I'd prefer not to have to pay but I think an option that makes all the content available for those who have no interest in the "collecting" or more generally the offline aspects of the game would be great.
Gran turismo is not one of those games where u can buy those quick passes to progress faster, like Bf3.
its a propper game
A proper game. Please define "proper" in the context of a sandbox driving "game".
Also define "progress". I have learnt a bucket load more sim-racing technique and about racing fast and clean by playing online against fast and clean racers. I have learnt very little of use (I'd be tempted to say nothing, or in fact nothing but bad habits) from racing in A-Spec.
I have seen so many "I'm level 40, better watch yo'self" guys finish a minute behind the pack online that I have pretty much satisfied myself that offline completion percentage mean nothing in relation to your ability.
where it takes skill and dedication, its not fast paced but more strageic.
Skill. I laughed. It takes precisely
zero skill to earn in game credits to buy cars. You could drive round and round in circles endlessly in LTW if you liked and still get credits to buy cars. Hell, lots of people did exactly that before the seasonals.
Dedication. I'll give you that one as it absolutely does take a substantial amount of time spent doing something that isn't fun (offline racing against AI) in order to faciliate doing something that is (online racing). Depends on your definition of dedication though...
I don't feel rewarded by this process, I feel quite bored. I feel I am wasting my precious (and limited) recreational time, learning nothing and gaining no experience (not XP, wheel time) by grinding to save up for a 15m credit car for a one make series online against real, fast, talented sim-racers.
i wanna earn it the propper way because psychologically and i think its been proven. people appreciate things way more if they earn it the hard way than actually been given it to u.
Citation [in context] please.