Would you buy GT6 on PS3?

  • Thread starter ch3ng
IMO, I think GT6 will be released on PS3. I think PD has got a majority of that game completed and they're probably working on finalizing some things. IMO, we're already seeing GT6 graphics in the premium cars and some of the more popular tracks.

How I see it, the premiums in GT5 will ALL be recycled for GT6 and we should also get a good amount of new cars too. Whether or not the rendering process is tedious, I think PD has it down like a science.

When the time comes, I feel like I can almost guarantee you that Sony will market GT6 as a "quality" game, emphasising to a greater extent PD's amazing attention to detail, rather than a "quantity" game. That was one of GT5's problems, too much shoved in and the quality suffered. We're not going to see 1,000 cars in GT6 but maybe less than 400 and of course a better DLC plan will keep things interesting.

Again, we probably won't see as many tracks either. Only those that are the highest of quality in GT5 will advance and then they might throw in some drag strips to fill the quota. Perhaps they will have a couple completely new tracks ready for GT6 but it wouldn't disappoint me if they didn't (like the rumored and published Pikes Peak).

If GT6 releases on PS3, I will not buy a PS4...
As long as the gameplay is improved miles compared to GT5, then I will buy it. Maybe some more premium cars and game modes because I don't see pd creating GT6 on PS3 will ALL premium models.
PS4 will be out in at least one year time from now (outside of Japan and USA probably) and I want a new racing game soon. So, I want GT6 on PS3. Better UI, more options, more tuning options, more modes and many more tracks, please!

Would love to see a "GT6 Plus" on PS4, too. :-) Get all of the PS3-stuff and add more cars, more particles, weather and day/night-changes on each track and the game would be done.
I am really hopeing for it to be a ps3 release. Don't plan on purshuseing a 400+$ console right know. I am satisfied with the ps3's capabillites. No way I'll go buy a new console to experiance a game that I have been experianceing since ps1. got ps1 for gt, got ps2 for 3and4 and so on. the buck stops here literally.
I will buy GT6 only IF there are significant changes in the game in general.
From the A.I. behavior to the sound, physics and features. I'm not just going to blindly buy it. I've learned not to do it with GT5...
I'll buy GT6 absolutely. I think it's a part of the fun to see how each game changes from the previous ones.

Then once the PS4 comes out, I'll have fun redoing all the other GT games on Gaikai until GT7 comes out.
GT6 on PS3 is a must-buy-on-release-day for me. If it's coming on PS4, it'll have to wait until I get a PS4, and that could be more than a year after release.
Why are people still arguing over this. Just wait to see what happens. We can't control the company's actions. They can release it on whatever system they want.
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I would buy, no matter on which platform it comes out. I would buy a PS4 if I can afford it. With the PS4 probably a year away (for Europe) I can even imagine buying it on PS3 when it comes out and later on PS4, too.
I will buy GT6 ofcourse, however the real question for me i how much will I pay for it, or perhaps how long will I wait to buy it?

If the game is feature rich (i.e. proper race series, not like GT5's) then I will possibly get the game soon after it gets released, if it is similar to GT5 events then I will wait until the price drops to ten pounds or less.

Regardless I will be buying the game at a discount price, I'm not paying full price after being so disappointed with Polyphony's GT5, especially considering I bought a PS3 on the strength of it.

Judging by past experience, GT6 for PS3 would be more than worthy of release day purchase. The polish, refinement, scale, and depth of the previous Gran Turismo sequels made for great games. I would like to see that repeated during the PlayStation 3 generation.
Theres a better chance of me buying it on PS3 than PS4, which is zero for PS4, but will wait to see reviews. Bought the PS3 just for GT5 and it was not worth it.
Definitely. I am looking forward to it :)

I hope it is released for the PS3 but even if it is released for the PS4 I will probably get it as well so long as the PS4 is within a reasonable prices range.
Yes. Polyphony Digital will take until about 2020 to finish a game on the PS4. Of course I'd like another one on the PS3 to tide me over until then. One game per generation is certainly not enough to keep me satisfied.
I'd buy it, but I'd be lobbying every week for PD to hurry up and make a GT6 A-Spec for PS4, so we can play the real sequel to GT5 on a system with very few limitations. Of course this is all hypothetical, as nothing was really announced by SONY or The Man Himself as to what system it's going to be on. And I doubt we'll know until E3.
I'd buy it on PS3 or PS4 depending on if it gets released on PS4 or PS3. I bought every GT game before and I have no reason to change this although, I would like more info on which one it's coming out on.
Definitely not on launch. I'll need reviews from the community here. ;)

I can trust the people on here. The major websites....eh...to a degree.
I'll only buy GT6 when some more information has been released i.e. new cars, new tracks, features and of course, which console it will be on.
Definitely not on launch. I'll need reviews from the community here. ;)

I trust PD/Sony. I would buy GT6 on release day if I could. Any bug or big missing feature will come via updates, so no problem. PD showed us with GT5 that if the game is not final on release day, they will continue to work on it until it's great. :-)
I trust PD/Sony. I would buy GT6 on release day if I could. Any bug or big missing feature will come via updates, so no problem. PD showed us with GT5 that if the game is not final on release day, they will continue to work on it until it's great. :-)

I trusted PD with GT5; I was let down.

It's good that your faith remains intact, though. 👍

I just need lots of information and comments from forum-goers.