Wow this is really getting annoying!!

  • Thread starter squeakD
Alright.., this is really starting to get on my nerves. There has to be a graphics issue with this title. I used to have my Xbox hooked up to the same TV that I am using for my PS3. It's 1080p HD and the PS is hooked up via HDMI.

For whatever reason this title (appears) to have some texture issues with varying shades of grey/black. There are spots that have a very noticable (hatching) wash. It looks horrible too.., and really takes away from night racing and racing is the rain.

I've made tons of adjustments to my TV as well. Again I had an Xbox 360 hooked up to this TV prior and this was not an issue with ANY of our 360 titles.

Plus..., is doesn't appear when on the GT main screen. Only when in cockpit view. Did PD take a shortcut with the polys??????
My theory is it may have something to do with using lower resolution textures while in cockpit mode to reduce memory footprint. Driving on the external view probably pushes the limit most of the time so getting behind the wheel probably needed some technical "workarounds."
Get the same thing just me (driving in bumper view) and the track. Ever since the 1.05 update they have made the "night" tracks lighter, and the Cote d'azur tunnel has some funny blue curtain at the start/end with the same hatching after effect inside.
Pre 1.05 update, the only way I would get such a horrible looking effect was setting the playstation to 720p output. Tried once, never again!
I'm just shocked that considering how long they have been working on this title.., they've allowed this to happen. It's odd really because in general the graphics in this game are amazing.., yet not so amazing too.

I didn't get GT5 until after the latest patch. If it wasn't as much of an issue before.., I wonder why it is present now. I'm really surprised more people aren't speaking up about it too. Night races tend to look very half-ass when it comes to the graphics. It also makes the rain option look cheap as well.

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