Your very early wish list for Gran Turismo 8?

  • Thread starter GTxForza
Maybe, it just needs all the core decision makers and designers changed. Whoever it is that is making sure every Gran Turismo game practically the same as the last one, the reason why GT7 still shares fundamentals with GT1. There is nothing wrong with the car modelling so no point replacing those, track modellers probably as well, but even more could be outsourced.

A new team entirely or a big shake up, one of the two. One with a leader who isn't just OK with copy pasting License Tests. One who isn't OK with jumbled up car classes. One who doesn't think the catch the rabbit format and poor AI is fine. One who doesn't think three online races all week is sufficient. One who doesn't dictate content based on their own personal preferences. One who doesn't put a bunch of time and effort into a rigged roulette system. And so on.
Agreed. Especially with the license tests. I would like them to still exist personally but in a newer format. Maybe a type of CE with a follow an instructor type of format tied to a finish within x time(clean) of the coach for the various medals. Complete sections individually or for the experienced player skip to the full lap. Can still have the various licenses varied by class of car and paired with a track to highlight the necessary skills but removes the monotony of the current format.
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Agreed. Especially with the license tests. I would like them to still exist personally but in a newer format. Maybe a type of CE with a follow an instructor type of format tied to a finish within x time(clean) of the coach for the various medals. Complete sections individually or for the experienced player skip to the full lap. Can still have the various licenses varied by class of car and paired with a track to highlight the necessary skills but removes the monotony of the current format.
I've said it many times before but the license tests we have now bear no resemblance to real world racing license tests. You don't get a racing license in the real world because you can drive a Civic around 4 corners in under 42 seconds. But I know a lot of people do still enjoy trying to beat them, so I'd rename those to "track challenges" or something like that, move them to one side, and turn the License Tests into a proper racing school.

In the real world to get a beginner racing license it usually requires the following:

1. Watching training DVDs/reading books that teach you the basics of track driving - etiquette, flags etc
2. A Medical
3. Coached driver training on a track
4. Written test
5. Driving test

Most of which can be translated to a game, the medical is the only part not required. But step 1 can be done quite easily, GT already has the two etiquette videos, it needs to go a little bit further and more detailed.

2 skipped, but then 3 would be the core of the experience. There would be a virtual instructor who takes you on track days and teaches you the basics with live feedback. Not against a clock though, that's the important change. Racing instructors aren't looking for outright speed when you're learning, they're looking for consistency and clean driving, showing that you're a capable driver at speed and not a liability to yourself or others.

This is another area where the current tests go wrong. They don't tell you why you're missing the time, you just fudge something together yourself but you've no idea if it was the right method. Likewise, the talking heads telling you to "do a bit better next time" helps not at all.

I'd like to see a live AI instructor system that gives you real, helpful feedback live as you're driving.

"You braked too late there"
"You turned in too late/early"
"You need to be smoother on the steering wheel"

The game is recording all data all the time, it should be possible.

Written tests could be done in game but you'd have to be careful to limit it, you don't want a 30 minute test in a video game obviously. Maybe just ask 5 or so questions to make sure you understood the major rules.

Final part to acquire the license would be going out with an examiner. Again, not against the clock. Instead it's usually 3 laps where you simply need to be clean, and consistent. Job done, base license acquired.

Then racing licenses beyond your initial one would be earned passively, while you race. More experience and races that are clean, you qualify for higher licenses. Again, like the real world.

Honestly though, there are so many things that can evolve in this game, just needs the people willing to do it.
I want GT8 to be made with the help of another studio. Either that or have PD be greatly expanded but that will mean still more of the same. The game needs an injection of fresh ideas and be steered in a new direction.
After so much pre-launch expectation GT7 turned out to be a stinky wet fart in everyone’s faces, so unlike most other people here for GT8 I don’t want more this, more that. I want less, but much better focus.

Everything seems spread too thin in 7. It’s like they’re trying too hard to cover all bases, so nothing gets done really well. A handful of cars from each era or series or country, forced together into stupid categories.

No, it doesn’t work. GT8 needs to go back to what made it successful in the first place; a game with Japanese heart and soul* that focuses primarily on J-cars and J-tracks. Yes, include the top world circuits like Nurb and Monza and LM, and most of the great cars in the game now, but don’t add more. Just add loads and loads more Super GT (and JGTC and JTCC) cars from history, including the beautiful Lark F1. Add J-tracks used for SGT. Add point-to-point toge tracks modelled in the Japanese mountains. Add much, much, much more of the Tokyo Expressway, let it get very close to a beautiful, updated Tokyo Xtreme Racer with PD art and physics.

That’s a game I’d upgrade to PS5 for.

*A Japanese friend (who’s given up on 7) recently told me there’s a sense among a lot of Japanese players, or ex-players, that PD (and Sony) still have their aesthetic J-soul, but it’s now coupled with an overly businesslike American brain making too many wrong decisions. The more I think about it, the more I agree.
The game needs an injection of fresh ideas and be steered in a new direction.
This is the general reaction from many of the old fans like me, but then the question is, what direction is that? Is it a buffet of everything from drifting, touge and street racing to more traditional motorsportsy stuff but without the career, so you can jump around kind of like PCARS? Is it sort of like Sport? More like GT4?

My proposal was pretty much nailed down between the release of GT4 and 5, and has changed little since then. There haven't been many solidly spelled out wishes, but those that do sound like some variation of GT4 and 5 with a dash or so of Sport. So for me, the ideal-ish Gran Turismo will have those kinds of ingredients.
  • Lots of cars, and the usual Pokecar collection drive
  • Lots of locations and tracks, some classic fantasy locations, many real world
  • Arcade Mode for fun flings
  • GT Mode with the usual hodge podge of events, lots of events, and not too linear so you have some freedom to go where you want
  • A Career Mode / Sport mode which is based more or less on real world motorsports events with some season style structure, with various tiers
  • Online Mode, and taken seriously, with a system which is as good or better than some of the best, and with online events and leagues, including user league builder tools
  • Single Events such as the Daily Races and all that
  • Separate Drift, Touge, Karts, and the things I consider the wacky side of motorsports
  • Fun things off to the side like Missions, Challenges, etc
  • User content like Race and Tuner Mod, Livery Editor, extensive modding of sports cars as well as
  • A possible Online Shop where you can sell your tuned, modded and liveried cars, or cars you no longer want
  • Event Maker, as I described in my post
  • Course Maker with lots of tools
And tweak as you see fit. This might be the idea Gran Turismo template.
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Heh, was just going through my old Figma work and found the GT7 License Centre mockups I did years ago. Still pretty much exactly how I'd do it though. You earn the first license via learning and the evaluation, then all further licenses are earned via progress through the GT Mode. Experience, not wins.

file cover - 1.jpg

file cover - 2.jpg
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to be developed by someone other than kaz
It seems to me that Kaz has aged out of the industry, or at least this genre. Not to be taken as an ageist comment, though; I mean that he has lost touch with what the majority of players want. You can be a hundred years old and still have an idea of what people want.

He disguised this with "nostalgia" and, I don't know, maybe he is waiting for Sophy to pan out for GT8.

I think he took a risk with GT Sport and, unfortunately, it perhaps wasn't as big a hit as he and Sony would have liked it to have been but I respect it, regardless of what one might think of the execution.
I would very much like to see a levelled game. To think that one game should entertain and challenge everyone, from rookie to pro, is rather optimistic, I believe.

When starting the game for the first time, one could either be asked to choose a level, or be offered a test to determine ones level. From there on the whole game would be suited to your level. All races, lisences, missions etc. should, in theory, be doable and challenging. One should, naturally, be able to progress to a higher level.

Now, there will be problems. What if one simply chooses level 2 out of 12, makes loads of credits with no effort, and then proceeds to a higher, more suitable level? Should that not be allowed, or is that to be considered a choise the individual gamer makes? Is it a problem at all?

There will probably be people who will find it rather depressing to try online racing, after having been the hero in their own cocoon. Will they make a heap of fuzz? Start a revolution? Demand that online racing is also suited to their level?

Problems aside, I think a leveling could make sure that all of the content is fun for the player, and not just a portion of is. As it is today.

Why not bring Africa into the game? There are circuits there, and plenty locations for fictional circuits.

As an old dreamer, I will also have to mention Saabs. That would have been perfection!
Who do you suggest?
Sega AM3 or Studio Liverpool.

Actually, how about PD's next game not be a racing game at all? That's why I picked up Omega Boost, I wanted to see if PD was quality all around like Studio Liverpool, the original Activision team, etc. or if they're a one trick pony like Square.
When starting the game for the first time, one could either be asked to choose a level, or be offered a test to determine ones level. From there on the whole game would be suited to your level. All races, lisences, missions etc. should, in theory, be doable and challenging. One should, naturally, be able to progress to a higher level.

Now, there will be problems. What if one simply chooses level 2 out of 12, makes loads of credits with no effort, and then proceeds to a higher, more suitable level? Should that not be allowed, or is that to be considered a choise the individual gamer makes? Is it a problem at all?

There will probably be people who will find it rather depressing to try online racing, after having been the hero in their own cocoon. Will they make a heap of fuzz? Start a revolution? Demand that online racing is also suited to their level?
This should be how it is. PD have done the usual PD trick of half doing it in Gran Turismo 7, giving us the 3 chillies difficulties to choose from, but then the game itself is horribly balanced. The 3 chillies doesn't represent hard, it represents medium difficulty, and 5 represents hard, only you cannot choose 5 for all events and regardless of what you pick, some races have pre-set difficulties and others set to the difficulty you choose and that's Worl Events races, I can understand licenses and missions being tied to a specific difficulty but even they vary massivly from mission to mission even when they're rates equally as hard. It's all a bit chaotic.

As for your other point on possible problems, I don't see someone changing their level to make easy Cr as a problem. You either just let people play how they want to play of you have a variable that increase the Cr payout with the difficulty, encouranging people to choose the right difficulty for them. I'm more in favour of just lettnig people choose and play through as they wish to though.

As far as it affecting online, it doesn't seem to have had this issue in other games or in GT7 with the 3 difficulties players can already choose from. You'll always have glfs in class and ability online and this can only be rectified as best as possible through a robust matchmaking algorithm that ranks players well.
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I’m not sure how this is gonna go here, but whatever.

Have Kaz move aside and just run the senior management stuff of PD. Meanwhile someone else takes the director helm of the game. I credit Kaz for a lot of things, but I feel his time is probably up and should look to have new blood to take the reigns. It’s not like PD is devoid of talent, or can’t find talent.
One thing they could definitely add for Gran Turismo 8 (if an 8th instalment even occurs):

A Polyphony Digital Direct Communication Board/Forum!

Whether it’s a weekly survey or something where PD and players can communicate almost directly to each other but we all know that will never happen.

Gran Turismo 7 obviously hasn’t got anything like that as far as any of us can see…
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I only wish Kaz had walked in on the World Tour players, on that fateful day and seen the finalists Playing other racing games. He might have gotten the hint to combine all those games into the perfect GT.
I feel such an incident would happen, as often as he gets a black eye incurred in the course of a stampede of wild elephants in his house between 3:55 and 4:00 pm on the Fourth of July during a hailstorm.
Dear Gran Turismo players

I've heard Gran Turismo 7 has been receiving heaps of complaints, so this inspired me to create my very early wish list for this and here is what I would personally love to see are:
  • No more online DRM (If players hacked their save files, just ban them).
  • No more broken roulette
  • No more overpriced MTX (Polyphony Digital shouldn't listen to Jim Ryan's ideal of having high price MTX)
  • Improved AI
  • All races have to be double-file lineup and stick close together, not separated by several meters
  • Have an updated roster of playable cars and tracks
  • Having updated driving model for Simcade standards
    Having dual driving model (Simcade & Hardcore Sim for controller pad & wheel user respectively)
  • Having updated visual & performance damage
  • Improved penalty system
I’d rather them just fix some stuff in GT7 with updates than making me buy a new game guessing whether or not any of the fixes will actually be in GT8. Why would I want to earn 400 cars from scratch again?

My wishlist for GT7 not GT8 would be
  • a lot more tracks even if original tracks
  • more vintage sports cars and muscle cars
  • ability to gift and sell cars
  • customizable HUD including opacity adjustments and placement options
  • decals on rims to match barn find cars, as well as more vintage mags to choose from
  • thunderstorm weather during race option
  • easily shareable tunes and setting adjustments
  • better more equal payouts for any race, based on time invested
My one single wish is that 8 doesn't come out this decade :lol:
I share the same sentiment, but I don't know if it's for the same reasoning as you.

If PD started already with ideas to release GT8 in a "near" future, it would just be the same mistake as GT7, with probably a lot of the same problems.

The focus right now should be 100% on GT7, to keep on improving it and add more content to it. And over time, PD learns what will be good or bad for the next game.
At this point, just use GT7 as a beta for what GT8 can be, yeah, GT7 has come to this point for me. It's pretty much not possible at this point, realistically speaking, to make GT7 exciting at all or engaging for the more casual player base.
The campaign should've been there on Day 1, not months or even maybe years down the line. Who the hell gets excited to play 3 or 4 new races per month in the "campaign" mode? And who in the bloody hell is going to stick playing this game or any game for months or years down the line either? For the vast majority of games, not just GT7, only a near non-existing % will stick around for that long.

The biggest change that is most needed however, is for communication between the developers (PD) and the playerbase (us) to exist. If this stays the way it currently is, then GT8 will be much of a repeat of what GT7 was and currently is. PD currently does not give a crap of what the players keep voicing, which is why, updated after update, you have disappointment after disappointment. It reaches the point where glitches are the best part of the updates. This is laughable.

So to a point, I agree with @Samus . That a new studio or at least a fresher, more ambitious and consumer friendly staff take over the franchise.
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My wish list for GT8, a developer that listens to and communicates with their fan base.
Can you imagine I’d they simply made an account on here and read the threads? i wonder how they’d react to knowing a huge huge percentage of their customers are disgruntled lmfao. One can only hope they’d give it a try and see what people think of their game. I think most of the complaints don’t even have a lot to do with the driving, it’s everything else… mostly payouts.