Xbox Series X Games Showcase Coming July 23

I mean, that Mazda LMP looked pretty damned amazing, but... yikes. Absolutely no info.

Oh great, another Life is Strange spinoff.
"If you're waiting for the BIGGEST game of the year....wait for Cyberpunk!"

Not gonna lie, that got a very hearty chuckle out of me. :lol:

Edit: I also just realized that they got Steve Blum to say "World Premiere." I wonder how much Microsoft paid him.
Meh, here's our bargain bin games of 2023... Its always the same console launch games are never as good as the later one's...
Pretty exciting stuff, but didn't feel as epic as the Playstation show. A little bummed about the short Forza showcase.

Wondering if that Outer Worlds DLC is Xbox exclusive, as I have the game on PS4. Otherwise looking forward to Halo Infinite so bad, above everything else.
That Forza reveal was really disappointing, we already knew it was in development of we know it’s early in development and.... That’s about it.

I hope it lives up to the hype it will no doubt build nearer release, but am I hyped by that trailer? No, not at all.
Did they show console launch exclusive for Peril on Gorgon? If they did, there's a PlayStation 4K YouTube official trailer for it...
Did they show console launch exclusive for Peril on Gorgon? If they did, there's a PlayStation 4K YouTube official trailer for it...

Doesn't mean the playstation will get it st the same time. Console launch exclusive just means it'll hit xbox first.
I mean, that Mazda LMP looked pretty damned amazing, but... yikes. Absolutely no info.

Oh great, another Life is Strange spinoff.

But it was the old Mazda prototype. I would really be pumped if it was the DPi version.
Just some notes of what I'm looking forward to, following this event.

Forza MotorSport
Was really disappointed by the lack of footage, it felt more like an advert for Apollo than Forza. But the confirmation alone has me relieved; the distant release date... not so much. I just hope Dirt 5 can tide me over until then.

Halo Infinite
I'm not a Halo fan in any sense; I never played the first two, and I think the only game I thoroughly enjoyed was Reach. But considering the lack of recent, sci-fi "save the world against an inhuman threat" games within the FPS genre, I'm all in. I'm just not sure how the open world will translate. It could work perfectly, or it could be another Rage 2.

Missed out on the beta, but it looks good enough. The new campaign trailer only further reeled me in, and was probably the best trailer at the event.

No idea what this is, but I always prefer the darker fantasy games. Glad to see one that isn't a soulslike.

Warhammer 40K Darktide
I'll buy anything Warhammer unless its proven to be hot garbage. I played Space Hulk Deathwing and Vermintide 2 to death, but have always wanted a game in in the former's universe, with the latter's gameplay. If this game is what I think it is, I'll be ecstatic.

Final thoughts
I feel that Xbox still has a distinct lack of 1st party exclusives, but they certainly showed me more than what Playstation did. Others got a lot more out of the Sony conference, but as someone who has no interest in Spider-Man or HZD2, I've got little reason to favor the PS5 right now. Its basically Gran Turismo 7 and Demons Souls Remake vs the five games above, as none have a planned PS5 release just yet. Though I figure that'll eventually change for Darktide.
Just some notes of what I'm looking forward to, following this event.

Forza MotorSport
Was really disappointed by the lack of footage, it felt more like an advert for Apollo than Forza. But the confirmation alone has me relieved; the distant release date... not so much. I just hope Dirt 5 can tide me over until then.

Halo Infinite
I'm not a Halo fan in any sense; I never played the first two, and I think the only game I thoroughly enjoyed was Reach. But considering the lack of recent, sci-fi "save the world against an inhuman threat" games within the FPS genre, I'm all in. I'm just not sure how the open world will translate. It could work perfectly, or it could be another Rage 2.

Missed out on the beta, but it looks good enough. The new campaign trailer only further reeled me in, and was probably the best trailer at the event.

No idea what this is, but I always prefer the darker fantasy games. Glad to see one that isn't a soulslike.

Warhammer 40K Darktide
I'll buy anything Warhammer unless its proven to be hot garbage. I played Space Hulk Deathwing and Vermintide 2 to death, but have always wanted a game in in the former's universe, with the latter's gameplay. If this game is what I think it is, I'll be ecstatic.

Final thoughts
I feel that Xbox still has a distinct lack of 1st party exclusives, but they certainly showed me more than what Playstation did. Others got a lot more out of the Sony conference, but as someone who has no interest in Spider-Man or HZD2, I've got little reason to favor the PS5 right now. Its basically Gran Turismo 7 and Demons Souls Remake vs the five games above, as none have a planned PS5 release just yet. Though I figure that'll eventually change for Darktide.
Vermintide 2 is in a PSN sale at the moment. Is it good? What sort of game is it since these Warhammer games seem to all be different types of game from each other.
Vermintide 2 is in a PSN sale at the moment. Is it good? What sort of game is it since these Warhammer games seem to all be different types of game from each other.

Its a melee-focused Left 4 Dead kind of game. 4 player co-op, or solo with 3 bots. You're given a series of narrative-driven scenarios to traverse through, fighting off the scaven ratmen, chaos soldiers (and beastmen in the DLC), coupled with periodic hordes of fodder enemies or special foes that cause all kinds of problems for you. And much like L4D, your teammates are all unique characters with their own personalities and exchangeable dialogue. Likewise, if you play as a character, then switch over to a second, the ai playing your first character will keep your build. So even if you don't have friends to play with, you can still build up your team to take on the higher difficulties.
Character builds are pretty varied when it comes to weapons and skills, with each of the five characters having three unique classes to pick from. But there's little in the way of armor/body cosmetics, with not but a few rare cosmetics to find or unlock through challenges.

Its no AAA product, and can become repetitive after a few hours, but is typically revered as one of the best 1st person melee combat games on the market. Weapons feel good to use, there's a full arsenal with swords, axes, bows, spears, fire spells, guns, and even a flail/chain mace. So yeah, Its worth looking at on sale.
That was extremely underwhelming. They just love to hype these shows to only leave us disappointed. Seems like I never learn my lesson

Halo was particularly lazy no effort to innovate at all, when you look at say Borderlands 3 with its varied locations and weapons it seems the flagship game is stuck in a rut by comparison (halo combat un-evolved lol). No need to early adopt the new consoles with either Sony or MS, the good games will arrive eventually maybe 4 years or so given the complexity of them these days...
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