Nothing but pisspoor luck literally the whole week. It started with Monday and that godawful Focus ST.
Tuesday, Nov 5, 2019
A Peugeot 908 LMP, an R18 (2016), and a Taycan, and which do I get? If you guess none of those, you're correct! My reward was the unavoidable (at least in my case) GT by Citroen GT3. I am NEVER given a lucky break from this thing, which says a lot because the game's given me lucky breaks from all variants of the Impreza, the Hot Hatches, the GT-Rs, stuff like that, but not this. If I see it on my wheel, doesn't matter what else is on the wheel, it's Game Over.
Nov 6, 2019
The overpriced basically-useless jellybean. Otherwise known as the Copen RJ. I thought I could dodge this thing and get the FT-1 Vision GT3, but my wheel said **** that and gave me this. Other rewards were a Vantage GT4 and a Corvette GT4. Literally, the one time I don't mind GT4 cars, I don't get them. Yeah, safe to say that I trashed it the second it landed on it.
Nov 7th, 2019
Dolph's Worst Nightmare. The Renault Clio (2015 vers). I mean, the other 3 cars were dupes, but this was the worst. I mean, why not the Phase SR II Viper, or the 458, or the 365? A hell of a lot better than a dull, boring Clio.
Nov 8th, 2019: Alfa Romeo 4C Gr4. This thing again? Seriously? Like the Citroen, this damn thing is being forced down my throat, and I don't like that. I've gotten literally 5 of these in 2 months, I don't need another. I outright despise the fact that the DWG will purposely cheat you if given the chance.