You Know You Post On GTP Too Much When...

  • Thread starter W3H5
When you're stuck in rush hour traffic and the car behind you blips the horn because traffic has started moving again but you were busy on GTP, not texting.
Still a distraction. If you did that here you would get 3 points on your licence. 12 points and you lose your licence.
Also you have to declare your points on insurance applications so your insurance would go up as well.
Would it be proper to give an infraction for people breaking the law but not getting caught?

You know you post too much on GTP when you admit you break the law to post on GTP. You scofflaw you.
@XS - Distracted on a phone is distracted on a phone, texting or not.

Don't do it, kids.

Strongly agree. That kind of multitasking involves tasking suicide at the same time. If not automotive carnage.


Hmmm. What the heck am I doing at GTP instead of getting to work on those air condioners that need servicing? Not cool of me.
@XS - Distracted on a phone is distracted on a phone, texting or not.

Don't do it, kids.
Strongly agree. That kind of multitasking involves tasking suicide at the same time. If not automotive carnage.


Hmmm. What the heck am I doing at GTP instead of getting to work on those air condioners that need servicing? Not cool of me.
Which is why I put the "stuck in traffic part". I never have or ever will literally drive while on the phone. The reference was to a day this past week when we were stuck in the same spot in traffic for over an hour because of an accident.
At which point you were distracted and didn't notice cars around you moving...
At which point you were distracted and didn't notice cars around you moving...
Actually the car in front me scooted maybe a foot forward and the guy behind me had a cow about it, like one more foot would have mattered lol. I get your point, but trust me, I don't use my phone and drive, we sat for another 20 minutes after I started my car and moved a foot forward. My point was that I'm addicted to GTP too much if I use things like traffic jams to fart around on it.

Edit, which reminds me, I was on GTP while in line at the DMV the other week.
Which is why I put the "stuck in traffic part". I never have or ever will literally drive while on the phone. The reference was to a day this past week when we were stuck in the same spot in traffic for over an hour because of an accident.

Was generally agreeing with the part about texting and driving, XS - no offence or moral judgements. ;) 👍

Actually seated in a car using a phone, of course, can be done in many other circumstances. You may have crashed, helpless, stuck in a gully and have no recourse but to call 911. Which is then good form using a phone.
Obviously, you can then cruise GTP after that while waiting for an ambulance.
We need to know your whereabouts at all times. :)
Haven't we all, love! :D

...when you type a 'g' into your browser window and it doesn't come up with google as the first suggestion.