Does anybody know what value determines whether a car can be sold or not?
Why does nobody read this?
Everybody is ether asking for a Veyron or DLC.........
I have both, pretty easy to get.
I think all cars above the 500.000 cr ... are unsellable.
My experience is that car value has to be (in new condition) below 1,000,000 cr.
A used car at the UCD below 1,000,000 cr of value that would cost 1,000,000 cr or more in new condition (0/0/0) isn`t sendable!
But hasn`t this been told before???
Nice to hear 👍
While the post you quoted may have been a bit off topic because he was responding to another question, perhaps you should re-read the very last word in that quote, as the author was only stating that cars over 500k were unsellable, not untradeable 👍
Is that sarcasm, or are you actually glad that I put in effort to at least get the Veyron? The only reason I ask is because I don't want to assume that you were sarcastic or that you were actually sincere with your comment.
If you were honest with that post: The only car I have trouble getting is the Chapperal 2J. I can get the money, but I almost never see it in the Used Dealership.
The 2j is hard to find
The 2j is hard to find
To 0/0/0 collectors, yes, it's worthless. But as long as it's stock, I'm sure someone will take it off your hands.Is it? I am fairly new player but I saw a 2j in the UCD today. Sadly I had 10mil but it was for 14 so.. I missed it 👎
Anyway I was wondering - if I had a triple zero car and accidentally I changed my main car to the triple zero and now its 1/0/0 (its with 1 change now). Does it have some value now? Or its useless and no one will want it? I am asking because if its useless now I will start driving it lol
B Spec racing! Get them to set their Bob's to share, then push them around the track. You can do 15 other drivers per 20 minutes.
Then when they cash them in, with the daily bonus of 200%, $1.5mil turned into $3mil.
If they're both backed up? You mean, if I reset to XMB Dashboard, immediately after sending the cars?
Nah, I'm legitimate.I will actually do the seasonals to get them the cars. I'm about 4 xp away from level 39. Doing the seasonals for money isn't the real reason; I do it for the XP too.
But, isn't there a limit on the number of times you can get tickets from seasonals? I generally claim my tickets, (because I'm bumd-wait, no, typo, dumb)
When does your 1 car per day trade restriction disapear? 24 hours after last trade or @ midnight?
At each reset, which I'm sure is GMT..I think. I've seen this question answered elsewhere in greater detail.