X1, 787B, Furai, Viper Team Oreca, GT-One, BMW V12, any premium car etc

  • Thread starter TJ31
Only looking to trade in next 2 hours or so.

Slot 1: Sauber C9 (0 miles), few colourshift paints

Slot 2: Furai GT gun metalgray, Furai GT yellow, 787B, Sauber C9, X1 Prototype (0 miles), Viper GTS-R Team Oreca Race car #51 (about 500km). A few matte paints

Slot 3 (Closed for today): all the above
BMW V12 LMR Race Car ‘99 (0 miles)
Toyota GT-ONE Race Car (TS020) ‘99 (0 miles)
Mazda Furai silver, white (0 miles)
X1 Red, cranberry (both with some km), blue (0 miles, but i have no idea which # is that, but most likely #9).
All those '67 20m cars of course
2J (with some km on it, but fully tuned)
Some rally cars old and new
+ more cars, which i'm too lazy to list. Also i have 15m on that account, so any premium car if you want it.

For slot 1 accepting chromes/matte (only ones that i don't have).
Feel free to offer anything tho, except any car from normal dealership.

Looking for colored X1s that i don't have.
Also looking for Furai in original colour, preferable 0 miles/stock.

Link for X1 colours (mainly for myself, so i won't need to open it from bookmarks every time xD )

Edit: note for myself too
#1 White
#2 Beige/Silver
#3 Grey
#4 Gunmetal Grey
#5 Gloss Black
#6 Matte Black
#7 Midnight Blue
#8 Satin Blue
#9 Gloss Blue
#10 Sky Blue
#11 Violet
#12 Royal Blue
#13 Purple
#14 Pink
#15 Cranberry
#16 Red
#17 Orange
#18 Yellow
#19 Metallic Orange/Copper
#20 Dark Green
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I have matte paint ( dark grey, dark green, dark silver, and white).
Want to trade with u for the c9. But is tomorrow this time ok?
Chrome and any RUF full tuned for C9?

Ok, add this psn or another one?

I have matte paint ( dark grey, dark green, dark silver, and white).
Want to trade with u for the c9. But is tomorrow this time ok?
Can't tomorrow.. also i usually don't make any plans for the next days, i'm too busy sometimes to even turn on ps3. =)
lookign for the Viper GTS-R Team Oreca Race car #51

what else do u want besides those colours or cars i got a bunch name something
Ok I will try my luck tomorrow then. Thanks.

Edit. Oops didn't read. Try my luck when ever then.
Ok, add this psn or another one?

Can't tomorrow.. also i usually don't make any plans for the next days, i'm too busy sometimes to even turn on ps3. =)

May be trading Supra, if he says no or w/e I'll PM you
Slot 3 used, so only 1st and 2nd left.

what do you want for that x1?

If you mean carbon which is still available, then i would like any coloured x1 that i don't have or maybe original coloured furai (black with red wing) with low (or better) zero miles.
Same as above (x1s, furai), maybe some LM car that i don't have... I dunno, what do you have (that are not from normal dealership and not from OCD)?
i got a bunch of stuff name some u want i prolly have them

what x1 colours other then the ones u listed do u not have?
Edited a 1st post a bit.
""Looking for X1s, except pink (14), cranberry (15), red (16), some blue (i have no idea which is it... ), prototype, s.vettel.""
Preferable purple, but any will be ok, especially if it has 0 miles.
lol im stupid i thought that said the colours u wanted only didnt see it said x1s in general

i have copper/orange, white and yellow

i just dont have them in a accont avail right now dont think.

anything else lol i want that viper
mclaren f1 gtr race car
nissan r89c
pegot 908
r10 tdi

Have all of those. >.<

Btw, that's what's happening when 2 lazy guys are trying to trade. Neither have a car list (it'll be sooooo boring to copy and past all those cars or check them on mygranturismo.com ), so it's kinda hard. -.-''
i got what ur looking for just not all of it is avail to me right now thats all

i got stuff all over the place but if i read it i will know if i got it
Ok, last (and actually 1st) bump for today, can trade in next 20 mins, then i'll go sleep. ><
Accepting random matte colours for slot 1, or chromes if anyone want to trade those.
For slot 2 accepting X1s (for x1 prototype 0 miles), furais that i don't have (except champaign gold too tho, it's ugly xD ), chromes, matte black paints or mix of those or post anything.