WSC IV - JoeOfTheFire, SagarisGTB, O'Rama, Jaguar, Corvette CHAMPIONS!

  • Thread starter Furinkazen
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Alright. Schedule for tonight.

6pm BST. Room opens, free practise.
7pm BST. Qualifying.
7.40pm. Quali over, spec checks
7.45pm, grid form up, race start.
No man I need to get an early night tonight was up till 4:40 last night doing the GT300 Endurance series...
Third GTP win. Third Pole of the season. Won every race i've intended to finish. Lead a lap in 100% of the races i've entered this season. Hope this boosts my points position only finishing twice this season. Dedicating this win to Allan Simonsen.

On a sad note, want to apologize to Sagaris for ruining his race in the end there. Driver error by me ment that I missed my braking point and sadly you paid the price. I yielded that position to you in the end. Sorry again.
As far as races go, this ended up perhaps the best. I didn't win, I had some stupid mistakes, but overall this was something else.

An epic start spoiled by a spin that destroyed my rear suspension. Time dropped and fight back time. Team Ford devised a plan for shorter stints on a faster aggressive set up. This also meant less time in pits refuelling. My strategy was difficult after I wrecked, but once the medium stint was done, it was about consistency as Neljack and Yeratel fell away.

I came with Panoz for the last stint, I underfuelled and was forced to save my fuel, I had done so (was 1 litre short) until I clipped a barrier and spun into Panoz (now fighting him for position in the Porsche Curves). We pit together, even had contact coming in. Then OK8 caught us, passed us, and I had to try not to take him out as he was a lap ahead, without letting Panoz through. A scary moment with 1 to go when we had traffic, but I survived to 3rd.

Congratulations to Lancer and ORama on class wins.

And on a last note, many in the lobby today had messages about Allan Simonsen, the driver who was killed at Le Mans yesterday at Tetre Rouge. Me and Panoz on the warm down lap paid Tetre Rouge a visit. Indeed, also worth perhaps remembering we race 60's cars, and incidents like Simonsens were a regular occurrence. GT5 offers us a chance to sample the raw savagery of these beasts. Lancer said his win goes to Allan Simonsen's memory, and I will agree there. But also, i'll extend that, thats this races' running, goes out tonight in memory of all those claimed at Le Mans over the years.

Alex / Furi.​
Didn't make it back in time so didn't race in the end but probably would of disconnected as my connection is pretty dodgy at the moment
Good race everyone. Congrats to OK8, Lancer and Orama. 👍

Even ignoring my spin, the times I got damage or was punted off, I could have won this race. My fatal mistake was forgetting to change to SM tires during my first pit stop. I did another 4 laps on the hard tire and then dived in for another (unneeded) pit stop, losing 30+ seconds in the process. It's surprising I was even in it though; Lancer was 5.5 seconds faster in qualifying and the Jag is better on fuel/tires.

Apologies to TDZ for hitting you at the start. I was paying to attention to Litchi and Lancer while I was turning and did not expect a prototype to be there. I have to say I'm fortunate I hit you and not a classified driver.
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Sorry I had to go early gents but it was getting late and I had stuff to do.

Congrats to OK8, Lancer, ORama for their class wins. The Jag was silly down the Mulsanne and struggled to keep up with it even in its draft.
Gah, I must have used up all of my luck last night. I think I had 9/10 pitstops. :grumpy:

I'll say what I said during the race again:

It's a testament to how great the racing is, when the guy you're racing for the win crashes at the very end of the race, and you're upset because you were looking forward to the battle, regardless of the outcome, and that feeling outweighs the happiness of knowing you've all but won. That was more than three hours of incredible driving, cheers to Saga and O'Rama on the battles we had throughout the race, I only wish we could've fought to the end.

After what happened at Tertre Rouge yesterday, it was impossible to go through that corner without thinking about it, and every time a car went off, it worried me, even though we're merely racing on a video game and are at no risk, unlike the drivers who risk their lives every time they get in the car. Godspeed Allan, this win's for you.


Qualifying went very well for me, Neljack decided to have some fun and pulled me to absolutely demolish the track record with a 4:18.231 and over 190 mph down the Mulsanne. If it weren't for that, I would've qualified with a 4:22.3.


My race started very uneventfully. I ended up with damage very early and beached the car at the kink before Indianapolis. I managed to catch back up and then some, and I believe I had about a half lap lead until lap 23, when I finally pitted. I made the same mistake as Saga, but it affected me a lot less, as I got punted by a Prototype at Nouvelle Maison Blanche and had to pit the next lap anyhow.

After Saga pitted, having made the same mistake, and me running into the wall at Arnage while distracted by my best friend popping by to see how I was doing, we were very close, I would just catch his draft at the end of the Mulsanne before he'd pull away in the twisty bits. However, O'Rama slowed him down just enough for me to get back in the battle, which got pretty intense with the little Alfa mixing it up with our fast GTs, even down the Mulsanne straight. I managed to get around both by using O'Rama to box Saga in under the Dunlop Bridge. Later that lap, Saga got squirrely under brakes at Mulsanne corner and knocked the inside wall. I think that crash ended it to be honest, but he spun again entering the Porsche Curves to put any doubts to rest. Afterwards I just cruised and tried to stay out of the Prototypes' way when they lapped Dave and Randy and me and each other all at once in the Porsche Curves.

More Thoughts

I'd like to give my compliments to Furi on the race, the race was certainly the most unique experiences there is on GT5, and it was the first time I've seen a difference in the classes where they could mingle but you could still get that awesome feeling of blowing by a slower ST car, or getting utterly decimated by a Prototype down the Mulsanne. All the drivers were top-notch (even you, Randy :)) and made the race great.

Thanks again, and see you at Pescara. ~Lancer
Have we ever had a more emotional GTP night? And did my pic on my post load?
If anybody tries nonsense like what Neljack tried, you're in trouble.

Neljack to get penalty for that. Gentlemans series or not, thats not on.
Qualifying went very well for me, Neljack decided to have some fun and pulled me to absolutely demolish the track record with a 4:18.231 and over 190 mph down the Mulsanne. If it weren't for that, I would've qualified with a 4:22.3.
Ah, that explains it. You were good for pole anyway, my best was only 23.7 (with only two short hints of draft when prototypes blasted by me).
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