Well, thanks for the awesome discussion guys.
I've got news related to this little situation of mine (both good and bad).
The bad news is that my car is officially totalled (and that's bad because my 4cylinder camry was worth more on the road than on a check).
The good news is that the insurance company valued it much higher than I expected.
Keep in mind...
182,000 + miles
Horrible interior condition
Broken rear bumper (non accident related)
Overall "Fair" condition at best.
However, I kept her in good shape... Consistant oil changes, tune up, transmission fluid, brakes (front and rear), all of those things were attended to regularly. 👍
So, with that all in mind, the "Fair" condition on the check was really more like "Good" condition on the road.
And to get around to it...
What did they value the car at?
Well after I did the research and compared everything to my car...
Personal Estimate and Expected Value: 2200 (-500 deductable) = 1700 check
Actual Insurance Value: 3600 (-500 deductable) = Approximately 3100 (still haven't got the check though).
But that's good news.
It means I can either buy a cheap, CHEAP, car outright, or I can put down a large down-payment on something a bit more expensive.
Plus, if I can wait for just a bit of time there may be the chance of getting extra money and in-turn, getting a nicer car.
So where does this leave me?
Well, I'm still taking my time about shopping. I don't want to start that until I have the actual check instead of just knowing the amount.
Also, I'm not sure about extra money that will be thrown down on top of what I manage on my own, so there's no real way to know my final price range.
However, I've still considered my options to some extent and at the moment I'm finding myself looking at a few things I've never considered.
For example:
I'm actually considering a Toyota Pickup (4cylinder).
Also considering an older Mercedes from the late 80s/ early 90s.
Same for a BMW 3 (but that would be only for early-mid 90s).
Just those 3 are showing me that my selection is much more diverse than my original intention of buying a Corolla or the best alternative.
We'll see how it goes.
In any case, I wanted to come back and give you all an idea of where I'm at for now.
Also wanted to thank you all for the commentary. 👍
Catch you all later,
Back again with news next time I have it,
Till then,