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So yesterday I was listening to the Tom Leykis show and they were talking about somebody who had taken advantage of a person when she was in pain. The story goes that one day 3 friends were hanging at a bar talking about each others wife, one of the friends says that he could have sex with his wife the same night of his funeral. The husband bets he can't, well a couple of years, months, later the husband is bitten by his doughters ginny pig. He catches an infection and dies. Well they go to the funeral, and plan a party for the wife. That same night the women goes with the guy whom the husband bet with and sleeps with him.
I'm interested to know if you think that this is fair to take advantage of a women when she is at her lowest self-esteem.
I'm interested to know if you think that this is fair to take advantage of a women when she is at her lowest self-esteem.