Originally posted by M5Power
He actually meant the Merc E320.
I don't believe you people! A8 this, A8 that - why do the 7-series and S-class outsell it by trillions each year? Hey, by the way, does anyone know when the new VW luxury sedan is coming out?
The Phaeton has been released to the press, so it should be imminent.
As for the popularity of the A8, well, firstly the poll includes neither the S class or the 7 series, so you can't compare results for the A8 with those cars using this poll.
As for why the Mercedes and the BMW outsell it by so much, I really don't know. I can't answer the question. Sometimes I wonder whether if I were actually in a position to buy one of those cars, would I go and drive all three and come away thinking the Audi is rubbish? Probably not. Personally, I'm an Audi-phile, not to the same extent as MazKid is with Mazdas, but I would take an Audi over pretty much any like-for-like competitor.
In design terms, the new 7 series is a joke. One of the reviewers in the UK said the boot looked like the result of letting a bunch of baboons loose with a welding rig. They say that I-Drive is the last word in reducing complexity - well, I disagree. Putting 140 functions on a single knob does not make for an easy life.
Styling-wise, the S-Class is a marvel in getting a big car to look small. Not much else going for it, although it is supposed to be a pretty damn fine car in almost every area.
But the A8 is just lovely, inside and out. Its proportions are all right - it looks like it's meant to be the size it is, unlike the Lexus, which says "yeah, I'm a big car and **** you", the Merc, which says "No no, I'm not big. Please don't think I'm big", and the BMW, which says "Who cares about size? I'm UGLY".
It's all personal preference, and mine is for the Audi.