Yay! I have a website...

  • Thread starter Jpec07
Originally posted by Sage
Um, I hate to be so rude after what everyone's already said, but I'll sum up what I have to say (and I'll note in advance that many of them have probably already been noted):

- Two navigation bars never works well for a website (unless you have footer info or blogmarks, but obviously you don't). Make one, well-formed navigation bar. While you're at it, take out "Menu"... one test of good web design is that your visitors should be able to instantly tell the functions of every element of the site without "helper" information, which that Menu image falls under.

- I realize art is subjective, but personally the menu buttons say "bad Photoshop job" to me. There are way too many colors going on there (color schemes, in general, should constitute 2-3 colors, including the entire website itself), the glow effect is over done, and there's a bit of inconsistency in that the top-row buttons change text color on rollover, but the sidebar ones don't.

- The blinking eyes A) don't serve a purpose (superfluous elements = no no in web design), and B) don't even match the general style of the rest of the site's theme. Ditch 'em.

- You have a 2-3 pixel divider between posts, but you also have a 2-3 pixel divider to indicate the bottom of the iframe, and both are solid and white. Confusing.

- And of course, XHTML/CSS would be cool, but I realize you're not up to that level of coding yet (and that's not even touching on semantics yet, by golly!), so I'll leave that be.

- The streaky things coming out to touch the top buttons are kinda cool, but they're poorly rendered and rather superfluous.

I don't know much about web design so I don't know what is good and bad, or what looks good or bad on a website. I think almost anything looks nice.
Originally posted by donbenni
"The website of me" ?

Surely you can think of a better title than that, both imaginatively and grammatically.

:lol: You want the truth? That's all I can come up with. I mean, I'm open to suggestions about it, but honestly, that's all I can come up with...
Jpec07's Spot? - Jpec07's Homepage - Jpec07's Place - Jpec07's Web Site, please choose some of these highly original names.
*laughs while shaking head*
Personally, I think "The Website of Me" is more abstract and original (not to mention that I don't feel like going in and changing it). BTW, I just added some java to the buttons on the side, so now they change too (although now it looks like they're better than the buttons on top; not for long though...)

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