WRS Week 10 Results!

  • Thread starter CFM
Good runs everyone ... this week marks my worst result ever :( and a realization that this track really is my biggest weakness ... I just don't know how to tackle it. Even more kudos to the podium winners then, because even with 20 weeks of practice I doubt I ever could have challenged you.

Congrats to everyone who got promoted and I *HOPE* I can put in a better performance in future weeks.

Don´t worry naty, this happens to everyone. Btw, so far you´re the best woman i´ve ever saw, on driving, and you´re better surely than many ppl inside here. :)

ANd oh enter on msn too!! :sly:
Congrats to the winners, podium'ers, and the promoted ones. Good job everyone. 👍



So that only leaves a few stragglers...

1'24.460 MR8

Unlike the ever patient and trusting CFM, I am looking forward to hearing from the bottom 3 who all managed to beat me without getting a required replay status. :irked:

I'm assuming the best and the worst at the same time.

Call me crazy but I just can't take anyone's word until they have proven to me their word is worth something. :(

I guess this is just one more time where you all get to see the ugly side of what happens to a man who runs the WRS for 53 weeks. :rolleyes:

Oh well,
I will be waiting and looking forward to hearing from all the people mentioned above.


As requested, here's my replay.


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Congrats to the winners, podium'ers, and the promoted ones. Good job everyone. 👍


As requested, here's my replay.

Awesome. 👍

Believe it or not, but simple things like this are what keep racers from leaving...

Of course, I'm sure there are a few of you who would love to not see me in here ever again. :lol:

However, as long as there are people like MR8 and Veil, I will surely hang around racing some of the best clean & verified racers on the gtp. 👍
Congrats to all who raced this week! Holl01 and Hot, I can't wait to see the replays. I knew that 1'23.xxx was achievable, but knowing and doing are 2 different things aren't they. (Is someone going to make a vid of Holl01's lap for NTSC users?)

@Kenny. Great fight man! You knew what you needed to do to beat me, and you did it! I can honestly say I gave my best, and was beaten by a better driver. Congrats on promotion! It looks like we will be continuing to mix it up in Div1. :)
I'm not sure if I'm ready for D1, but guess I better be huh? :scared: I expect to be, as CFM put it, part of D1.5 for a while.

@TLR. Stunning D3 lap. You deserve to move up. 👍 I expect we will see you in D1 in the future?

@Kent. I have been following your comments regarding verification. No arguments at all. Trust is earned. I believe that all of my entries since I joined WRS in wk 5 are in the results archives.

Here is my replay for wk 10. I am especially proud of this lap since it represents the type of car control I have been striving to achieve.


  • wk10 MS 1 24 153.max
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Congratulations to all the Podiums! 👍

And also congratulations to all the promotions! 👍 👍

I think it is very interesting to see that the top racers here are still coming out on top even if they have to drive in rubber boat, RESPECT! :bowdown:

@Kent: Do you think that all racers owning a Max Drive should always be obliged to send in their replays? Or would you even suggest that everyone wanting to race should be asked to buy one in order to be able to participate? (This is an open/friendly question and I'm curious of your view, especially as it is based on many, many weeks of experience!)
I knew I lost a whole chunk of time from T2 to the line, but didn't think it was that much! :dopey:

Congrats to the podium-eees and to the promoteees.

(Is someone going to make a vid of Holl01's lap for NTSC users?)
Gimme time. I'm just in from work. ;)
Gimme time. I'm just in from work. ;)

Thanks Daan. I always appreciate the videos you construct. 👍

BTW congrats on your finish this week. :) The last segment was very difficult to put together properly.
Thanks everyone on the congratulations. I can't believe TLR and I served up a repeat double win :sly: Last week was my best ever finish at 5th, now I just got 4th. Hmm....I'll be eagerly awaiting Week 13 :sly:

@Kent - Here is my replay per request.
@Minorshunt - You, me, and MR8 are always very close and I can always expect great racing from you guys. Can't wait til MR8 gets promoted to D1 :dopey:
@TLR - as usual you earned yourself a 'top 5 finish' in D3 and probably D2 👍

Congrats also to the other podium winners 👍

If you want to know the secret to my success these past two weeks, I can undoubtedly attribute it to the stories that I did these last two weeks :) More to come! hahaha

This lap is squeaky clean, however I nearly grazed the tires that stick out for the last turn. :scared:

If anyone would like to make a video of this, please do so! hint hint Daan :)

By the way, a few weeks ago I began to wonder something dreadful (at the time) - What if I get moved eventually up to D1? At the time I feared it, because I thought I wouldn't be ready. But hey, now...I think I'm ready :)


  • Superb 1.max
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Hello everyone! This is my first week here at the WRS and enjoyed it alot. 👍

Congrats to everyone!


  • 24.573 .max
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@Kent: Do you think that all racers owning a Max Drive should always be obliged to send in their replays? Or would you even suggest that everyone wanting to race should be asked to buy one in order to be able to participate? (This is an open/friendly question and I'm curious of your view, especially as it is based on many, many weeks of experience!)

Well, first off, thanks for the credit.
I ran in week 1.
Competed in tons and tons of races.
Organized the races for 53 weeks.
Now I'm back to being a normal racer. :D

So to address your question...

I'm not even entirely sure how I feel about this subject.

I do believe that once you get to a certain level replays are a must.

At the moment, D1 status sets up that replay support concept about as well as I could ever ask for.

On that note, it only makes sense that D2 racers beating D1 times should be required to support their times with replays just like the D1 racers they are beating.

Does this mean I don't care about D2 and D3?

However, asking all of d2 and d3 to supply replays is going a bit far IMO.
This is partly because of the numbers of people involved as well as keeping the series open to as many people as possible.

But it is also in part due to the fact that as lap times go down, the number of people achieving those lap times will go up.

In D2 and D3, competition should be and usually is even tighter than competition in D1.
There are more people capable of racing at those speeds and in-turn there are more people turning in times.

At the D1 level there are fewer people and as the times get faster, the number of people submitting times that fast goes down.

That said, if any one can run D1 lap times they should expect to have to support their time since they are in fact in an elite group of racers.

Sure there are even faster racers, but those racers are also using replay devices.

Think of it like car racing in real life.

If you want to race at the top levels you are going to need to put down some money.
It's part of the way things work (just look at how many people use a wheel for this game).

As the quality of the competition goes up, and as the quality of the races goes up, you can expect the burden on the racer to go up as well.

Bottom Line:
When lap times get fast enough to draw attention and even suspicion, it is time to get a replay device.

Remember, people will only take your times as seriously as you take yourself. If you will not give your competition the respect to support your times then you can't expect your competition to give you the respect of believing your times.

btw, if you have a replay device, I don't think it's necessary for you to post every lap's replay... However, if you beat out your competition in a close battle it might be a good idea to post that replay.
Hi Kent,

Thank you very much for your detailed and thoughtful reply! I also appreciate the time you took to share your views and feeling about this topic with me/us.

While I generally agree with your opinion, I in particular share your second last paragraph (about taking it seriously).
For me one of the main reasons to participate in WRS is to measure my ability, standing and improvement with fellow racers. If I wanna cheat, then that would take the whole intention away and be absolutely pointless. I could not be proud of outclassing my fellow racers simply by driving dirty or inventing some times...Besides I pride myself in being honest.
And I also think this is the case with most of the drivers within WRS. BUT: the occasional control keeps it sharp (like NOT submitting a round that was not 100% clean.... I had one in this weeks contest, which was a full second faster than my submitted time, but had 3 tires outside the yellow line for a whisker of a second...swallowed a few times, and tried to deliever a clean one..).
I try to be very respectful to people in the forum, and I agree with you that respect must also shown by racing (and submitting) clean and respectful!
Congrats to Losi. Looks like your 1'24 would have been a better goal for me to hit. Good job. 👍
Congratulations to all who raced, particularly the well-deserved promotions of kennythebomb and minor shunt (and TLR of course) - I've been watching your times the past few weeks and driving myself silly trying to match them (no pun intended). I'm not quite there yet, but I think I can see where the time is hiding - it just takes me too long to find it. :ill:

My main problem is inconsistency - I have to discard about 9 out of 10 laps, and hitting the restart so many times is really, really dispiriting. Also, restarting so quickly each time means that you learn the first part of the track very well, but are absolutely sh@*&ing yourself by the midway part of a good lap in case you screw up.

Anyway, I guess that's what they call "racing on the edge". :scared:

No problems with your request for verification - I take it in the spirit with which it is meant; I guess you've seen your fair share of dodgy shenanigans in your time. Although I can't imagine why anyone would feel the need to cheat at this - you're not going to gain anything from it after all...

Here's my replay - though I doubt anyone will learn anything from it, because it's pretty messy in places.

The only part I had to check carefully was the first right-hand turn after T1 as I ran quite wide, but after checking it I'm sure I reached the yellow line after the rumbles with 2 wheels on the line.


  • WRS.wk10.sausages.max
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My main problem is inconsistency - I have to discard about 9 out of 10 laps, and hitting the restart so many times is really, really dispiriting. Also, restarting so quickly each time means that you learn the first part of the track very well, but are absolutely sh@*&ing yourself by the midway part of a good lap in case you screw up.

Yeah...I find I start to get really consistent on a combo around day 5 or 6....then it usually locks into place

Not so much for posting the replay, that I would have pressed for regardless. ;)

However, I do thank you for the way in which you posted the replay.

Many people take great offense to a request.
Often that in itself is the key to finding a cheat. :lol:

And yes, I have seen my share of problems and dodgy responses.
Luckily, I am no longer bound by the honorable race admin title... Now I'm just a pesky fly in the ear of all who even consider running dirty laps for submission. :mischievous: :lol:
But of course, I pack way more punch than a fly. ;) :lol:
My main problem is inconsistency - I have to discard about 9 out of 10 laps, and hitting the restart so many times is really, really dispiriting. Also, restarting so quickly each time means that you learn the first part of the track very well, but are absolutely sh@*&ing yourself by the midway part of a good lap in case you screw up.

Sausages. Hang in there. You have been posting fine times. 👍 Don't know if this will help or not since everyone learns differently, but what I do is start each session fresh. ie I do not load my best ghost lap to chase. My only goal for each session is to beat my previous lap and get my feel down. I do not restart! I try and complete each lap (unless I spinout etc.) by adjusting to my mistakes even if I lose time. By doing it this way, I don't lose the feel for any part of the track once I get in the groove. For example if I screw up the first sector, I just try and nail the 2nd and 3rd by looking at the splits.
Thanks for the advice and encouragement Minor Shunt. I think i will definitely adopt your theory of no gratuitous restarts. It has to help with learning the flow of the track. 👍
If I posted my ghost, would someone actually tell me what I did wrong?

I'm not saying my run was disastrous, but it would help me learn from my mistakes ... even if someone just said "You entered this corner too hard, or exited over here too slow, you took that corner like a rabid mule with 2 legs".


  • W10 Natalya Infineon Stock Superbird.max
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Congrats to all the podiums, and to all that put this beast through its paces this week.

kennythebomb and MinorShunt well deserved promotions, sad to see you leave div2.
TeamLosiRacer welcome to D2 your times are always fast and I look forward to racing with you.

Only had about 11/2 hours to race this week so my 12th finish dosent seem to bad to me, oh well.
Thanks Jump ... wish my debut could have been a little more exciting than the damp squib performance I put forth ... but there will be other weeks :P
erm...... ill have a go at this again..

in PAL format:

:grumpy: 👍

Im not proud, because i couldnt be bothered to try with this one.

I see where all the time was lost after watching holl's lap (thanx Daan), but then i knew that anyway.



  • 51719_10789_GRAN_TURIS.max
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Great job everyone! Sorry for the late response, was outta town for a few days... Lol, and congrats TLR! w00! I told you so :-P. And thanks for the thanks. Haha.

Did anyone watch Kolyana's replay? I'm curious as well to see where she lost time... I tried to help as well but I guess I didn't manage. Or, could someone change it into a video so I can watch it? I don't have a maxdrive... Thanks!
Yes, 'shunt watched it and gave me some great advice ... corner by corner ... essentially it's something that's going to be the difference between what I can do now and 'the next level' ... I brake too late, go in too hard and exit too slow ... I need to reverse this and with his help I hope to do so over the next few months.
Yes, 'shunt watched it and gave me some great advice ... corner by corner ... essentially it's something that's going to be the difference between what I can do now and 'the next level' ... I brake too late, go in too hard and exit too slow ... I need to reverse this and with his help I hope to do so over the next few months.
It took me a few weeks to realize that I was usually braking too late, which indeed results in a wrong line and a too slow exit.
Then it took me several months to actually succeed in braking earlier. That was so unnatural to me that I couldn't resist my inner little voice : Come on, don't brake now. Brake at the 50m sign and you'll save a fraction of a second. No, not now, wait a little bit more. Wait until you reach the rumble strip. No, not now, wait another fraction of a second....
Exactly! It's especially hard if you run a lap using the old - bad - method, so you have a ghost continually taunting you by getting into the corner first :P