You voted Obama, would you again?

  • Thread starter Pako
why should criminal law be applied in his case ?

Spies are criminals --they are given special treatment .
So are terrorist .
terrorist are not given due process --
in the real world they are given their wish --a trip to see the virgins or whatever they believe in.

If the guy commited a criminal act he gets charged under crinimal law .
As a US Citizen he is afforded rights .

Whats this guys story ?

Why is he a to be afforded the protection of the US constitution and criminal law ?

If he's under US custody, he should be given a fair trial and rights for the same reason we grant anyone a fair trial and rights. Citizenship is an arbitrary line to drawn when considering how a government should administer criminal justice to any person.

If Khalid is indeed guilty (and I assume he is), he can be found guilty in criminal trial. Not everyone in Guantanamo IS guilty of terrorism against the US, though. Tossing due process and rights is admitting that we're less concerned with wrongly convicting non-citizens. So why should we be any less careful with detainees than we are with American citizens? We're the ones detaining them.

Timothy McVeigh was a terrorist. He was afforded a fair trial, was FOUND GUILTY and SENTENCED TO DEATH. I suspect Khalid would find himself in similar circumstances.

Serious question: What if Khalid had technically been an American citizen?
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I voted for Obama. Would I again? Not sure. If Hilary had not dropped out of the race. AND McCain not chosen a complete idiot with no place in office I would have probably had a tough time deciding who to vote for. I turned 18 just a few months before the election and had been watching and reading up on everybody. When it came time to vote. Obama seemed to be the better candidate. I agreed with him on many things and his running mate wasn't a fool. I stand by my choice as of now and if at the end of his term he turns out to be one of the worst presidents in history I'll admit that I voted for him as it seemed like the best thing to do at the time.
Ledhed, ever heard of a paragraph? I didn't follow the political race enough for me to choose. I didn't want to assume what a person would do because of speeches.
You need to get laid more, man.

It's called being witty.

Don't worry about the gettin' laid part, you need to step out the front door. ledhed is correct and he doesn't need a complete sentence to convey that.

AND McCain not chosen a complete idiot with no place in office...


So, how is that Obama Website Number doing, Mr. Vice-President?

I'll admit that I voted for him as it seemed like the best thing to do at the time.

Your Democratic cohorts will never give that leeway to Mr. Bush... ever.

ledhed is correct and he doesn't need a complete sentence to convey that.


So, how is that Obama Website Number doing, Mr. Vice-President?

Your Democratic cohorts will never give that leeway to Mr. Bush... ever.

I'll just respond to the points that pertain to me and also the ledhed babble.

Ledhed doesn't even make sense. When I read his post I thought it was cryptic babble. Just as bad as Amar's post in the GT5P section of the site.

First off, very mature with the giant lawl text. I knew you were going to attack me when I posted. Obviously you felt the need to pick apart my post to look for things you could attack about it. I tried to remain as neutral as possible in my post. While you seem to just want to attack someone.

I voted for Obama because I like his policies if you have a problem with that you can discuss it with me in a PM perhaps.

I'm not sure what the Biden video had to do with anything besides the fact that you just tried to say he is an idiot as well. Biden had a slip-up on the name of a website that JUST got started at the time at that of that interview. I'd be hard pressed too to remember a website that just got started too.

I'm not a member of any party either. I will vote for who I see fits the needs of the job that needs to be done. Your political party should not make you an enemy to another one. I almost lost a friend over the election. Stuff like that shouldn't happen. Its ridiculous and needs to stop. I don't recall that being the point of a party when they were first made. They were made because people supported the ideas that the leader of that party was for.
Your Democratic cohorts will never give that leeway to Mr. Bush... ever.

Bush was, is, and always will be a moronic underachieving idiot. I would say he is a moron but that would mean that he has a mental age of a seven year old. I don't want to be putting down the first graders now would I?
First off, very mature with the giant lawl text.

I know, right? Isn't it awesome? I did it all by myself too!

I voted for Obama because I like his policies if you have a problem with that you can discuss it with me in a PM perhaps.

I never said you could not vote. I questioning why.

I'm not sure what the Biden video had to do with anything besides the fact that you just tried to say he is an idiot as well.

Wha... I cannot call Biden an "idiot"? Why not? You called Sarah Palin an "idiot".

I'm sad. Totally not fair. :(

Biden had a slip-up on the name of a website that JUST got started at the time at that of that interview. I'd be hard pressed too to remember a website that just got started too.

Website NUMBER! Cause, you know... the Obama administration is all hip-hoped on technology like Obama's Myspace Website Number and Twitter Number and the White House Website Number.

Your political party should not make you an enemy to another one. I almost lost a friend over the election.

Doesn't that suck? Don't let your politics get in the way of friendship. I have a friend who voted for The Messiah. I don't know why, she doesn't know why, but I don't hold it against her... I just make fun of her. I like kicks and she likes kicks and we're good friends. Forget about the politics.
I will vote for who I see fits the needs of the job that needs to be done. Your political party should not make you an enemy to another one.

+10 pts

Unfortunately, politics get in the way of any kind of rational solution, no matter what "side" you're on. People love to wave the flag and talk about how much they love the country, but when they're inserting politics into a basic question about the legality of rendition and prolonged detention, something that is quite obviously illegal both in American and International law... Things get problematic.

Pragmatic solutions are out there, but it requires compromise. God forbid that ever happens.
Question for everyone:

"It's like the Special Olympics: Even if you win, you are still retarded."

You wanna solve the problems in your country? Get in the power. You can't?
Use the goddamn force.
Question for everyone:

"It's like the Special Olympics: Even if you win, you are still retarded."

It sure is...

You wanna solve the problems in your country? Get in the power. You can't?
Use the goddamn force.

I'm sure you will donate to my presidential election campaign for 2024, correct?

edit: Oh, noez!

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Website NUMBER! Cause, you know... the Obama administration is all hip-hoped on technology like Obama's Myspace Website Number and Twitter Number and the White House Website Number.

Ooooooooooooooooohhhh wow, you mean an old guy who is more than likely never really involved with computers at all isn't allowed to make a slip up like that?

Yikes, tough crowd here folks.

I'm also in the "couldn't vote, but would've" boat... And not because it's cool or anything to that effect; McCain seemed to be too much of a puppet, add in Palin and you've got us all screwed.

Obama has made a few decisions that aren't the best, but the entire Guantanamo Bay = being too nice to terrorists thing... Srsly? I sure as HELL agree with him there. Oooh, we suspect *insert person* of having planned or done *insert terrorist activity*. So let's just imprison them for no reason aside from that. Or kill them, again with no further reasoning needed.

Hmm, no. Not when we're supposed to be BETTER than those countries, supposed to hold ourselves to a higher standard. Personally I don't care if a "terrorist" "gets away" with something because they were found innocent in a U.S. court and moves in next to me, because they are either truly innocent or far smarter than our justice system... And therefore should be leading our country if anything.

EDIT: Further, pretty much any "terrorist" that gets tried will more than likely be found guilty just because they're suspected anyway... So I really don't see the point in bitching about going through the motions instead of holing them up in Guantanamo Bay.
Bush was, is, and always will be a moronic underachieving idiot. I would say he is a moron but that would mean that he has a mental age of a seven year old. I don't want to be putting down the first graders now would I?
Fortunately, President Obama has been quickly working to make Bush look extremely intelligent between his foreign policy blunders, thinking the US invented the automobile, and his chief science advisor's idea that we can stop global warming by using different pollutants to cause global cooling.

Yep, big difference between last year and this year.

Obama has made a few decisions that aren't the best, but the entire Guantanamo Bay = being too nice to terrorists thing... Srsly? I sure as HELL agree with him there. Oooh, we suspect *insert person* of having planned or done *insert terrorist activity*. So let's just imprison them for no reason aside from that. Or kill them, again with no further reasoning needed.

Hmm, no. Not when we're supposed to be BETTER than those countries, supposed to hold ourselves to a higher standard. Personally I don't care if a "terrorist" "gets away" with something because they were found innocent in a U.S. court and moves in next to me, because they are either truly innocent or far smarter than our justice system... And therefore should be leading our country if anything.

EDIT: Further, pretty much any "terrorist" that gets tried will more than likely be found guilty just because they're suspected anyway... So I really don't see the point in bitching about going through the motions instead of holing them up in Guantanamo Bay.
The problem regarding the Guantanamo situation is complex. First, you seem to be under this idea that most Guantanamo detainees were some guys we found talking bad about the US or something. Yes, I will not disagree that there are some people that fall into that category, and if they are full citizens of the US they should be treated as such. But the other ~99% of the detainees are guys we picked up raiding terrorist camps or caught trying to kill American soldiers (sounds like reasoning to me), but these guys have no allegiance to any organized country. So, the rules of war get very foggy as all the UN policies regarding this do not apply, because they were all written in a way to deal with catching prisoners of a declared foreign army.

Terrorist organization do not fall under the specific UN guidelines for POWs. So, the question is how do you deal with them? The US Constitution does have some things laid out for this kind of situation.

Article 1, Section 8 (aka, Powers of Congress)
To define and punish piracies and felonies committed on the high seas, and offenses against the law of nations;

To declare war, grant letters of marque and reprisal, and make rules concerning captures on land and water;
These were designed to deal with pirates, as at the time those were the only known threats that were not affiliated with other governments, but if you apply the same standards to non-affiliated terrorist groups then there has been no violation of the Constitution as it allows congress to define who and what should happen.

Nowhere does it say that they are to be treated as US citizens.

Timothy McVeigh was a terrorist. He was afforded a fair trial, was FOUND GUILTY and SENTENCED TO DEATH. I suspect Khalid would find himself in similar circumstances.
Timothy McVeigh was a US citizen. Khalid is not. Khalid falls under what I posted above, McVeigh falls under different circumstances.

Note: I am saying that any US citizen suspected of terrorist activity should be given proper legal recourse, but non-US citizens do not fall in that same category, and since they don't declare allegiance to any foreign government they must fall under the same rules set up to deal with pirates due to their lack of governmental allegiance.

Simply put: Guantanamo does not violate the Constitution. Whether it is the best option is a totally different discussion. But it came down to Congress having to decide what to do with these guys and they chose to detain them there until they had a final tribunal system in place.

Whether their treatment there was proper or not is also a matter for debate. But one question that has to be asked is: If we brought these guys to US federal prisons and stuck them in with everyone else, would they have lived through the night?

Guantanamo may be some ethically ambiguous ground, but the question is if there was anything much better that could be done.
Ooooooooooooooooohhhh wow, you mean an old guy who is more than likely never really involved with computers at all isn't allowed to make a slip up like that?

Yikes, tough crowd here folks.

Oh, like our previous president ever got a millimeter of slack about anything. Seriously.

Note: I didn't like Bush as a president and I never voted for him, but come on. Be honest with yourself. Isn't it utterly ridiculous how sensitive most of the Black Jesus... I mean Obama supporters are to any criticism of him or his administration at all? As if they haven't spent the last 7-1/2 years saying things about Bush that would have gotten them punched if they had said it to someone's face?
I'm interested by the question and responses since I haven't really followed his administration as well as I would have liked. Is this purely a result of the honeymoon period being over or have there been policy decisions (or lack thereof) in the past months?
I'm interested by the question and responses since I haven't really followed his administration as well as I would have liked. Is this purely a result of the honeymoon period being over or have there been policy decisions (or lack thereof) in the past months?
Well, I think the big thing is that so much of the American public was swept up in this hope and change talk that they voted for him without actually realizing what he actually said or what he is actually able to do according to American law.

So, now people paying attention see that the only change he has brought is to close Guantanamo and shift his tax policy to a more socialism based structure.

Other than that he is continuing things Bush did, like warrantless wiretaps (even uses the same reasoning Bush did), spending out of control, not really doing a whole lot more than Bush to get troops out of Iraq, and a few foreign relations blunders that make it seem like he doesn't understand the tradition that goes into these things. And then there was the photos where he discussed environmental policy and everyone had their suit coats off (a huge change in Oval Office dress code) because he keeps the heat at like 85 degrees.

But in reality I think this question/poll is a bit premature. The hope and rainbows crowd weren't paying attention then and they aren't paying attention now. It won't be until a year or two has gone by and they still are struggling before it clicks home that Obama is just another politician.

Then there are the big anti-Obama people and they sound now like the anti-Bush people did eight years ago.

And in the middle are people like myself and Duke and Danoff, where we didn't like him before, we don't like him now, and we equally wouldn't have liked McCain. The only benefit I could have seen to having McCain would be that the tax system wouldn't have been so unbalanced.
Well, I think the big thing is that so much of the American public was swept up in this hope and change talk that they voted for him without actually realizing what he actually said or what he is actually able to do according to American law.

So, now people paying attention see that the only change he has brought is to close Guantanamo and shift his tax policy to a more socialism based structure.

Every politician is the same though, I think. They always promise you the moon but all you get is a sound stage in Nevada. Wouldn't have made a lick of difference who won the election, all they would have done is said the right things to get votes and then once they were in office go about their own agenda...or rather the agenda of whoever wrote them the biggest cheque.

Looking back at the past couple presidents they've all done the same thing, promised and promised but nothing ever really comes of it. This is why our nation is spinning it's wheels I think.
I have to say as I haven't injected my opinion in this thread yet, I didn't support nor vote Obama but I honestly had hopes after he got elected. "Make no mistake", he is one heck of a teleprompter reader and had some policy ideas that were sound and made sense, but I am waiting for those implementations. I am also getting nervous of the amount of governmental control that seems to be shifting hands even more from the private sector to Government business. Foreign etiquette has been laughable and I'm still waiting to see how he will handle foreign policy. He has been surprising and is making “changes” but there’s a awful lot of “more of the same” that I was hoping would “change”. In some cases, “If it aint broken, don’t fix it” should apply before making change for the sake of fulfilling a campaign promise. Term Limits? Now that would be some change in the right direction.

Every politician is the same though, I think. They always promise you the moon but all you get is a sound stage in Nevada. Wouldn't have made a lick of difference who won the election, all they would have done is said the right things to get votes and then once they were in office go about their own agenda...or rather the agenda of whoever wrote them the biggest cheque.

Looking back at the past couple presidents they've all done the same thing, promised and promised but nothing ever really comes of it. This is why our nation is spinning it's wheels I think.

A great man once said:

Douglas Adams - Hitchhiker's Guide
Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job.
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Every politician is the same though, I think. They always promise you the moon but all you get is a sound stage in Nevada. Wouldn't have made a lick of difference who won the election, all they would have done is said the right things to get votes and then once they were in office go about their own agenda...or rather the agenda of whoever wrote them the biggest cheque.

Looking back at the past couple presidents they've all done the same thing, promised and promised but nothing ever really comes of it. This is why our nation is spinning it's wheels I think.
The difference being that this time both sides bought into Obama hook, line, and sinker. I can't remember when I last saw people thinking a certain candidate could actually make their car loan go away or get them a house.

Similarly the Obama haters have it in their head that he actually will somehow present a socialist tyranny.

But like you said, he is just another politician doing what politicians do.
Ooooooooooooooooohhhh wow, you mean an old guy who is more than likely never really involved with computers at all isn't allowed to make a slip up like that?

No, because McCain wasn't allowed leeway when his arms physically can't reach out and use a keyboard.

I'm also in the "couldn't vote, but would've" boat... And not because it's cool or anything to that effect; McCain seemed to be too much of a puppet, add in Palin and you've got us all screwed.

Puppet of who? Tell me! The person who probably voted against Republicans more than with is considered a puppet?

Wow, someone hasn't been paying attention in class.

2024? Hmm...maybe if you presented as a transexual chinese with alien family, you could win.

The Trans-gender/trans-species alliance society is fully backing my 2024 campaign. Will you join us? We are always looking for new members.
The difference being that this time both sides bought into Obama hook, line, and sinker. I can't remember when I last saw people thinking a certain candidate could actually make their car loan go away or get them a house.

This is true, I saw through that but I guess most people didn't. The nation was and still is desperate. I know in the Detroit area things are worse then most other places but I still have to imagine it's bad everywhere. Obama said the right things at the right time, I guess THGTTG quote Pako posted was pretty spot on.

No, because McCain wasn't allowed leeway when his arms physically can't reach out and use a keyboard.

This lame excuse again? Honestly I know people, my grandma being one of them, who have arm disabilities and can still mange to work a computer. Are they quick with it? No not by any means but they can still slowly type e-mails and use the mouse. Being disable shouldn't limit you from doing something, at least that is what most disable people preach, so really McCain shouldn't have been limited in using a computer.

Quite frankly I think he was just another old man afraid of new technology and out of touch with the modern world.
He has been surprising and is making “changes” but there’s a awful lot of “more of the same” that I was hoping would “change”. In some cases, “If it aint broken, don’t fix it” should apply before making change for the sake of fulfilling a campaign promise.

I think that's a good way to look at it, really. I've been a bit disappointed with a few things, but in general, I feel like his administration is going in "the right direction," but we're definitely not there yet. In time, of course. We're just coming up on 90 days, and still have a long while to go, and no way of knowing what will be coming in the future.
Well, would you?

I didn't.
I'm still kinda holding my breath to see what happens.

I have been pleasantly suprised, that he hasn't screwed up too badly yet.

He has stated that in many instances he plans to leave a lot of the stuff that Bush put in place alone.
Is that why things are going as well as they are?

I started this whole thing out as a staunch NOBAMA man.
I've moved over to mostly neutral.
I guess that's progress from the Obama camp...
I voted Obama, and I probably would again in the future. At the very least, while he certainly is "just another politician," he is one that somewhat shares my beliefs on what needs to be done, and he has the power to get more of what I think is best done than somebody else who is going to be just another politician who is going to block everything that I think should get done, and then nobody would get anything done.

But in reality I think this question/poll is a bit premature. The hope and rainbows crowd weren't paying attention then and they aren't paying attention now. It won't be until a year or two has gone by and they still are struggling before it clicks home that Obama is just another politician.

Then there are the big anti-Obama people and they sound now like the anti-Bush people did eight years ago.

It has certainly been an eye opening experience on my end. I grew up in a very liberal town, had parents who worshiped Clinton, thought Bush might as well have been the devil and were creaming over Obama all throughout his campaign.

But it turns out he's just another guy in a suit that represents my party that isn't all too useful after all. But aren't those the kinds of experiences you're supposed to have in college?

Every politician is the same though, I think. They always promise you the moon but all you get is a sound stage in Nevada. Wouldn't have made a lick of difference who won the election, all they would have done is said the right things to get votes and then once they were in office go about their own agenda...or rather the agenda of whoever wrote them the biggest cheque.

Looking back at the past couple presidents they've all done the same thing, promised and promised but nothing ever really comes of it. This is why our nation is spinning it's wheels I think.

I agree. Quite a few issues seem to be coming from the way our government is set up, not just the people running it. I talk to some of my libertarian friends here, and while we can't agree on any single thing, we all agree that the whole system is a big problem. I'm definitely in support of completely restructuring the government and going after whatever corruption is goin on over in DC.

But then again, I'm also the typical "America hater" who wouldn't be opposed to taking the whole system down and breaking the country up because I think it's gotten too big for it's britches. Or maybe I'm just an all around political downer who misses the days when the power was being tossed about in Europe.
But then again, I'm also the typical "America hater" who wouldn't be opposed to taking the whole system down and breaking the country up because I think it's gotten too big for it's britches. Or maybe I'm just an all around political downer who misses the days when the power was being tossed about in Europe.

You mean, like World Wars I and II? Or the hundred years previous to those? Ummm, sher, right, whatever.
I agree. Quite a few issues seem to be coming from the way our government is set up, not just the people running it. I talk to some of my libertarian friends here, and while we can't agree on any single thing, we all agree that the whole system is a big problem. I'm definitely in support of completely restructuring the government and going after whatever corruption is goin on over in DC.

But then again, I'm also the typical "America hater" who wouldn't be opposed to taking the whole system down and breaking the country up because I think it's gotten too big for it's britches. Or maybe I'm just an all around political downer who misses the days when the power was being tossed about in Europe.

I can see quite a few flaws with our government as well and I think it needs a bit of restructuring. There are things that are dated but like you said the biggest problem is the corruption. Lobbies tend to run the country now and whoever tosses the most money around wins, I'm sorry that doesn't really seem like a democracy to me. Then you have all these political commentators who end up becoming the voice of that political party, and honestly they are all a bunch of loud mouth halfwits. It's just as bad on both sides.

I want to see America succeed, as I think most citizens here do, but what it means to succeed is different to different people so I don't think you'll ever see it become a nation everyone loves. At least not now with how our leaders are.

I also agree America has gotten to big for it's britches, there is a ton of fat that is just not needed. We should really focus more on our own country then worry about everyone else. I think by staying home and solving our own problems we will become stronger not only as a nation, but as a world superpower. All great empires rise and fall though, look at Rome, France, England, China, etc. all were once great powers in the world and eventually suffered a downfall to some degree. I am fearful that America is facing the same thing and will suffer the same downfall.
I don't expect much from any president, as they are fairly limited in what they can actually do. Basically everything that he wants to do gets chewed up, spit out and filled with added crap so many times by the time it passes the House and Senate that it is basically a totally different thing than what it started. Which brings me to the thing I hate the most about partisan politics is that for a majority of the time they seem to care more about what party the author is from than what is on the bill itself.
I can see quite a few flaws with our government as well and I think it needs a bit of restructuring. There are things that are dated but like you said the biggest problem is the corruption. Lobbies tend to run the country now and whoever tosses the most money around wins, I'm sorry that doesn't really seem like a democracy to me. Then you have all these political commentators who end up becoming the voice of that political party, and honestly they are all a bunch of loud mouth halfwits. It's just as bad on both sides.

I also agree America has gotten to big for it's britches, there is a ton of fat that is just not needed. We should really focus more on our own country then worry about everyone else. I think by staying home and solving our own problems we will become stronger not only as a nation, but as a world superpower. All great empires rise and fall though, look at Rome, France, England, China, etc. all were once great powers in the world and eventually suffered a downfall to some degree. I am fearful that America is facing the same thing and will suffer the same downfall.

Yup, it's too much of a power game. People think Bush was run by Haliburton. We have this one pretty smart friend of the family who thinks that Obama is run by Wall Street. And it really scares me that a liberal president could be run by something such as Wall Street.

I must be honest though, I do think that a lot of the issues about being too big could be solved or helped if there was another world superpower out there to keep us in check, and to make sure we keep making intelligent decisions. Hell, you could probably apply the whole storyline of General Motors and Chrysler over the last ten years to modern day America...