Will have to give them a look. Edited, knew the name was familiar, have of it already, as they did the utterly excellent version of Anglesey.
We also get Fujimi Kaido from Forza and a very good version of Blackwood from Need for Speed, as well as a load of stuff from Grid (Shibuya and Cote d'Azur are both rather good).
Seattle, Autumn Ring Mini, and Complex String as well (Complex String Isn't great either)
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Here you go..Hi I see you have lago maggiore listed as one of your tracks, does anyone have a link for this because I can't find it anywhere.
Makes me wish I had a gaming PC.
Actually I based it on GT6 mostly...New version of Midfield: https://www.racedepartment.com/downloads/mid-field-raceway-gran-turismo.40422/
A bit narrower than the combined version, so more like the one in GT2 than the one in newer games. First corner still squared off though.
Actually I based it on GT6 mostly...And it's not a new version of the combined layout, but a completly different mod by a different author (me)
Let me know if you have any feedback!
Hey, good to see the author on gtplanet 👍
Yeah my comment on it being like GT2 was based on the track feeling narrower than the combined version. For some reason the PS1 games tracks always feels narrower to me.
As for feedback, I don't know how hard it is to make another version but if you could make one with a rounded T1 like in GT2 (instead of double apex like later games) that would be great:
Very good thread and discussion, gentlemen.
Can someone please *PLEASE* make a version of Tokyo Expressway(all three layouts) from GT Sport to AC? Yes, I'm fully aware we have the lovely Shutoko Revival Project, but I would like to see Tokyo Expressway as it's a completely different drive and feel, and I think it's one of the most fun maps for GTS.
On a side note, where are the Ridge Racer tracks![]()
They managed to rip the 3D models from GT Sport, but actually making it usable in Assetto is quite difficult unfortunately. The basic track layout is fine but trackside objects like buildings, lights and textures are all encrypted by PD so needs a lot of work to convert. Or at least that's my layman's understanding anyway
We have Maggiore but I'm not sure if that's a conversion or scratch built as some corners and elevation feel a bit different, but then real world circuits that are both laser scanned also tend to feel a bit different in GT vs AC due to the field of view.
We just had a Soldat Raggio brought to AC recently (search the main thread for my post), and the same group are trying to bring RR tracks, but it's gonna be a while because they are relatively new to modding. Just be patient![]()
Awesome! It's good to hear from you again and hope you're doing well brother
Thanks for the clarification and info. Very interesting. I agree, it is probably challenging to bring GT Sport tracks to AC. But if anyone can do it, it's Soyo. That's my dude! He's extraordinarily talented and is in the process of completing several incredible tracks including Osaka Loop. I think Soyo would be able to study a track like Tokyo Expressway and make a fairly half-decent conversion of it, without having it ripped. Given his work on SRP, I wouldn't doubt he has the skills to get it done.
Wow the Soldat?! Love that car. I'm gonna have to check that out. Do those guys have a discord or telegram group? Can you provide a link to it? I definitely want to follow the progress of their work. If they manage to create Ridge Racer tracks even remotely close to their original counterparts, I'd be happy as heck! Can you imagine getting a couple tracks like Shooting Hoops from RR4 and The Extreme Oval from Rage Racer? Can you imagine driving those in AC in VR? *DROOOL*
Going back to the Soldat Raggio for a second.....have you driven it? How are the physics? No way it actually drives like a Ridge Racer car, does it? I mean, AC is a sim, I get it, but I really hope someone can crack the car physics and modify the dynamics of the car behavior so that they drive more arcadey and closer to actual Ridge Racer cars than sim-like cars. I've watched several videos from guys driving Assetto Carsa cars around Touge tracks and they just don't look like they have the same feel as the actual Initial D cars, and you can tell they're driving sim cars rather than an arcade car from Initial D. If the modders can crack this puzzle and get this done it would be a game changer!
Haven't updated this thread in a while:
Better version of CSR5/SSR5: https://www.racedepartment.com/downloads/gt-special-stage-r5-clubman-read-description.43552/
Tahiti Road: https://www.racedepartment.com/downloads/tahiti.41232/
Grindelwald: https://www.racedepartment.com/downloads/project-grindelwald.46068/
Tokyo R246: https://sharemods.com/eajrchf6yvwz/ddm_gt6_r246.rar.html
Love that some of the more obscure tracks in the GT series are finally getting the recognition they deserve 👍 Maybe Citta di Aria, Rome Night or Red Rock Valley next?
Also found this video of GT1 intro being recreated in AC, it's incredible how far we've come with all the tracks now available.
I started working on my conversion/remake for El Capitan almost a month ago.
This is the current progress if anyone would like to take a look.
There are plenty of things that still need to be fixed but then I'll start to work on a more modern overhaul.
My PC is not that powerful but I'm sure someone will have the ability to make awesome races there 🤩
Not for now but I'm looking to find some reliable beta testers as soon as I fix the missing parts 👍👍Looks good so far!
Is there a WIP build available for testing?
A much better version (than the existing one) of Shift 2's London is on the way soon.I'd do(almost) anything for a quality conversion of the London track from GT5, being a London native.