Only looking to trade in next 2 hours or so.
Slot 1: Sauber C9 (0 miles), few colourshift paints
Slot 2: Furai GT gun metalgray, Furai GT yellow, 787B, Sauber C9, X1 Prototype (0 miles), Viper GTS-R Team Oreca Race car #51 (about 500km). A few matte paints
Slot 3 (Closed for today): all the above
BMW V12 LMR Race Car 99 (0 miles)
Toyota GT-ONE Race Car (TS020) 99 (0 miles)
Mazda Furai silver, white (0 miles)
X1 Red, cranberry (both with some km), blue (0 miles, but i have no idea which # is that, but most likely #9).
All those '67 20m cars of course
2J (with some km on it, but fully tuned)
Some rally cars old and new
+ more cars, which i'm too lazy to list. Also i have 15m on that account, so any premium car if you want it.
For slot 1 accepting chromes/matte (only ones that i don't have).
Feel free to offer anything tho, except any car from normal dealership.
Looking for colored X1s that i don't have.
Also looking for Furai in original colour, preferable 0 miles/stock.
Link for X1 colours (mainly for myself, so i won't need to open it from bookmarks every time xD )
Edit: note for myself too
#1 White
#2 Beige/Silver
#3 Grey
#4 Gunmetal Grey
#5 Gloss Black
#6 Matte Black
#7 Midnight Blue
#8 Satin Blue
#9 Gloss Blue
#10 Sky Blue
#11 Violet
#12 Royal Blue
#13 Purple
#14 Pink
#15 Cranberry
#16 Red
#17 Orange
#18 Yellow
#19 Metallic Orange/Copper
#20 Dark Green
Slot 1: Sauber C9 (0 miles), few colourshift paints
Slot 2: Furai GT gun metalgray, Furai GT yellow, 787B, Sauber C9, X1 Prototype (0 miles), Viper GTS-R Team Oreca Race car #51 (about 500km). A few matte paints
Slot 3 (Closed for today): all the above
BMW V12 LMR Race Car 99 (0 miles)
Toyota GT-ONE Race Car (TS020) 99 (0 miles)
Mazda Furai silver, white (0 miles)
X1 Red, cranberry (both with some km), blue (0 miles, but i have no idea which # is that, but most likely #9).
All those '67 20m cars of course
2J (with some km on it, but fully tuned)
Some rally cars old and new
+ more cars, which i'm too lazy to list. Also i have 15m on that account, so any premium car if you want it.
For slot 1 accepting chromes/matte (only ones that i don't have).
Feel free to offer anything tho, except any car from normal dealership.
Looking for colored X1s that i don't have.
Also looking for Furai in original colour, preferable 0 miles/stock.
Link for X1 colours (mainly for myself, so i won't need to open it from bookmarks every time xD )
Edit: note for myself too
#1 White
#2 Beige/Silver
#3 Grey
#4 Gunmetal Grey
#5 Gloss Black
#6 Matte Black
#7 Midnight Blue
#8 Satin Blue
#9 Gloss Blue
#10 Sky Blue
#11 Violet
#12 Royal Blue
#13 Purple
#14 Pink
#15 Cranberry
#16 Red
#17 Orange
#18 Yellow
#19 Metallic Orange/Copper
#20 Dark Green
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