You know what's wierd?

  • Thread starter cicohipe
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Sony & Polyphony Digital.


Well for a company to have such a large presence at a gameshow for GT5 like they did says to me that they wanted to make an impact.

So why was it unannounced? (surprise factor?,maybe), also why was their not more spoken about this game (tgs?, again maybe).

It just all seems alittle rushed to me though.

Either way my guess is PD are going to be alittle shocked by the comments coming in from this demo, im sure they would have been expecting alot of people to be creaming their pants at the idea of damage + gran turismo.
I think they withdrew at the last minute however i cannot confirm this, well if it rushed then its clear that the final game will be all that much better then the demo as they are hard at work and they don't want to waste any time.
I think they were rushing to get this out before X-mas but have now decided not to rush and get it perfect for release for early/mid 2010. They were about to make major announcements, but pulled it at the last minute and will wait until TGS.
I think they were rushing to get this out before X-mas but have now decided not to rush and get it perfect for release for early/mid 2010. They were about to make major announcements, but pulled it at the last minute and will wait until TGS.

That sounds plausible, it could also be the reason why they pulled the specs from the Japanese website.
I think it may have been that something unexpected came up and they couldn't make the announcement at the press conference. I think it may have been a strategic decision. Keep one major announcement at each major show. Hence PSP Go! at E3 (with GTPSP coincided to try give it a push). Gamescom has the PS3 Slim + price cut and TGS I guess may end up being GT5. Had GT5 been announced and dated it may have stolen the limelight from the price cut and new PS3.
I think this is a stupid move. PD shouldn't release gameplay (demo or what so ever) at Cologne, they should wait for TGS.

Why? First of all there was none single word about GT5 coming to Cologne and suddenly people can play it like it was said it would be playable (why so mysterious at E3???). If they had the attention to present the game and release date at TGS that is what they should do.
You know what is really weird, is people like you who question PD. They have created a massive franchise in Gran Turismo, so they clearly know what they are doing and yet people still constantly question their methods. They won't change how they do things just because a few people want them to, so threads like this serve very little purpose. Sure they probably could do some things better, you always can. What you cannot do is please everyone, someone will always moan, you just don't have to do it here at Gtplanet.:sly:
You know what is really weird, is people like you who question PD. They have created a massive franchise in Gran Turismo, so they clearly know what they are doing and yet people still constantly question their methods. They won't change how they do things just because a few people want them to, so threads like this serve very little purpose. Sure they probably could do some things better, you always can. What you cannot do is please everyone, someone will always moan, you just don't have to do it here at Gtplanet.:sly:

Wow, gtfo please? Dude it's a forum designed to discuss gran turismo and all things gran turismo. If I want to start a topic about somethings i felt PD did wrong (which i didnt say) im more than permitted to do so.

How bout in future, if you dont agree with the topic or dont have something constructive to add to the topic do us all a favour, and dont post :) ok big guy?
Wow, gtfo please? Dude it's a forum designed to discuss gran turismo and all things gran turismo. If I want to start a topic about somethings i felt PD did wrong (which i didnt say) im more than permitted to do so.

How bout in future, if you dont agree with the topic or dont have something constructive to add to the topic do us all a favour, and dont post :) ok big guy?
Easy there fella. Trust me, I know the consequences of being rude to people. :)
Wow, gtfo please? Dude it's a forum designed to discuss gran turismo and all things gran turismo. If I want to start a topic about somethings i felt PD did wrong (which i didnt say) im more than permitted to do so.

How bout in future, if you dont agree with the topic or dont have something constructive to add to the topic do us all a favour, and dont post :) ok big guy?

I never said you couldn't or shouldn't post this topic, I basically said I don't understand why you have, or what you were trying to achieve and I still don't. Also I like your logic on how you can post whatever you want, wherever you want but then tell me I can't, that makes sense. My post was constructive too, I made a point in it and expressed "my" views. I didn't call you weird either, I was just using the title of the topic to start my post, it was your view of things that was weird/strange to me, I don't understand why you are so worked up over things, I am certainly not.
I never said you couldn't or shouldn't post this topic, I basically said I don't understand why you have, or what you were trying to achieve and I still don't. Also I like your logic on how you can post whatever you want, wherever you want but then tell me I can't, that makes sense. My post was constructive too, I made a point in it and expressed "my" views. I didn't call you weird either, I was just using the title of the topic to start my post, it was your view of things that was weird/strange to me, I don't understand why you are so worked up over things, I am certainly not.

Ash i'll tell you how your not being constructive. Your way off topic.

Congratulations :dunce:

As for my logic, i feel its sound. I started a topic about something i wanted to share my views and get others views on the topic (not about how i am wierd and like to moan and PD know what they are doing so just shut up).

I feel it was a completely valid topic, and some people raised some interesting idea's. I dont really know if you read them or just read my post and felt the urge to respond.

Btw wether PD have been making games for years or not doesnt mean they automaticaly know exactly how to market a product and never get anything wrong. Big companies screw things up all the time, infact they expect to and they calculate it into there costs.

That being said i never said PD screwed this up, i merely said something felt wierd, there was something i couldnt quite work out about the way they decided to showcase GT5 with such little notice or marketing.
stop arguing

pd sometimes piss me off when they are secretive about everything but hey thats how they do stuff. I'm still excited about gtt5 and pd way of geting us all excited then not saying anything doesn't take anything away from the game, pd are just like that we can't change it so we have to live with it.

(i think they could be playing a good tactical game to help sony) but hey i don't care

you two draw a line under this and next time don't post or learn to respect others point of view. yes pd can be anoying but thats them and thats our opinion.

ps. i'm on chicophes side just because he's a new member like me don't treat him bad and think he isn't important

on a completely different topic
i think pd miight release the gamescom demo on psn soon, i have a gut feeling about it,

there is no evidence to support that but i just think/hope they will
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stop arguing

pd sometimes piss me off when they are secretive about everything but hey thats how they do stuff. I'm still excited about gtt5 and pd way of geting us all excited then not saying anything doesn't take anything away from the game, pd are just like that we can't change it so we have to live with it.

(i think they could be playing a good tactical game to help sony) but hey i don't care

you two draw a line under this and next time don't post or learn to respect others point of view. yes pd can be anoying but thats them and thats our opinion.

on a completely different topic
i think pd miight release the gamescom demo on psn soon, i have a gut feeling about it,

there is no evidence to support that but i just think/hope they will

Demo would be pretty cool, to be honest i dont see it happening though, and more likely not until atleast tgs when new info is released. The demo shown at gc wouldnt be released i dont think in its current form because a 3minute timelimit is a joke, they would add a couple cars and probably have a couple tracks and let you complete a race if their was to be a demo. I dont think their will be though.

Btw very insightful quote by Mr Hamilton :P
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id change the hamilton quote to something else if you know any aryton senna quotes lol.

do know if the psstore update has happened yet
Sony and PD's communication skills have been discussed before, and this is also a frequently recurring theme in other active threads too, so I don't think we need another thread on the topic. Besides, I can't see the discussion going anywhere fruitful.
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