You know you've been playing GT6 too much when...

  • Thread starter GT5Power
When you can name just about every car in the game off the top of your head, and know them all to heart.
....when your girlfriend is telling you that you make racing sounds while you sleep.
Where did you find said awesome girlfriend, and are there more of her kind... one please!

I looked through all 12 pages and didn't see it:
- passing a stoplight (intersection) look up to see your split time.
- refer to your commute time as a lap time, and constantly try to best it.
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you know you've been playing GT6 a lot when:
- you decide your "weekend toy" will be a Miata. (2010-2015's have the whole 'lol face' thing going, happy car)
- When you buy 10 Miatas in the game, and still only have a fraction of them.
- Get excited when one of said Miata's has an available 6 speed custom gearbox.