I missed the first 3 car prizes due to getting back into The Crew 2. Despite all the backlash I've seen it get from people, it's not all that bad. Not to say it has zero problems, or it has the same level of quality of a Gran Turismo game - hell no. It barely even has the quality of Gran Turismo 6, let alone the older titles. The grind is a pain in the backside (not as horrid as GTA Online's, which I consider to be the worst grind I have ever seen and had the displeasure of tormenting myself through, but still), cars are inconsistently placed and priced (how the hell is a Honda S2K TWICE the price of a Skyline R34, and LITERALLY close to being 4x as much as an RX-7 FD, and cost more than a C6,R Corvette - a RACING car? The MP4-12C is in the HC (Hypercar) class when SR (Street Racer) makes more sense, and getting the bonus for the legendary parts is a complete and total bitch - and honestly, random. I've spent 3 days trying to get the last 'Fame Magnet' part for the suspension for my RX-7, but keep getting screwed out of it with other unwanted bonuses). Despite that, though, unlike GTAO, I can consider TC2 a good, fun game, and not agonizing, unplayable garbage.
Sorry for getting a bit off-topic. Getting on-topic now, I missed the prizes earlier from this week, but I'm not bummed out - mainly because I'm 1,134% certain that the prizes for those days would've been the same typical trash worth throwing in a garbage bin anyways. Today's reward, though, was anything but. It was actually quite good. A Mercedes-Benz Sauber C9. Hell to the yeah, man.