What year is it? Where's Max Hedroom
- Dexter (first two seasons so far)
That's good. I like that.
I'm still having trouble with something like Battlestar vs. Firefly, or something like 24 vs. MASH.
24 was one of the best shows I've ever seen, but it could only keep it up for the first 12 episodes. How do I rate that against a show that hit a high mark for 1000 times longer?
I guess this is my list:
- Dexter
- SouthPark
- The Simpsons
- Firefly
- Cowboy Bebop
- Seinfeld
- Battlestar (mini series, season 1)
- House
- Top Gear
- Can't pick based on too many shades of gray... maybe X-Files.
I'm caught up with Dexter, and I have to bump it up the list. I think at this point it is the best show in the history of television. Southpark has had higher highs, but it has also had far lower lows.
I watched the first season of Dexter and couldn't believe it ended the way I thought it was going to end at around episode 4. So I watched the second season and it ended more or less exactly (I got the victim order wrong) as I thought it would by episode 2. I watched the first episode of season 3, guessed an ending and looked it up on Wikipedia...Revised. Breaking bad is now what I'd consider to the best best television show in the history of television. Dexter had higher highs and lower lows. Dexter still has the best single season of any television show.
I watched the first season of Dexter and couldn't believe it ended the way I thought it was going to end at around episode 4. So I watched the second season and it ended more or less exactly (I got the victim order wrong) as I thought it would by episode 2. I watched the first episode of season 3, guessed an ending and looked it up on Wikipedia...
Breaking Bad, meanwhile, I lasted for just the pilot. Couldn't stand it.
At the moment my favourite two shows are Person of Interest (which is unbelievably good) and Criminal Minds - but other than POI solidly crowning my list of all-time shows, I'm not sure how to juggle my top ten any more!
It's basically a single storyline. There are character and plot arcs, but they interconnect - standalone episodes (like the one with Alan Dale as an ex-Stasi operative) are vanishingly rare.I watched a Random Episode of Person of interest and I liked it, but I just want to know is it episode by episode based series or story line?