WRS New Drivers and Promotions

  • Thread starter Tedehur
Won't fit. That's why we're driving the NSX for the qualifier, right? I'm starting to get the hang of this car+tyres+track combo. Tough one...

EDIT: Which reminds me... Is "Two Wheels on the Track" including only two front wheels? Since this car is so slippery on N3s, I mostly tend to loose control on the left-right-left combo, and mostly cross the right-turn in some sort of an uncontrolled drift - only two front wheels on the track...
2 wheels are 2 wheels, the rule doesn't mention that it has to be exactly one wheel per axle. So the situation where both rear wheels are on the grass while both front wheels are on the track is perfectly legal.
BTW Metar, I know you don't look much into new threads, so may I suggest that you take a look at the last link in my sig ;)
Been there doing it now. :sly:

What are you trying to do to us lot Cyril?

WRS 71, WRS team event qualifier, (BTW can you link that to your sig too? As it's a closed thread I have to keep hunting for it to check the leaderboard?)

I'm also trying (and failing) to keep up with the TT WRS and a weekly DTM championship. :scared:

Now you spring this on us...Tsukuba Time Attack! Aaaarrrggh! My poor silver slimline PS2, it's going to melt and I can't go back to the brick as GT4's the only game that won't play on that one, it's got the dreaded DSR.

So many choices, which race do I do now? :D

I was on holidays the past fortnight, and I spent all my time on the PC or on the PS2 :D
The good thing about TTA (Tsukuba Time Attack) is that there is no deadline.
Lots of new registration over the past fortnight, here they are alphabetically sorted.

Div 1 :
  • l2ev

Div 2 :
  • mullen_power13
  • rickybobbyjr
  • shakeNbake
  • Tomf4i03

Div 3 :
  • Forza2582
  • kraft_d

Welcome to the WRS :cheers:
there should be a rule against strange usernames comprising numbers and unpronounceable names.
otherwise i say welcome to all that are new. you can be proud of yourself to have found one of the most - if not THE most - thrilling gt4 competitions to be found on the web.
I second this :D
well, pal, you're the supermod with superpowers and superconnections to jordan - do something about it.
btw what's this with you unvoluntory break, did i miss something?
There are 90,000+ members, which means that it becomes difficult to find simple usernames, so if your name is John, you probably need to add extra or special characters and register as John1980 or Jöhn or J_O_H_N.
Not much to do about it since banning unused names doesn't free them.

About my break, well, as I said in the thread for week 73, my ADSL modem is dead (I'm now connected from work) and I'm expecting a new one from my provider. So I haven't been connected much since last friday.
About my break, well, as I said in the thread for week 73, my ADSL modem is dead (I'm now connected from work) and I'm expecting a new one from my provider. So I haven't been connected much since last friday.
booooooh! i suggest we start a sponsoring program to persuade this provider (probably ft i guess) to deliver this thingy NOW or 90000+ gtp members will bombard them with ... well whatever. if not i'll slap them in the face next time i drive by paris.
We'll that not FT but 9 Telecom, and I haven't received the new modem yet.
But the old one is working again, which means it was a synchronization problem and not a modem failure.
But when I see the time it takes to get a new one (4 working days already and nothing delivered), I think I'll keep the spare modem when it arrives :D
there should be a rule against strange usernames comprising numbers and unpronounceable names.

strange that the only names in that list which don't fit this criteria are "Talledega Nights" related.
3 new drivers this week :
pakistani in div 2, phillys4 and El Jarretto in div 3.
Welcome to the WRS guys 👍
I'm starting to suspect a certain MINICOOPER didn't put enough effort into this qualifier... Either that, or he can persuade his Caterham engine to get 200 extra BHP...
His username is lightning which is less cool because he is indeed as fast as lightning. If he's the one I think he is, I had watched a replay of him driving the Polyphony F1 at Complex String (GT3). I had raced the same combo recently and since he was known as a fast guy I wanted to see where I was losing time.
So I watched the replay, and his speed was very similar to mine at any point of the track. Yet, he was (I think) one minute faster overall.
I was a bit puzzled : how could he be that much ahead on the finish line while he was never much faster than me :confused:
So I took a closer look at the replay and found out that his speed was in mph while mine was in km/h. He was actually 1.6 times faster than me on all sectors :eek:
So I took a closer look at the replay and found out that his speed was in mph while mine was in km/h. He was actually 1.6 times faster than me on all sectors :eek:


I made that mistake when someone (Dan/Holl01 I think) posted a track guide in one of the WRS threads...I spent a whole evening trying to work out why I couldn't go round the corner as fast as the guide was telling me I could. :dopey:
His username is lightning which is less cool because he is indeed as fast as lightning. If he's the one I think he is, I had watched a replay of him driving the Polyphony F1 at Complex String (GT3). I had raced the same combo recently and since he was known as a fast guy I wanted to see where I was losing time.
So I watched the replay, and his speed was very similar to mine at any point of the track. Yet, he was (I think) one minute faster overall.
I was a bit puzzled : how could he be that much ahead on the finish line while he was never much faster than me :confused:
So I took a closer look at the replay and found out that his speed was in mph while mine was in km/h. He was actually 1.6 times faster than me on all sectors :eek:

:lol: That was an awesome post. 👍

(Yup, that's me.) :D
That was an awesome lap in the first place :bowdown:
Sorry, I should have started by this instead of mentioning my own craptastic racing skills : "Welcome the WRS 👍"

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