Yellow Light Of Death, Finally!!! (PS3 60gig).

Yesyes. I will NOT reflow my unit until I get an extra hard drive to do a full back up. I'll back the info and buy a slim, but I don't think I'll sell this one. If I'm lucky enough to get it working again, I'll use it until it breaks again.

I think the main thing he was saying was to do a backup of your "save games" first. Your PS3 will be getting very warm doing a full backup.
I think the main thing he was saying was to do a backup of your "save games" first. Your PS3 will be getting very warm doing a full backup.

Of course, that makes a lot of sense. Good point I'll be sure to do that.
I think this could be useful to you. translate with google.

or here from the same article a slideshow showing how it would needed to be rapaired correctly, but with no warrenty that it will hold for long either

Pretty much shows that repairs are not worth (for continuing playing on it) as it will break again. :(
I live in the same fear with mine fatty ( and i don't want to lose my ps2 backwards comp.)

cheap soldering material :S
Well it is strange, this. My PS3(60GB) has lately started giving me the YLOD after being off for a lengthy period, say a few hours or overnight.
When it happens, and the standby light flashes red, all I do is touch the standby bit on the console and it starts up again and works fine. After playing, and I put back into standby, I can come back to it within an hour or 2 and it will start up no problem. It's only after leaving it off for over 3 hours or overnight I get the YLOD. But again, when it happens I can just press the standby on the console and it will be Ok.
I suspect, in my case, it may be a heating issue, where the console being off for a while it cools down and wont start up straight away.
Is my situation unique or has anybody else experienced this?
Would be fairly common. How old is it? If it's under 3 years, I'd suggest using the Sale of Goods Act to get it repaired/replaced.
No, I got my console around a month after Sony launched the PS3, hence it being the 60GB Fat one.
Was considering upgrading my HDD, but now I think I'll just wait until it dies completely and get a new one. There's supposed to be a new 320GB slim coming out.
My 60 gig launch model is still kicking almost 4 years later... *knocks on wood*
I hope i don't lose it... I don't want to lose my backwards compatibility.

*edit* And for the record... I have had 3 Xbox360s die on me over the past 5 years.
My 60 gig launch model is still kicking almost 4 years later... *knocks on wood*
I hope i don't lose it... I don't want to lose my backwards compatibility.

*edit* And for the record... I have had 3 Xbox360s die on me over the past 5 years.

Yup, as I have said elsewhere, the original 60GB launch PS3 is the best one technically, and is the most reliable.
Unless they don't have good air flow around them, do they actually overheat? My PS3 has been in the open since launch day and gets cleaned out maybe a handful of times a year. The only time it makes a sound is when I play PS2 games.
From the PS3s I've "dealt" with, only those inside entertainment centers or things like that, eventually kick the bucket. That and one was in a room that was rather warm year round. The flux is affected, it melts then hardens and becomes brittle and eventually fails.
A few days till GT5 and I have a YLOD. :grumpy:
I read the thread and I'll try to fix it but damn 10 days to go. 👎
A few days till GT5 and I have a YLOD. :grumpy:
I read the thread and I'll try to fix it but damn 10 days to go. 👎

If you fix it yourself, it wont last for very long. Just buy a new PS3 first, then fix your old one and do a complete data transfer to the new one.

Sorry, but your original PS3 is dead for good.
If you fix it yourself, it wont last for very long. Just buy a new PS3 first, then fix your old one and do a complete data transfer to the new one.

Sorry, but your original PS3 is dead for good.


Look at my post above.

Reflow is good for the data transfer.
The only thing which will really work (for a certain amount of time) is reballing, and that cost alot (+- 150€).

Do what Solid Lifters told....

I too still have my 60gb fatty, but i bought the 320gb when it hit the stores in order to save my fatty for psx/ps2 games...

Good luck
A few days till GT5 and I have a YLOD. :grumpy:
I read the thread and I'll try to fix it but damn 10 days to go. 👎

Solid Lifters is correct it will only work for a short time then you have to do it again. I am on my 12th reflow in a year, The only reason I do it is it is a "Launch" 60gb model. I can do the reflow in an hour so I will keep reviving it until it no longer lives! With GT5 release I would just get a new PS3 and start fresh so you don't have to deal with the data transfer.
Hello all..

Today was a sad day, the ylod happened ! Fallout New Vegas killed my 60gb fatty, anyway I am now 300 dollars lighter and now have a 160gb slim for the imminent arrival of GT5.

In total I managed to get 3 years out of the fatty, I am already missing GT4 though.

I just wanted to share my pain with everyone, it feels like I have lost a friend and gained another !!
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For those that are experiencing YLOD and looking for ways to get it fixed and or ways of restoring your data to a new PS3, I posted a while back a thread that includes my own experience with YLOD and some helpful guides as well as videos on what you can do if it happens to you:

I would only add, that for anyone looking to insure a more permanent fix to most YLOD issues, then they should seriously consider having their PS3's professionally reballed... which is explained in more detail in that thread, but basically it means they will remove all the solder used to connect the CPU and GPU chip sets to your PS3's circuit board, then reset them using lead based solder.

Lead based solder is far more resistant to temperature changes, and wont breakdown nearly as fast.

The reason Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo don't use lead based solder is that legally they are not allowed to as game consoles, unlike personal computers, are legally classified as "toys" and thus are not allowed to have any lead based products used in their manufacturing.

So I suppose we can blame the lawyers who will try to sue companies because they think some kid is going to take apart their game console and chew on the circuit board... :odd:
Well, it seems my Blu-ray drive is borked... after buying the console in March 2007 in expectation of GT5, it decides to pack up just six sodding days before the game finally comes out. Unbelievable. :guilty:

I stupidly didn't record the number of the error code :ouch:.. basically, I went to start FFXIII, and it came back with an error about not being able to start the operation or something like that. I tried it again, with the disc icon (the FFXIII logo) still visible and the same thing happened. The third time, the error number came up, and then the logo disappeared. I ejected the game disc and stuck in a DVD and checked the Video column, and nada.

I just restored the PS3's file systems as per these instructions, but unfortunately it is still not working.

Any ideas/experience/tips, or does it look like Amazon are going to be getting one more order for a 320GB PS3 and GT5 CE bundle shortly? :nervous:

P.S. Great to see you back, D-N :dopey:

edit: When I put a disc in, the little clock in the top right hand corner of the screen starts to spin, and the blue light on the console comes on, but nothing happens... this applies to every disc I've tried, CD, DVD and PS3 games.
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Hoping my 60GB doesn't give up on me anytime soon. Been going good so far, haven't had any issues. I bet GT5 will kill it though. :lol:
Well, it seems my Blu-ray drive is borked... after buying the console in March 2007 in expectation of GT5, it decides to pack up just six sodding days before the game finally comes out. Unbelievable. :guilty:

I stupidly didn't record the number of the error code :ouch:.. basically, I went to start FFXIII, and it came back with an error about not being able to start the operation or something like that. I tried it again, with the disc icon (the FFXIII logo) still visible and the same thing happened. The third time, the error number came up, and then the logo disappeared. I ejected the game disc and stuck in a DVD and checked the Video column, and nada.

I just restored the PS3's file systems as per these instructions, but unfortunately it is still not working.

Any ideas/experience/tips, or does it look like Amazon are going to be getting one more order for a 320GB PS3 and GT5 CE bundle shortly? :nervous:

P.S. Great to see you back, D-N :dopey:

edit: When I put a disc in, the little clock in the top right hand corner of the screen starts to spin, and the blue light on the console comes on, but nothing happens... this applies to every disc I've tried, CD, DVD and PS3 games.

I bought a 80GB PS3 a little over a year ago, 6 months after I purchased it the Blu-Ray drive went out. I couldn't locate my receipt for the warranty so I went out and bought a Slim model. Sony wanted $149 to fix the PS3 so I thought getting a new slim would be better. The Blu-Ray Drive on Ebay for my model is only $79 but have not ordered it. Not exactly sure why I would need a 3rd PS3 at this point since my 60GB is till alive after 12 revives so far.

It only takes about 10 minutes to replace a Blu-Ray Drive since it is on top right below the cover. The key thing is not to damage the ribbon cable connector on the motherboard. The connector flips up 90deg to unlock the cable, then back down to lock in the cable. When my 60GB PS3 no longer runs I will most likely get a drive then. I cannot use the drive from the 60GB since it is different and is not compatible with the 80GB PS3.
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Well, it seems my Blu-ray drive is borked... after buying the console in March 2007 in expectation of GT5, it decides to pack up just six sodding days before the game finally comes out. Unbelievable. :guilty:

Bad timing for sure!

Before you go and replace your PS3, what you might want to do, if you have a willing friend with a PS3, is to swap out your Blu-ray drive for theirs (its VERY easy to do, videos of it are in that thread as well as on YouTube), and see if it works.

If it does, then you'll know all you need to do to fix it is to buy a replacement blu-ray drive instead of a new PS3.

If it still doesn't work, then it sounds like a new PS3 may be you best choice.

In fact, even if swapping drives fixes the problem, you may want to weigh the cost of the drive and the number of hours you've logged on your PS3 it and the possibility of an eventual YLOD issue against the cost of simply getting a new PS3.

I ended up doing both so I now have two PS3, and I have to say, I really like the new slim. It is a extremely quite and runs much cooler.

As far as bundles, I didn't even know there was a 320GB PS3 and GT5 CE bundle? Or is that wishful think? :)

P.S. Great to see you back, D-N :dopey:

Thanks! Time permitting, I hope to participate more than I have, but it's nice to see many of the same dedicated GTP members contributing to this great site. 👍
Thanks for the tip - there are a couple of guys in my work that have PS3's, but I doubt they'd be willing to let me perform surgery on it, esp. with GT5 so close. Unless I can get it fixed properly for less than what I think it will cost, the future is looking bleak for old fat boy :( I can get a brand new 320GB Slim with GT5 Collector's Edition for £270, which I reckon is a pretty cracking deal - so good infact I even considered buying it anyway, since it is basically giving GT5 CE away for free, and I would like the upgraded/newer PS3 some time anyway.

I can't help but wonder if FFXIII may have played a role in this untimely death? I only sporadically play disc-based games - my biggest game by far in terms of time has been WipEout HD, which is not on a disc, and I've only played F1 2010 and GT5:P on disc recently and for limited periods of time at that (max. 2 hours). However, after a 7 month hiatus, I popped FFXIII back in two weeks ago and finished the game at the weekend. Since then, I've been furiously cramming in evening sessions to get as much of the game done before GT5 comes out (tonight is my last free night before GT5!), and I confess to having played it for 4-5 hours atleast 6 times (taking the total time from ~60 hours to ~90 hours). Perhaps this splurge of disc activity has killed it? Given that it is the only disc based game I've played anywhere near this much (with the possible exception of F1:CE), I'd be pretty unchuffed the blu-ray drive has died because of that...
I can get a brand new 320GB Slim with GT5 Collector's Edition for £270, which I reckon is a pretty cracking deal - so good infact I even considered buying it anyway, since it is basically giving GT5 CE away for free, and I would like the upgraded/newer PS3 some time anyway.

That is a great deal, and must be an exclusive to the UK. Here in the States the only 320GB PS3 bundle Amazon currently sells is one that comes with the Move bundle and sells for $400.

I'd be pretty unchuffed the blu-ray drive has died because of that...

I don't think that would be the case. It's most likely just bad luck, as I know a few hardcore videophiles that log hours each day playing blu-ray movies on their PS3s over the last three years so if anyone was going to wear out their drives it would have to be them.

Even if you do get a new PS3, I'd suggest you hold on to your Fat, and when a good deal comes up for a blu-ray drive like on ebay, or if it is just the laser pickup that needs to be replaced, you'll be able to fix it and either have two PS3s or sell it to cover some of the cost of the new one. 👍
Even if you do get a new PS3, I'd suggest you hold on to your Fat, and when a good deal comes up for a blu-ray drive like on ebay, or if it is just the laser pickup that needs to be replaced, you'll be able to fix it and either have two PS3s or sell it to cover some of the cost of the new one. 👍

Good plan, if I replaced the PS3 I'd probably sell the old one eventually to cover the cost. My workmate is a big console gaming buff and tells me that a launch PS3 fatboy would probably sell for a premium, even with a borked blu-ray drive, so I might look into that too.

Either way, my PS3 is currently undergoing brain surgery - I went home at lunchtime and spoke to Sony, and tried the basic recovery moves, but to no avail. So, a full restore it is... everything is backed up and there isn't too much to lose, and if it doesn't make any difference (which I doubt it will), I've to call them back and take it further. The Sony guy mentioned the word 'replacement' which sounded good, but then again he probably doesn't realise that the thing is 3.5 years old

That is a great deal, and must be an exclusive to the UK. Here in the States the only 320GB PS3 bundle Amazon currently sells is one that comes with the Move bundle and sells for $400.
The Amazon bundle is great, given that they are also selling the console alone for much the same price - so basically GT5 CE free there. Either GAME or Play have a good bundle too, PS3 320GB plus GT5 & FIFA '11 for £285 - it's the standard edition GT5, but that too is a good deal. My only concern is that my sister might want to save it as an Xmas present for me... :nervous:
Here's a warning to my fellow GT/PS3 enthusiasts who are thinking about using Sony's repair service when your console gets YLOD.

After years of waiting, the ultimate nightmare scenario came true. My launch PS3 (with upgraded 320GB) got YLOD with GT5 stuck inside. I contacted Sony Repair service and agreed to repair my PS3 for $150 USD instead of replacing it with a slim for $99. After about a week I received a replacement PS3 with my GT5 game disc...

A couple of issues:

1) Sony reserves the right to replace your PS3 even if you chose to have it repaired. The replacement was a reconditioned PS3 with 60 GB hard drive, so my 320GB hard drive was missing! Sony says they are not responsible for anything returned without their permission. According to their terms and conditions we shouldn't receive our stuck GT5 game discs either...

2) The replacement PS3 was broken! I spent several hours updating firmware, re-downloading games, and updating GT5. When I got to the main welcome page the screen went haywire. I was able to duplicate the problem with other games so something is obviously wrong with the video output.

After about an hour with customer service they agreed to "send an email" to the service center requesting they look for the missing hard drive based on my old serial number. Tomorrow I am sending the reconditioned PS3 back to the repair center. I still don't know what's going to happen with my missing hard drive.

Best advice: Back up your data because all fat PS3's will eventually fail. If you use Sony's repair service then don't send in your PS3 with an upgraded HD.

I'll keep you guys updated on my missing HD.
I just got the YLOD about one week ago while playing Uncharted 2 on my 60GB PS3. It managed to live for three years so it's ironic that my PS2 which is ten years old is still going strong. It saddens me as I really prefered the look and features of the original console.

In the meantime I have visited at least five stores to buy a 320 GB on christmas offer but they are always sold out.
I have a 60GB that I bought a few months after launch and it's still going strong. Wonder if it would be a good idea to open the console up and replace the thermal paste / clean it out before I get the YLOD.... Maybe it will prevent the occurrence from happening... For anyone that has opened the console, was it pretty straight forward? I would hate myself if I broke it trying to prevent it's ultimate death. I'm pretty mechanically inclined and am more or less looking to see if there is anything to look out for when opening.
I have a 60GB that I bought a few months after launch and it's still going strong. Wonder if it would be a good idea to open the console up and replace the thermal paste / clean it out before I get the YLOD.... Maybe it will prevent the occurrence from happening... For anyone that has opened the console, was it pretty straight forward? I would hate myself if I broke it trying to prevent it's ultimate death. I'm pretty mechanically inclined and am more or less looking to see if there is anything to look out for when opening.

Wait until you get the YLOD, it is true that it is a breakdown in the thermal paste but it is also because the solder used in the PS3 non lead based. With heat and use over time the paste does break down but the solder connections between the GPU and CPU open causing the dreaded YLOD. The reflow technique basically heats up the CPU and GPU causing the connections to close (reconnect) thus correcting the YLOD. I have resurrected my fatty (60GB) 12X already, I use the silver based thermal paste (Radio Shack). Once you get the YLOD and do the reflow you will have to continue doing it everytime the YLOD happens. I would recommend keeping your PS3 well ventilated (no closed cabinet/entertainment center) and keep it vacuumed not allowing build up of dust around the cooling vents. You Tube offers some good video's on repairing the YLOD when it happens. The $26 heat gun is the best investment I made for my Fatty!
Wait until you get the YLOD, it is true that it is a breakdown in the thermal paste but it is also because the solder used in the PS3 non lead based. With heat and use over time the paste does break down but the solder connections between the GPU and CPU open causing the dreaded YLOD. The reflow technique basically heats up the CPU and GPU causing the connections to close (reconnect) thus correcting the YLOD. I have resurrected my fatty (60GB) 12X already, I use the silver based thermal paste (Radio Shack). Once you get the YLOD and do the reflow you will have to continue doing it everytime the YLOD happens. I would recommend keeping your PS3 well ventilated (no closed cabinet/entertainment center) and keep it vacuumed not allowing build up of dust around the cooling vents. You Tube offers some good video's on repairing the YLOD when it happens. The $26 heat gun is the best investment I made for my Fatty!

Thanks. I wasn't sure if it was preventable. Same deal with the 360's.... Environmentalists do not allow leaded solder and it cannot stand up to the temp of these processors. I've brought back a 360 already and its still running, so hopefully I can do the same for my PS3 if the time comes....

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