Wouldnt it be nice if the cars sounded right??

  • Thread starter nescafe37
well i dont no what the rest of you think but im not that impressed with the sound on the GT series...i cannot complain about anything else with the games really apart from that..the cars dont really sound like they should..each car has its own distinct sound(the subarus should sound like dumpers lol)...they have a very distinct sound and the gt series just doesnt justify that..also the more you tune a car the more diferent it sounds...ie the some cars are tuned the rev higher and harder,different cams make the car sound more lumpy,different exhausts sound different..
basically i want a boxer engine to sound like a boxer engine,i want a v6 to sound like a v6 and so on..
also transmission noise,a fulll on race gearbox will wine and crunh like a goood un lol...ohh and how about a little bit of wastegate flutter rather than that dumpvalve effect they have going on:crazy: :crazy: ..
what do you guys and gals think???
Well whilst I wouldn't complain about it as such, I do think they could be a lot better, everything from gear change and power slides/drifts to the engine sounds themselves. I can understand why they wouldn't be able/want to go out and record the engine sounds of 700+ different cars (some of which access to would be denied), but they could at least make a better effort with getting as many true engine noises.
Another thing I've noticed...I don't know whether it's just my hearing or what, but recently when I've been playing, I've noticed that Turbo equipped cars don't seem to have the familiar whistle. If I'm right in saying the whistle is absent, i'd like to see that back too, and a bit louder then it was in GT3
The cars do sound quite like the cars they should be, but not exactly right. And when they're equipped with a modified exhaust all cars sound very similar.
Im not an ms fanboy but I was incredibly impressed with the mechanical soundtrack of cars in Forza Motorsport. I dont have an xbox but i rented it TWICE just for that game. I have a 5.1 cinema setup and OMG do the cars sound good. I will never forget tuning my first car, the VW Corrado SLC. the VR6 was spot on and then the supercharger i added was insane. later on the corvette C6 I tuned really scared the hell out of me when i used to rev it. The ferraris awsome, the porsches boxer flat sixes were sublime. Combine Polyphony design and gameplay with Forza sound and OMFG im in HEAVEN for GT5!!!!!!!!!!!
All I know is that you can hear the turbo whoosh, even if it's quiet, on even a stock turbo car. It's louder with aftermarket parts. The blow-off valves are usually audible on cars like STis and Evos, RX-7s, Supras, and such, but you can't hear them outside the car in-game, and just barely hear them on the closer views. They didn't put in any supercharger whine for blower equiped cars or modded cars. I LOVE that sound, and it is always audible, no matter how much anti-sound stuff it has around it.
Yep, forza has the sound pretty damn close to right. It helps when you have Ferraris though ;-)

Anyway, yeah GT5 needs better sounds, I hope the TGS trailer is an indication of where sound is going in the next game.
I agree about better exhaust sounds, but both the Chargers and the Superbird have pretty sweet exhaust notes, especially at idle.
Anyway, yeah GT5 needs better sounds, I hope the TGS trailer is an indication of where sound is going in the next game.
With the PS3's seemingly unlimited processing power, PD should be able to do amazing stuff with the sound, graphics, etc.

And isn't there another big, fat thread appealing for better sound?
I agree 100% on the sounds of the cars. I have not played GT2 since I have got GT4, but I think some of the cars on GT2 sounded real good. I remember some web site for GT4 before it was released had some sound clips of the cars actually being started. That would be nice to have the sounds of cars starting even if it was just back ground when you got in the car in your garage. To me the graphics are good and do not need much work, but most other aspects of the game included a major revamp on car sounds. We should also be able to hear some poping and back fire sounds when the flame kicks out from the exhaust ( at least I would think you would even if just minor ). It would also be cool if say they had maybe 200 sound tracks with a decent mix of tracks from over the years. As a default what car you got in you started off with songs from that erra of time. We should also be able to change songs at anytime like a radio station etc. Why not also let us pause the game and adjust things like sound and a variety of other minor details. Any contact with wall, other car should have some impact sounds ( much greater then what is now ). I know this has been talked about a lot in many forums, but the tire spinning whine noises are way to excessive and need fixed or at least a way to turn down that part of the sound. Let us set differnt volume levels for background, motor, tires, any commentator sounds that there may be. Let us set the back ground sound effects on the fly, with out having to go into options menu.
i just wanna hear true sounds of famous cars. like, if there are 700 cars in gt4, it would have been enough for me, if they would only recorded 350-400 cars.

who needs the engine sound of the used car from 1970...excapt the american muscels.....V8 Rubmle Rules!! :)

or, i am a total Mercedes AMG Fan, and of cours i bought the E55, and when i took it for a spin...it sounded like a Mercedes E220 Diesel. I was shocked.

the only German car, what sounds "ok" is the BMW M5. with the V10 under the hood, it really got that v10 revving noise. THat Great.

what do you guys think?
I definatly agree, I heard the Mazda 787B, 5 seconds in a bestmotoring video about rotary engines. The shifting was......:drool: It was the SHIFTING that made it sound absolutely wonderfull to listen to. PD forgot this and just made a period of decreased volume when you shift lolz.

Seriously I REALLY need shifting noise!!!
Actually, GT4's sounds really aren't that bad. There are plenty of games out there with far worse sound. I think we get spoiled by the handful of games with better sound, so it comes along that "GT4's sound sucks", which isn't really the case.

Granted, some car sounds in GT4 are downright pathetic. I can't even drive the McMerc SLR because of it.. sounds like a frikkin' electric razor. The throaty rumble/growl that the real car has is completely missing. Granted, the car does have a noisy transmission, which is what you're hearing, but it doesn't drown out the engine in any way, especially from outside the car.

The problem, I think, is one of disc space and system resources. There are several documented cases of cars in the demo sounding FAR better than the same car in the final game. If you pick apart what you're hearing, you'll notice that each car has pretty much only two sounds. Samples at two different RPMs (low/mid), that are simply "sped up" to increase the pitch and make it sound like high RPMs. The problem is, that doesn't really work most of the time, because real cars don't simply pitch up their engine noise when they go faster. Then, add to that the fact that they've got 700 cars in the game. Some of them use the same sounds as others, so figure maybe 550-600 unique engines. Then, add on the differences in various engine and exhaust upgrades. That's a LOT of sound to fit on a DVD, yeah? I think that's why games like NFS can make better sounding engines, is because they've only got a couple dozen cars, instead of several hundred.

Luckily, the PS3 can alleviate all of this. It's got virtually unlimited storage via Blu-Ray disc (yeah, I know it's not "unlimited", but c'mon.. fifty gigs!!) They can dedicate an entire processor of the Cell to doing nothing but sound.

What I really hope, though, is that KY and PD understand that the sound in GT could be better than it is. If they listen to the way it is now and say "Yeah, it sounds alright", then we won't get any kind of improvement. If, however, they're like us, and they listen and say "Man, that bites", then they'll actually make the effort to fix it next time and we'll be golden.

What I'd like to hear, though, is ambient noise. Let's say you're driving around the 'Ring in GT4, and you stop. What do you hear? Nothing. You hear your engine idling. If you're driving an electric car, you're probably hearing little more than dead silence. That ain't right. We need to hear the wind blowing through the trees, we need to hear birds chirping, and traffic driving around the streets of Nürburg. Granted, this stuff can't be heard at speed, but it should still be there. Replays are the same way. There are plenty of times during a replay where your car is too far away to hear. And you get dead silence, even though there should be something else there.. the wind, the birds, etc.

Another thing the cars need is more noise from themselves. When you take a corner, you should hear the suspension creak a little, especially in one of the little used cars. If they have a cockpit view (which seems likely at the moment), they really need to make sure the cars sound as they should inside. Different engine sound, tire sound, squeaky suspension.. the sound of the windshield wipers slapping the glass at 150mph, things like that. As mentioned above, maybe even the sound of the car shifting.. not as in-your-face as the big *clunk-CHUNK* of NFS:U, but at least a little something as the clutch is depressed and the shifter is moved, or even just a little "click" as the driver hits the sequential shifter or paddles (depending on the car).

We know PS3 can do thousands of individual sounds at one time. Doing all of this shouldn't be beyond PD's abilities, and it certainly isn't beyond the system's abilities. Yeah, it'll take some time, but dammit... it's worth it.
I hate the fact that they didn't put the real noise of the Pagani Zonda, because it DOESN'T sound like that in reality...it sounds much better
I hate the fact that they didn't put the real noise of the Pagani Zonda, because it DOESN'T sound like that in reality...it sounds much better
Let's not forget the Zonda's in GT3 were crap.

PD obviously didn't get the car anywhere near the real deal in GT3 with poor handling, a crappy top speed, and terrible all around.

I haven't given the Zondas a run in GT4 yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if their Top Speed stock is crap compared to the real deal.
Actually, GT4's sounds really aren't that bad. There are plenty of games out there with far worse sound. I think we get spoiled by the handful of games with better sound, so it comes along that "GT4's sound sucks", which isn't really the case.

Granted, some car sounds in GT4 are downright pathetic. I can't even drive the McMerc SLR because of it.. sounds like a frikkin' electric razor. The throaty rumble/growl that the real car has is completely missing. Granted, the car does have a noisy transmission, which is what you're hearing, but it doesn't drown out the engine in any way, especially from outside the car.

The problem, I think, is one of disc space and system resources. There are several documented cases of cars in the demo sounding FAR better than the same car in the final game. If you pick apart what you're hearing, you'll notice that each car has pretty much only two sounds. Samples at two different RPMs (low/mid), that are simply "sped up" to increase the pitch and make it sound like high RPMs. The problem is, that doesn't really work most of the time, because real cars don't simply pitch up their engine noise when they go faster. Then, add to that the fact that they've got 700 cars in the game. Some of them use the same sounds as others, so figure maybe 550-600 unique engines. Then, add on the differences in various engine and exhaust upgrades. That's a LOT of sound to fit on a DVD, yeah? I think that's why games like NFS can make better sounding engines, is because they've only got a couple dozen cars, instead of several hundred.

Luckily, the PS3 can alleviate all of this. It's got virtually unlimited storage via Blu-Ray disc (yeah, I know it's not "unlimited", but c'mon.. fifty gigs!!) They can dedicate an entire processor of the Cell to doing nothing but sound.

What I really hope, though, is that KY and PD understand that the sound in GT could be better than it is. If they listen to the way it is now and say "Yeah, it sounds alright", then we won't get any kind of improvement. If, however, they're like us, and they listen and say "Man, that bites", then they'll actually make the effort to fix it next time and we'll be golden.

What I'd like to hear, though, is ambient noise. Let's say you're driving around the 'Ring in GT4, and you stop. What do you hear? Nothing. You hear your engine idling. If you're driving an electric car, you're probably hearing little more than dead silence. That ain't right. We need to hear the wind blowing through the trees, we need to hear birds chirping, and traffic driving around the streets of Nürburg. Granted, this stuff can't be heard at speed, but it should still be there. Replays are the same way. There are plenty of times during a replay where your car is too far away to hear. And you get dead silence, even though there should be something else there.. the wind, the birds, etc.

Another thing the cars need is more noise from themselves. When you take a corner, you should hear the suspension creak a little, especially in one of the little used cars. If they have a cockpit view (which seems likely at the moment), they really need to make sure the cars sound as they should inside. Different engine sound, tire sound, squeaky suspension.. the sound of the windshield wipers slapping the glass at 150mph, things like that. As mentioned above, maybe even the sound of the car shifting.. not as in-your-face as the big *clunk-CHUNK* of NFS:U, but at least a little something as the clutch is depressed and the shifter is moved, or even just a little "click" as the driver hits the sequential shifter or paddles (depending on the car).

We know PS3 can do thousands of individual sounds at one time. Doing all of this shouldn't be beyond PD's abilities, and it certainly isn't beyond the system's abilities. Yeah, it'll take some time, but dammit... it's worth it.
Agreed. 👍 And excuse me for going a bit off topic, but if you give the SLR a sports muffler, it will sound much better. :)
If you try Audi A3 3.2 V6 Quattro, you will find that, that engine sound is the same that was used on the Honda NSX. Well, talking about the NSX, a little off topic, pardon me, NSX revs until little beyond 8000, not 9000 like in GT.

I have played NFS U2, appart from the very bad dynamics, engine sounds are great. They don't realy match perfectly the original sounds of the car, but they are great anyway. GT4 sounds seem a little dumm, you can't "mistake" (don't know how to say) sounds heard in GT with real car sounds.

Well, at different cars shouldn't have the same engine sound.

Good topic :)
I would go as far as to say that I wouldn't mind having fewer cars. At least the ones portrayed are exquisitly made identical to their real life counterparts. 700 cars is allot, and most are neglectable. With a solid amount of cars, say 400, which could really interest the automotive enthusiast would be more than enough.
Imagine, you have 400 cars with: REAL SOUNDS, amazingly detailed graphics, realsistic and complete modifications with true variations between parts and their effects on different cars, true handling, gorgeous changing environments etc... That's what PD should focus on, and for GT6, when they have the know how of designing with the PS3, they could blow up the numbers, on cars tracks and watever else.

I would rather have a completely new game with limited number of cars tracks (obviously not too limited) than have a massive port of GT4.

Remeber guys, we want GT5 not GT4.5

my 2p
I use my bass headphones when i play, (at night in bed all night :) ) and it sounds different, and you can hear more, and theres more detail when you listen more. Like i noticed when i slowly tunned my 22b STi, it kept getting louser, and better sounds. It's very amazing IF YOU PAY ATTENTION.
it all depends what kind of t.v./speakers you have... i was playing GT4 with just a regular t.v. and i noticed that the cars sounded similar to GT3, subaru didn't have it's distinct sound, nor the evolution, bmw, etc. then i went to my sister's house one weekend (gt4 came along offcourse :D), and i played it with her surround sound systyem, turned up the volume and the cars sounded absolutely different. subaru sounded mean as hell, even while throttling, the muscle cars had a deep dragster sound to it... you should even hear the m5 throttle
Yes, I went from TV speakers to headphones and it made a huge difference, if you have headphones I recommend you try it.
it all depends what kind of t.v./speakers you have... i was playing GT4 with just a regular t.v. and i noticed that the cars sounded similar to GT3, subaru didn't have it's distinct sound, nor the evolution, bmw, etc. then i went to my sister's house one weekend (gt4 came along offcourse :D), and i played it with her surround sound systyem, turned up the volume and the cars sounded absolutely different. subaru sounded mean as hell, even while throttling, the muscle cars had a deep dragster sound to it... you should even hear the m5 throttle
Well i can tell the difference...... just pick up of pair of bass headphones and you can hear them perfectly.
EDIT: now that i hear te rest of your post............................. :)