are secondary PS's on which you only choose the view (left or right). So even if there are 16 AI on the other PS3's (which there aren't) they won't be visible because like I said, only the middle PS3 is the host.

Yeah, but the new PS3 have the new cell... anything is possible? Well I am not sure, I'm not a tech guy :(
But it would be great to Get the power from the other PS3s to send data to the main PS3...
Yeah, but the new PS3 have the new cell... anything is possible? Well I am not sure, I'm not a tech guy :(
But it would be great to Get the power from the other PS3s to send data to the main PS3...

ya interesting idea.. maybe not 16 ai drivers on each of the 3, but still, it seems doable in theory. probably not worth the development time though, as only a small fraction of the user base would be able to take advantage of this, namely those crazy enough to be buying extra ps3's just for a little bit of extra fun ;)
ya interesting idea.. maybe not 16 ai drivers on each of the 3, but still, it seems doable in theory. probably not worth the development time though, as only a small fraction of the user base would be able to take advantage of this, namely those crazy enough to be buying extra ps3's just for a little bit of extra fun ;)

Yeah, I bet you about 5 people in the world would do this. There are people out there that buy very expensive custom wheels, racing cockpits with feedback, and spend so much money. So yeah, I agree with you, its not worth for PD to put 100+day research and see that no one will really use it.
racing cockpits with feedback
We are getting a bit off topic but huh? :confused:. Racint cockpits with feedback? Do you mean moving simulator platforms?

If there was one for the PS3 (with at least 5 DoF) I would buy it! ;)
We are getting a bit off topic but huh? :confused:. Racint cockpits with feedback? Do you mean moving simulator platforms?

If there was one for the PS3 (with at least 5 DoF) I would buy it! ;)

I would to hehe, what is that 5 DoF you are talking about? Any idea what the price would be?
I would to hehe, what is that 5 DoF you are talking about? Any idea what the price would be?
Like zondahelmet said. DoF's = degrees of freedom. There are 6 degrees of freedom.

1) Roll (car rolls in a corner)

2) Heave (car goes up and down on bumps, curbs etc...)

3) Pitch (nose or back end of a car goes up or down by accelerating or decelerating/braking)

4) Surge ( car goes forward or backwards on the horizontal axe (longitudinal) when accelerating, decelerating/braking, collision))

5) Yaw ( rotational, car goes into a slip, understeer, oversteer)

6) Sway (lateral, 4WD slip)

The 6 DoF axes

The TrackIR 4.0 also delivers 6 DoF's. You can move your head forward, backwards, up, down, sideways (left and right), you can turn your head.
Like zondahelmet said. DoF's = degrees of freedom. There are 6 degrees of freedom.

1) Roll (car rolls in a corner)

2) Heave (car goes up and down on bumps, curbs etc...)

3) Pitch (nose or back end of a car goes up or down by accelerating or decelerating/braking)

4) Surge ( car goes forward or backwards on the horizontal axe (longitudinal) when accelerating, decelerating/braking, collision))

5) Yaw ( rotational, car goes into a slip, understeer, oversteer)

6) Sway (lateral, 4WD slip)

The 6 DoF axes

The TrackIR 4.0 also delivers 6 DoF's. You can move your head forward, backwards, up, down, sideways (left and right), you can turn your head.

Thanks for filling me in. How much is the trackir? I'm thinking of getting one, but I need more PC SIM games, especially flight sims.