Would You Rather Have Damage In All Cars Or Cockpit View In All Cars?

  • Thread starter samismidgy

Would You Rather Have Damage In All Cars Or Cockpit View In All Cars?

  • Damage In All Cars

    Votes: 56 29.9%
  • Cockpit View In All Cars

    Votes: 131 70.1%

  • Total voters
If you & your gf or wife decide to buy a new car & are choosing the interior combination, mentioning to your mates about it or playing/using the equipment & at other times.Goes without saying that i'm a hypocrit when i was talking about trees :embarrassed:.

Cockpit, of course. Or why don't we just have them both?💡 Stupid question.

Because it would defeat the purpose of the thread, which is to make a choice? :rolleyes:

Cockpit view for me. 👍 I don't care about damage, mainly because it is harder to implement that cockpit view.
I'm amazed at the result of this poll so far. For the amounts of people begging for realistic damage, I'm shocked to see Cockpits winning 2 to 1.
Damage? Visual or Internal?

Cockpit view? We don't know if Standard cars will have standard cockpits.
I'm amazed at the result of this poll so far. For the amounts of people begging for realistic damage, I'm shocked to see Cockpits winning 2 to 1.

There you have why I choosed cockpits over damage. ;) If I get damage, I want it to be realistic. But since I know it is very, very, very hard to implement realistic damage (more than I can imagine), I would make things easier for PD, and ask them for cockpit views for all cars.
Cockpit view easily. Could care less about damage, but more about physics, and seeing through the eyes of a real racer. I think the damage is just a bonus.
There you have why I choosed cockpits over damage. ;) If I get damage, I want it to be realistic. But since I know it is very, very, very hard to implement realistic damage (more than I can imagine), I would make things easier for PD, and ask them for cockpit views for all cars.

👍 +1
I think a lot of people don't play in the cockpit view a lot, so a car not having one won't bother them in comparison to damage. I'm sort of in the middle for damage and cockpit view in that I want both. Looks like I can't so far.
For me cockpit views are crucial, far more than damage, it's a very satisfying visual treat that helps me get really immersed in the game.

I think a lot of people don't play in the cockpit view a lot, so a car not having one won't bother them in comparison to damage. I'm sort of in the middle for damage and cockpit view in that I want both. Looks like I can't so far.

You'd be surprised, I never switch to any other view.
Why choose?

But, in the spirit of the thread, if I absolutely had to choose I'd go with interior views on all cars.
Ive never used the cockpit view. I voted for it anyway because having damage on only some cars seems a lot more logical than interiors only on some cars. Which cars would you choose for interior" Race cars only? That doesnt even make sense because we have already seen interiors on non-race cars. I can see where a particular car manufacture wouldnt want to show their cars damaged, but I cant think of a scenario where a manufacture wouldnt want to see their vehicle's interior replicated in a game. I guess to sum it up, partial implementation seems to make much more sense when applied to damage than interiors.
Looking at the poll results, I can already picture Kaz's saying the following:

Kazunori: See? SEE?!

(Looks at programmers.)

Kazunori: This is why we shouldn't have included damage in the first place! Because they prefer cockpit views over damage! Now look all the trouble we will have with damage!

(He gets closer to them.)

Kazunori: This is why you are programmers! Because you are stupid!


In all honesty, though, I hope he doesn't freak out if he sees this poll...
I know interior view means a lot to many people, but I play the game like a game, not a simulator, so I usually have the camera outside the car, as it helps with the positioning of the car, particularly a car which is susceptible to under or oversteer. As such I spend a lot of time looking at the car, and it just feels weird to be driving around in an invincible-mobile. I'm playing through GT2 at the moment, and the collision physics are pitiful, the driving physics are a technical marvel considering the time, but AI drivers just barge straight through you, and there is no penalty for doing the same to them, so it feels as if the game is a little dumbed down.

On another note, I wouldn't mind so much if some of the weaker production cars, your Cappucinos, C3s and Focuses were invincible, as it would help provide a dificulty curve to the game, and make the beginning more easier for newbies. That said, faster cars should be destructable, or it just encourages bad behaviour. And driving destructable cars against invincible cars isn't acceptable for obvious reasons. Well, maybe in arcade mode. But I dread to think what would happen if you could do it online.

Even if it were not possible to damage all the cars, keeping the invincible cars on their own and having proper collision physics would actually make a lot of sense.
This is very hard to decide on cockpit or damage on all cars ,so I could not vote in this poll since I am really looking forward to both of them. It might have been more interesting if there was a third choice. Very tricky poll by the way !!!
Cockpit view. Helps immersion much more than damage, which is only an occasional thing anyway.

However, both are necessary in the future.
Even though it would be nice to have damage on all the cars, given the choice between the two, I'll have to go with cockpit view. It's what I use all the time. 👍
Damage. We've survived without cock-pit views for the first 4 installments. But really, they should go hand in hand. Neither should be excluded.
I don't get the utility of this poll, all cars will have cockpit view. It's impossible to think otherwise I mean come on... it's the other way around. Damage won't be on all cars but cockpit view is.

Looking at the poll results, I can already picture Kaz's saying the following:

Kazunori: See? SEE?!

(Looks at programmers.)

Kazunori: This is why we shouldn't have included damage in the first place! Because they prefer cockpit views over damage! Now look all the trouble we will have with damage!

(He gets closer to them.)

Kazunori: This is why you are programmers! Because you are stupid!


In all honesty, though, I hope he doesn't freak out if he sees this poll...
LOL yeah if he does see the poll he would be boiling mad and upset.
Cockpit view is just a bonus feature that adds more detail to what was already a perfectly fine hood view (which is what I look at when I'm trying to point my real car toward the apex).

Damage, on the other hand, completely changes the way you play the game. No more kamikaze moves, no "community braking", no riding the walls. More lifelike. A true feeling of accomplishment from grabbing the checkered flag on a clean run, or even from beating the odds after getting hit by a punter, pitting in and coming back to beat him. You can't get that without damage modeling.