Would you pay for some DLC packs?

  • Thread starter BrunusCL82

Would you pay for car and leagues packs via DLC?

  • Yes. I would pay for it.

    Votes: 22 30.1%
  • No. No way.

    Votes: 51 69.9%

  • Total voters
Assuming PD continues with the policy of adding free monthly street cars and original circuits. But, in parallel to that, some real race cars and tracks belonging to national and international leagues would be added via paid DLC.

For example, a pack containing six DTM cars from the 90s and three German circuits; a package containing two indycars (Honda and Chevrolet) and four american circuits; a pack containing six cars of the FIA GT1 from 2000s and the inclusion of three European circuits; a pack of three Super GT cars and the addition of Sugo, Okayama, Tokachi and Motegi; a pack of three V8 supercars plus three Australian circuits; a pack of two Stock Car Brasil cars, and four south american circuits. Anyway, in that sense, with each of the DLC packs estimated at twenty dollars.

So, as a resource to speed up PD's service to produce more content and acquire new licenses, if our dear developer adopted a regular DLC program, with robust and interesting packages, would you stop for them?
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I think it'd be a massive step backwards - specifically, by over a decade - to charge for cars/tracks. I think there's a good reason that we haven't seen PD charge for that sort of content since GT5. But I would pay for new experiences, something in the vein of the LH Challenge from GT Sport. Maybe it could be the return of the Goodwood Hillclimb and the Sierra Time Rally, or the debut of Pikes Peak. Who knows?
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Depending on what they'd offer I could imagine to pay. I got used to the monthly delivery of new cars/tracks in GT Sports though so it must be something "special". A rally-package or if they let's say sell "Citta di Aria" as a super-bonus-city-track while the give away "Silverstone" for free... I don't know. Really depends what's in the offering.
I would buy DLC if it will include many race events.
I don't need new cars, I don't need new tracks, layouts and Hamilton Best Time laps like in GT Spport. Just add +100 interesting race events for play.
If they add +20 3-5-7 race champs and + 100 events for different classes, I will pay 30-35$ for this DLC.
And I hope that there will be good ballanced tracks with good fights.
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The only DLC I'd pay for is: the ability to import from the original discs tracks from older Gran Turismos.
I've got 1-6 on physical discs and would love to play some of the tracks using the GT7 engine; I know the tracks may not be as accurate as new ones...
Putting tracks behind pay walls could affect Sport Mode.

I want to say No, because of the limited amount of race events we have now I just dont feel its justified until the game is at least on par with former titles. BUT, I know in my heart the real answer is yes.
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Game already has microtransactions so there's no reason to charge for additional content. The game was also far too expensive to justify additional DLC for me, if you're going to do that the price at release needs to be a lot lower or include all future DLC. The game is lacking massively for content too, there's hardly any race events and nothing resembling GT League or proper endurance races as we had in previous titles.
I wouldn’t pay personally.

The game shipped with less than half of the usual GT experience, so trapping content behind paywalls would feel like a pretty awful move imo.

Not that I’m expecting them or believe PD will do that ever, I’m pretty confident they are committed to free DLC for all future endeavours.
From my experience paid dlc just splits up the player base. So as someone who enjoys multiplayer, this is definitely a no.
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If it was strictly street cars (that will never be selected for Race A) and/or Missions or Cafe Books or some other sort of "Event" then I dont see a problem with it. Something a little more than the Lewis Hamilton dlc, that also doesnt include anything like tracks or Group cars that could cause issues online.

If it was that then I could see PD pulling it off easily, and I'd buy as soon as release (pending more unpaid content being released before that).
No, except if they included my favorite cars and that was the only way to get them, even then I would not pay for it if it's over $5 as I paid enough for the game as is with the Digital CE.
I think they still owe us for the original game, IMO. Once we get that (which is subjective of course), if they added a bunch of new stuff then maybe. I can count on two fingers the amount of times I paid for DLC... one was a map pack in one of the old MW games and the other was for the Hamilton TT stuff in GT-Sp.

Usually I won't do it just on principle, but if it's good enough I may. That is, only if I feel like I already got my $70 worth out of the "baseline" game.
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I probably would, assuming its MUCH better value than the mtx coin purchases...

Would be a cheek though, given current quantity of races, mainly cars/tracks from previous GT's.

Don't think it would happen though, unless they overhaul cost to buy coins. Unless they're planning on charging £100+ for a few cars and tracks in the dlc.
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But why?

Let's take GTS as an example. Let's say they have 100 people getting paid $100,000 per year. That's $10 million in salary per year. $50 mill in the five years since GTS released.

GTS sold 10million copies. At an average price of about $45USD (averaged from full price to sale price). That's $450mill

Or $400mil in profit... Ballpark.

The Scirocco that I have in game now, I once paid for in GT5... Same car. Same model... Maybe some new pixel shaders. That car was profited on years ago.

No, I won't buy DLC
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Absolutely not.

Let me provide an example of a franchise game that I buy and I easily justify the extra cost of DLC vs this game.

I have played every title that Gearbox has produced for the Borderlands franchise. Each release, I have bought the best optioned version of the game. Usually this includes a base game plus one year of DLC plus some added weapons and character skins. Sometimes there are art and collectibles included with it. For my money I receive a base game that has a long and well written campaign plus the ability for replay value by leveling up my character and then doing the same for the other 3 available characters. Plus the added collectibles with some of the releases. I would say I easily invest two years worth of play which easily justifies the roughly $130 purchase overall. In the second year of their latest game, Borderlands 3, there as a $50 DLC for the second year that I also purchased. Again though, I am playing it non-stop for two years and I am never bored with it.

I could also mention the Call of Duty franchise that has added DLC to the base game and again the game is played non-stop, holding my interest for a year or so until the next title drops. Not as extensive replay as Borderlands but enough to justify the purchase price.

Where GT7 stands.

Content. In comparison, this game is lacing content severely. The campaign, if you can call it that was very short, I finished it in two weeks and by examining the missing cars and races compared to what was offered in the menu's, I would say it is missing a group of three cars, LMP cars, Gr2 and the open wheel cars. Also missing are the appropriate races to acquire those cars and the final championships. There are not enough events for the cars provided (Kei Cars, Rally, and VGT cars for instance) to fully immerse yourself in racing all the cars provided.

The content is dated. Much of this content was in Sport and in comparison those other games are offering all new content, nothing is a carry over. An exception may be a Call Of Duty multiplayer map that is reimagined with the new engine and provided for fun and nostalgia. GT7 comes up way short on that effort and t is overall a lackluster offering for people who love cars and have supported this franchise's take on a racing game. Car collection, racing, social networking, customization, and photography.

Replay value. This game is lacking replay value. Those other games have end game issues well into the second year after release. We already have players bored with GT7 and we are only a couple of months after release, not a year or so. If it weren't for the creative and social aspect of this game I too would be ready to shelf it. I enjoy the collection part of which I have a way to go and I also enjoy collecting other peoples art, photo's and liveries of my favorite cars. So I can see myself playing this until summer but I don't expect most gamers to be interested in those fringe features.

That's less than six moths of play time compared to one-two years with those other titles.

I could probably go on but these issues alone are reason enough for me to not pay for DLC.
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DLC are goodies to me, like extra dessert. If the meal is good enough, you won't want as much DLC. If you need DLC, the game just wasn't that special to start with. I put Gran Turismo games on a pedestal with others like Ratchet & Clank, Fallout (especially F4) and No Man's Sky. Extra goodies are nice, but I won't suffer without them.

The brain is oriented to want fresh experiences, and the body fresh foods. You can't eat the same things forever, or you'll grow tired of them. It's a nutrition thing hard wired into us as Humans. I will say though that if going around a track over and over bores you, you just aren't the racing fan you think you are. GT7 gives you so many ways to enjoy it, and spice it up with the ingredients in the game right now, that I still get up every day and hop right in. If anything, other racers seem boring to me because there's simply less to do in comparison. I love Assetto Corsa and RaceRoom, but no dealerships, no modifications, no livery editor... you basically borrow a car, unless you know how to create liveries with art tools, or know someone who will accommodate your wishes. I can create all kinds of race cars and paint my own liveries, or grab liveries from the Showcase, so it's like a bunch of its own DLC packs. Here's a livery I did which is a variation of one on the Showcase.

M3 Sport Evo-00b.jpg

Eventually because of that hard wired thing I discuss above, I'll want to do something else. But not for quite a while.
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DLC are goodies to me, like extra dessert. If the meal is good enough, you won't want as much DLC. If you need DLC, the game just wasn't that special to start with. I put Gran Turismo games on a pedestal with others like Ratchet & Clank, Fallout (especially F4) and No Man's Sky. Extra goodies are nice, but I won't suffer without them.

The brain is oriented to want fresh experiences, and the body fresh foods. You can't eat the same things forever, or you'll grow tired of them. It's a nutrition thing hard wired into us as Humans. I will say though that if going around a track over and over bores you, you just aren't the racing fan you think you are. GT7 gives you so many ways to enjoy it, and spice it up with the ingredients in the game right now, that I still get up every day and hop right in. If anything, other racers seem boring to me because there's simply less to do in comparison. I love Assetto Corsa and RaceRoom, but no dealerships, no modifications, no livery editor... you basically borrow a car, unless you know how to create liveries with art tools, or know someone who will accommodate your wishes. I can create all kinds of race cars and paint my own liveries, or grab liveries from the Showcase, so it's like a bunch of its own DLC packs. Here's a livery I did which is a variation of one on the Showcase.

View attachment 1151961

Eventually because of that hard wired thing I discuss above, I'll want to do something else. But not for quite a while.
DLC in no way defines a game as special or not. You're plain wrong on that.
Yes, i would pay for secial Cars and Tracks. you can do it in every game and get special stuff. remember on HSV Weider for example but not for pay2win.
But why?

Let's take GTS as an example. Let's say they have 100 people getting paid $100,000 per year. That's $10 million in salary per year. $50 mill in the five years since GTS released.

GTS sold 10million copies. At an average price of about $45USD (averaged from full price to sale price). That's $450mill

Or $400mil in profit... Ballpark.

The Scirocco that I have in game now, I once paid for in GT5... Same car. Same model... Maybe some new pixel shaders. That car was profited on years ago.

No, I won't buy DLC
This is some really funny numbers and math. Just ignoring licensing costs, making up salaries and employee count, platform and retailer cuts from sales... That's just not how any of this works.
This is some really funny numbers and math. Just ignoring licensing costs, making up salaries and employee count, platform and retailer cuts from sales... That's just not how any of this works.
Did you read my signature?

Yes, it is simplified numbers, but i'm close.

And, IMHO, given the amount of time they have between titles and the amount of work produced, I am surprised they claim to be around 100 people (last I checked).
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Did you read my signature?

Yes, it is simplified numbers, but i'm close.
No, you're not close at all. There's some big factors you failed to consider:
  • The biggest of all is the 10m at $45 number. GT Sport got its price massively slashed digitally very quickly, just year after launch it was already $20 without discounts on the PS Store in the Americas for example, and even more physically.
  • Ignoring the licensing costs in a game with a hundred licensed songs, hundreds of cars and over a dozen real-life tracks.
  • The development cost itself as well as the number of employees. They're not gonna spend years in development to just break even.
For the record, I don't disagree with your point. I just don't think the numbers are particularly accurate.
No, you're not close at all. There's some big factors you failed to consider:
  • The biggest of all is the 10m at $45 number. GT Sport got its price massively slashed digitally very quickly, just year after launch it was already $20 without discounts on the PS Store in the Americas for example, and even more physically.
  • Ignoring the licensing costs in a game with a hundred licensed songs, hundreds of cars and over a dozen real-life tracks.
  • The development cost itself as well as the number of employees. They're not gonna spend years in development to just break even.
For the record, I don't disagree with your point. I just don't think the numbers are particularly accurate.
Ok, let's take it down to $20USD @ 10mil units

That's $200mil

PD says they have 100-120 employees, but I am doubtful given the output, but let's say 100 for the sake of argument. Yes, you put all the costs on each head, so its called a man/month. That takes into account lughts, heat, rent, licensing, etc. I will be generous and say it's $20k/man/month. That $240k per person per year.

That's $24mil per year. So, over the last five years, the team and dev has cost about $120mil.

So,worst case scenario, they are still up $80mil.

And, I am not knocking them for being profitable. It needs to be profitable. I am knocking them because I know full well what it takes to accomplish what they have done in GT7, and even with a 2 year pandemic, what's been delivered is shockingly sparse.... And they have the balls to try and charge us for in game credits.
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Paid DLC will likely be in the form of game modes & challenges. Rather than cars & tracks.

I’m also 99.9% sure those things are coming. It’s all part of a service games life, generating income, branding deals etc.