You Know You Post On GTP Too Much When...

  • Thread starter W3H5
Making simple calculations, you realize that @Legro makes 17.7 posts a day (average)

The guy above you (@Slash ) makes 25.3 posts a day (average)
I think I remember seeing that when we could see the number in our profiles.

Making a comparison, I "only" make on average, 2.76 posts a day
It honestly wouldn't surprise me. GTP was a big outlet with my stress and frustration with my ongoing depression battle.
My average is around 5.4 posts per day. Legro's post count is 4x more than mine.
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When you see this and tweet to GTPlanet than your morning was ruined..... :guilty:

As for my post count. I used to post a whole lot more. Was at about 10 a day at one point but now just about 4.5 last I checked. I tend to spend more time reading rather than posting. I follow thousands of threads.
When you don't post for a few days and people ask where you are, even on Facebook.

Not so much an observation of too much posting. It just shows how important it is to post and how great this community is.
When you don't post for a few days and people ask where you are, even on Facebook.

Not so much an observation of too much posting. It just shows how important it is to post and how great this community is.

We justed wanted to know how your secret invasion of France was. In a German car.
When Danny becomes your someone you care about having only met him once.

I really do have severe issues.