@Kent: Do you think that all racers owning a Max Drive should always be obliged to send in their replays? Or would you even suggest that everyone wanting to race should be asked to buy one in order to be able to participate? (This is an open/friendly question and I'm curious of your view, especially as it is based on many, many weeks of experience!)
Well, first off, thanks for the credit.
I ran in week 1.
Competed in tons and tons of races.
Organized the races for 53 weeks.
Now I'm back to being a normal racer.
So to address your question...
I'm not even entirely sure how I feel about this subject.
I do believe that once you get to a certain level replays are a must.
At the moment, D1 status sets up that replay support concept about as well as I could ever ask for.
On that note, it only makes sense that D2 racers beating D1 times should be required to support their times with replays just like the D1 racers they are beating.
Does this mean I don't care about D2 and D3?
However, asking all of d2 and d3 to supply replays is going a bit far IMO.
This is partly because of the numbers of people involved as well as keeping the series open to as many people as possible.
But it is also in part due to the fact that as lap times go down, the number of people achieving those lap times will go up.
In D2 and D3, competition should be and usually is even tighter than competition in D1.
There are more people capable of racing at those speeds and in-turn there are more people turning in times.
At the D1 level there are fewer people and as the times get faster, the number of people submitting times that fast goes down.
That said, if any one can run D1 lap times they should expect to have to support their time since they are in fact in an elite group of racers.
Sure there are even faster racers, but those racers are also using replay devices.
Think of it like car racing in real life.
If you want to race at the top levels you are going to need to put down some money.
It's part of the way things work (just look at how many people use a wheel for this game).
As the quality of the competition goes up, and as the quality of the races goes up, you can expect the burden on the racer to go up as well.
Bottom Line:
When lap times get fast enough to draw attention and even suspicion, it is time to get a replay device.
Remember, people will only take your times as seriously as you take yourself. If you will not give your competition the respect to support your times then you can't expect your competition to give you the respect of believing your times.
btw, if you have a replay device, I don't think it's necessary for you to post every lap's replay... However, if you beat out your competition in a close battle it might be a good idea to post that replay.