X2010's GALORE!

neither of those offers sorry.


Looking for;
X2010 Pink (i am accepting other colours though)
LM Cars

Looking to trade;
X2010 Prototype
X2010 Gold
X2010 White
X2010 Seb.Vettel
(unlimited stock)

Post here but please dont PM me unless we have confirmed a trade
I can give you a Jaguar XJR-9 LM Race Car '88 for an X2010?
That's if you reply fast enough! =P

PSN: sean6661
well i will updat at midnight if your still on as i have lots available then do you have a speed 8 ?

i dont atm, but i've had a few people asking for swaps, so, im opening the bentley 8 speed offer to first come first serve.

X2010's i have;

X2010 Prototype
X2010 (Pink, White & Gold)
X2010 Seb.Vettel

Cars i want;

Any other Coloured X2010's
LM Cars (like bentley 8 and others)
Any RARE cars.

Post here, message me on add me on PSN;


(Sucsessful trades up to 19 with sean, throck and kamisaya)