You'll Be Able to Buy Houses and Businesses in Forza Horizon 4

I hope they'll let players build their ways from nobody-status to Festival-boss status. I know Forza Horizon 2 lets you partly do that, but I'd love to see a full implementation of it.
Seems interesting, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's just a "menu-space" you can choose your cars in that has cut-scenes for entering/leaving. Not knocking it, just don't expect a Forza title to really go in-depth with the idea.

I never played TDU2, had hours on TDU1 and loved it, but I think only the 2nd let you walk around and really change up your home? TDU1, tmk, let you move to the next car than "walking". Had some really neat touches to promote "ownership".

I think to this day, the PGR series has still set the bar for me with garage spaces. I think 4 got a bit creative and the garages got more crazy with progression, but 2-4 still had really nice ways to display your cars. I loved the dealership in PGR2 that you walked around and test drove in, and PGR3-4 allowing you different home spaces. I don't think FH has to go as far as BC did, but something similar would be nice to see. The Motorsport series has sort of gotten close; FM5 or 6 had a small, personal garage for your car & FM7 had a teaser of the home space littered with cars. I wonder if the computing power is a factor though at displaying and getting really in-depth.

I really liked PGR's implementation of garages. I too doubt that PG will be going down that route, but it would be pretty awesome if they did.
As its the UK.. do you think the house next door will be filled with a family of 7 on housing benefits, with an aggressive tattooed Dad and annoying kids that will chuck loads of crap into your garden and keep you up at night with all the arguing? Press B to lodge complaint with the local council. Press A to tut and do nothing as it will just end up with **** through your letterbox anyway.
As its the UK.. do you think the house next door will be filled with a family of 7 on housing benefits, with an aggressive tattooed Dad and annoying kids that will chuck loads of crap into your garden and keep you up at night with all the arguing? Press B to lodge complaint with the local council. Press A to tut and do nothing as it will just end up with **** through your letterbox anyway.
I recently moved homes because of my neighbours. I wanted to move anyway but wasn't sure it was worth it but though I'd better before they drove me to taking physical action. Authorities are useless with nuisance neighbours.
Well then it's good thing that neither of them are ugly :rolleyes:
True. I played quite a few games in the past years (FM/FH & GTS included) and I've yet to find one that I'd describe as "ugly". There are things that can be (slightly or greatly) improved in every game but calling them ugly? No way and the hyperbolic comments simply make me laugh.
True. I played quite a few games in the past years (FM/FH & GTS included) and I've yet to find one that I'd describe as "ugly". There are things that can be (slightly or greatly) improved in every game but calling them ugly? No way and the hyperbolic comments simply make me laugh.
Yeah, I get that the person he responded too wasn't any better in that regard, but lets not try to pretend that because one game looks good, it means that all other games are outright ugly in comparison.
but lets not try to pretend that because one game looks good, it means that all other games are outright ugly in comparison.
Another thing I agree with. As I said in the 'GTS vs the world' thread, all of them have their pros and cons in terms of graphics (and other things, too).
I figured so when I seen the S15 leave the house when the lady played the demo at the E3 presentation. That reminds me of Test Drive Unlimited, housewise.
Awesome, I loved the houses in TDU. Let me walk around my garage in the house and I'll be happy.
I'm such an easy sucker with niche things. Playing PGR2 at Best Buy long ago and seeing that dealership, test driving, is what sold my young self on that game. If FH4 comes out with anything similar to what TDU/PGR did, I'll probably end up buying it again regardless of any qualms.
Regards perks, I wonder if a larger stately home property is available, with its own hillclimb, allowing you to host your own FoS?
I guess if they say their map stretches as far south as the Cotswolds then Goodwood is at least within the realms of possibility.
Honestly it's about time, been waiting for this feature since Horizon 1, not sure what took them so long, but bravo for finally implementing it. The stock in this game just rose another 1000%.

Apparently you will able to by property all across the map and not just houses but businesses too. They also used an example of a owning a high speed taxicab business and a stunt driver business, each come with their own perks of course and I think vehicles as well (waiting for that to be confirmed), this is already sounding like a dream come true game. Now, if they could just increase the map size....that is honestly the only thing the Crew, and TDU(2) still have on the Forza Horizon series.
Now, if they could just increase the map size....that is honestly the only thing the Crew, and TDU(2) still have on the Forza Horizon series.
I'm okay with the map being the same size as FH3. Just add more roads and a few well-placed barriers so you have to drive around, and it will feel so much bigger.
I'm okay with the map being the same size as FH3. Just add more roads and a few well-placed barriers so you have to drive around, and it will feel so much bigger.

I'm sure it will be fun but it really does need about a 30% increase in size, the map size increased significantly between Horizon 2 and 3, wish it was the same this time around. I really don't like the use of barriers to make the map feel bigger, one of the appeals of TDU and the crew was being able to drive virtually almost anywhere on the map, barriers get in the way of that type of free-roam experience.
They have added an off road experience park, so fingers crossed mud actually effects speed. Spintires Horizon.

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