Would you mind if GT5 looks like GT4?

  • Thread starter 911_gt3_rs

should PD use GT4's car and track models/textures?

  • Yes 👍

    Votes: 57 40.7%
  • No 👎

    Votes: 83 59.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Just an idea i've got afeter wathing the 'Vision' Trailer. I understand it is just a concept showcasing the power of PS3 but....

What if GT5 really does look the same as GT4, only with more cars on track, and more special effects (tyre smoke, skid marks etc..) would you be bothered? IMO GT4 already looks stunning so if keeping those graphics means freeing up CPU power for more cars more effects, better A.I, physics etc. then i am all for it, another advantage of keeping the same car and track models is that development time will be shorter and we wont feel short changed on cars (like we were when going from GT2-GT3) as it would make little sense not to use them since they are already made, just add!

Obvious disadvantages are that even GT4 may look like a dog compared to future PS3 racers so GT will no longer have the most realistic graphics on a console racer. Also damage and flips (for those who are bothered) may have to be skipped as the underside of cars are not modelled. Also no 3D wheels in races (may bother some)

The alternative is to improve the graphics and pay less attention to other factors so we essentially get a prettier version of GT4 with possibly feewr cars

I would like to stress that i am aware that the 'Vision' trailer is not GT5 in any way, shape or form

It would be interesting to know how much of the PS3's resources are being used to render the trailer.
Im not too fused if it looks like it, just as long as they incorperated at least damage and tyre marks into it.
The PS3 will have enough power to offer both improved graphics, AI, physics, ...

What they should reuse to make it is the data they gathered to make GT4. You can be sure that the raw data they gathered on the cars is enough to make new models fast. So if they don't go for a too enhanced list of cars they can finish that part with ease.
I don't mind if it looks like GT4 as long as it has some improvements like tyre marks, better detail on people like in the video, better lighting, better trees and more detail overall, including more than 6 cars on track and better AI.

Oh wait, I've just noticed this improvment would be a big difference from GT4. :lol:
As most of the others have said, I would not mind at all so long as the AI, crash and track dynamics are made more realistic and if there are more cars on the track. Oh and it would be great if an interior view could be developed, even if it were generic and made optional.
Personally I would be abit dissapointed if they did not change the graphics.....eitherwise whats the point of a new system......PD will get lazy when its all about constant progression to realism......
if you want realism, then form follows function
i fly in the x-plane flight simulator, it doesnt have the eyecand the FS has, but it sure as hell is alot more realistic when flying...also, it is the only civilian flight sim that is certified by the FAA to count toward instrument traing
The car graphics are just fine. I'm sure they'll do some tweaking, maybe 1-2 days for each car, but not 7-10 days per car.

It's the rest of the graphics, AI, physics, etc. that they can work on.

Imagine if 30% of the improvement in GT5 were AI. They have, what, 384MB more RAM to play with now?
i really would mind.... becaus gt4 already looked like gt3, come on, it's a ps3, you can do so much with it, i saw the demo movie of gt5, first i thought it was gt4, but i saw more then 8 cars on a track, woooowie, that's the only damn difference...
I agree with Neocrox. Whats the point of coming out with a new game on a new system, with huge capabilities, if your only going to revise the last game you put out. I mean, it should be called GT4.5 not Vision GT or GT5 if thats the case.
I would mind :) (whatever it is going to be called (maybe the name VISION has something to do with GT5 going to become an entirely new game)).The PS3 is going to be a very powerfull platform, so why don't take advantage off it. If you don't mind, GT5 looking the same as GT4, what's the point of getting the PS3 and GT5. Stick to GT4 !!
They have to improve GT5!!! Maybe use GT4 as basic for the development of GT5. Graphics is going to "look" like GT4 but a whole lot better. I think that the cars and background is going to be like watching a movie, that detailed (==> anti aliasing etc...)
I wouldn't mind at all if the graphics stay the same. As a matter of fact, I'd like to see only 10-25% improvement in the graphics alone. With better graphics comes bigger sized files, and if the graphics will be "ultra realistic' looking, then there won't be much improvement for the AI, Pit lane, and other real life add-ons that can be put into GT5.
I wouldn't mind at all if the graphics stay the same. As a matter of fact, I'd like to see only 10-25% improvement in the graphics alone. With better graphics comes bigger sized files, and if the graphics will be "ultra realistic' looking, then there won't be much improvement for the AI, Pit lane, and other real life add-ons that can be put into GT5.

i agree completely, but i don't think it's a matter of file size, its a fact that all that will take a large amount of time for something that allready is of serious significance grafically.
they should use the time and the new specs of the PS3 for more important things to make the game better, and more realistic.

maybe this is off topic, but i would like not only to see car damage, but also damage due to wear, meaning: turbo's wear out, gearboxes wear,suspension,... and most important and very unrealistic in previous gt's: buy sets of tyres as you use them.
in real life when tyres are worn you BUY new ones, you don't get them for free after purchasing the first set.
as all of us know, the actual purchase of a car is not the biggest cost in a racing team...
Real racing teams buy tyres in bulk, you should get the choice in GT5 of how many sets to buy for that car each time and when your running low you have to buy more.
Photomode really begs for the PS3's power. That was the only draw back in photomode in gt4 (besides not having complete control of the cameras) was the textures and overall low poly job on the cars (the textures, altho small covered up for the low-poly..ness.. of the cars). Im looking foward to GT5 and Forza 2 :)
*Homer Simpson* D'oh

I have just noticed that myself, was in a rush earlier - had to go to college. I suppose we should just ignore the votes on the Poll............

BTWnice merc thing in your sig (Oo===oO)
How about using one of the following with a badge in it
The PS3 is capable of better graphics, so yes I do want to see better graphics. The tracks are pretty good already, but the cars definitely need a driver in them, also when they aren't convirtibles. The tracks should also be more dynamic, add weather and puddles of water on the track, mud, dirty, damage. All those things add to the level of realism. Especially if Gran Turismo has to keep up with competition it will need to make better graphics, though the focus shouldn't be on that anymore. Gameplay is the most important part.
No. GT4 looks fantastic. But, they should increase the image quality of the trees and other plant life. Fans too. Maybe add floating trash and debris, like plastic bags, leaves, etc. to races to make it look more real. Laying down rubber would be nice too, but not neccessary.

Two things are a must for GT5. Improved AI and car sounds. Also, improve the movement of the cars. The cars in GT4 looked and felt real twitchy and jerky. It made all the cars seemed like they were all the same car. This issue is alleviate to some degree when using the wheel, so I've been told. PD should copy GT3's car movements. It felt a lot more real in that game. This is one of the main reasons why I don't play GT4 very much.
GT4 feels superb with the wheel, I wouldn't want it going back to like GT3 for GT5.
The textures have to be much higher, but I'm sure that they have hi poly models of the cars and tracks that were the base for the models on the GT4.
GT4 feels superb with the wheel, I wouldn't want it going back to like GT3 for GT5.
OK, fine. But, they should allow for DS2 users, or whatever the new controlloer is called, to have a fun experience with GT5 too. They should make a different control engine for the cars for controller users. If they don't, I wont buy GT5.
i dont really mind tbh what it looks like cos its obious there gonna make a neg gen gran turismo if this one is a souped up version of gt4, and like someone said already gt4 aint been out for long at all so i wud rather get my moneys worth and memorys out the way for gt4 before they drop another gt that soon, and PD love us speculating over weather it will be this or that, they know it will get fans excited thats the only reason i think they bothered showing gran turismo at all at e3. aslo i watched the sony confrence (thnx to gamespot) and the trailer was quickly shown and thats it, they didnt breath a word on it so its def there to get us wondering. but my conclusion is if this gonna be a souped up version of gt4 thats good because im not ready for another neg gen gt game cos i wanna make most of gt4 (otherwise wat a waste) and it will bring in even more fans, and i must point out one important factor, microsoft are meant to be releasing a modded version of halo called halo 2.5 for the launch of x360 so whos to say sony arnt doing a similar thing here with gran turismo, thats the most obvious thing to bear in mind

I agree with Neocrox. Whats the point of coming out with a new game on a new system, with huge capabilities, if your only going to revise the last game you put out. I mean, it should be called GT4.5 not Vision GT or GT5 if thats the case.
ok than this should simply be GT4 online :) save new grafix for GT5
i'd be cool with it looking somewhat the same. i do want 3-d wheels, no jaggies, and all the AI and car and track count improvements you could think of.
Would I mind? I'm not confident, but I think we're going to see updated graphics. Are you really confident that GT5's graphics are going to be a carbon copy of GT4's graphics? Let's take an example from another game. People said that NCAA Football 2005 looked more like NCAA Football 2004 even though the 2005 game was more advanced in terms of play-calling, sounds, weather effects, and such. There is no such thing as "Gran Turismo 2005," "Gran Turismo 2006," and so on. So how can you tell me (or anyone else) that GT5 is going to be a mock-up of GT4 graphicwise? Think about it. New system, new capabilities, but re-used graphics. Now answer me this. Does that sound right? You'd rather TAKE ADVANTAGE of new technology and not keep things unchanged or relatively changed. Almost every successful game franchise tries to do this. Would you rather keep GT4's graphics and make a new game? Hell. PD may as well taken GT2's outdated graphics and used them in GT3 on the PS2. Tokyo R246 and the TVR Cerbera Speed 12 would have looked like somewhat modified PS1 graphics.

For this reason, I don't think this is going to happen, I'm more than 90% sure of that. I would like PD to take advantage of the PS3's power and capabilities as best as possible. That's how you make the good games, and every franchise from Mario to Metal Gear Solid to even Halo do this. What's the point of showing off the PS3's capabilities using age-old graphics? Take advantage of them as much as you can no matter what. Damn it to freaking hell, you're in competition against other racing games in class (namely, Forza Motorsport). While GT4 was lovely, GT5 should surpass our imaginations from graphics to gameplay.

So my choice to "should GT5 feature GT4's graphics" isn't listed. Because my answer would be hell f:censored: no!!! Go ahead, PD. Make the graphics at least 25% better than the beautiful ones from GT4. Take advantage of the new engine, make dynamic tweaks such as changing weather and time cycles. Who'd want a redone GT4 as GT5? So no. Make everything better than the last.
I would like to see them bring out a new engine they could have 2 teams helping out in GT5, one doing the engine and the other making the rest of the game.
listen to you all, you talking like the graphics in gt4 are crap, come on! imo, graphics only play a small part in making a great game. gameplay is king, and gran turismo has that by the bucketload.
im an old school gamer. that is, ive been playing from the start back in the 70's. back then, people were not that interested in the graphics, it was the game that mattered. you had to use your imagination more too. not wanting to sound too old, but the younger generation of gamers nowadays, has never really had to use thier imagination. if your first taste of games was the ps1, then you've had it handed to you on a plate, and thats why you always want to know if the graphics will be better. does it really matter?
i remember playing space invaders, the graphics (by todays standards) suck, but i was captivated! even thought the game was simplistic, i often imagined i was the last hope to save our world from alien attack, sound silly i know, but thats what a good imagination does for you. it didnt matter that what i imagined was not what was being displayed on screen, to me it was just a cue, a prompt to spur my own imagination. the same applies to gran turismo. no matter how good the graphics get, there will always be one person lacking imagination who will ask "is that it?"
there are some beautiful tracks and cars in gt4, i defy anyone to say otherwise. ive got near 20-20 vision, and i cant see any flaws, except those of the medium that they were created for - the ps2. pixelated textures, limited trackside scenery, and mild pop-up are symptoms of an aging system, not poor game design, and just go to prove that the ps2 was pushed to its limits running this game.
obviously, the graphics will be refined and smoothed over, but to be honest, i cant see how they can make them much better than they are now. maybe a higher resolution would be the answer, because imo, i still think we are some way off from near 'tv quality' graphics.
the only complaint ive ever had with the look of gran turismo was a trivial one, but even that has almost been completely eradicated. i hated the way car tryes popped out of the body work. it took a lot away from the excellence of the graphics engine, but KY being the perfectionist he is, its almost a thing of the past now (if it wasnt for that damn audi rs 6 avant!).
I voted no, but that's a qualified no.

I agree that GT4 is a stunning achievement in both graphics and driving realism, but the backgrounds were sacrificed just a bit in order to make the cars look as good as they are. The cars would be fine as they are, with a few more polys devoted to curves such as headlights, and with visible interiors. But the backgrounds, good as they are, need a facelift to justify their appearance on a 1080p HDTV.

One thing I do hope is that Polyphony's GT4 data library for their cars is good enough for GT5, so they can work on even more. PLEASE give us well over 1000 cars for Vision Gran Turismo!
I don't mind if it has the same graphics as long as there is hugley improved AI and more cars on track. I also think they should be able to let you race all the cars this time and have an option of roof up or down on the cars that can.